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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Archen #66
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 9, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.15
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
66/101 (Noble Victories)
Today’s review is for one of the new
Pokémon. Doesn’t matter how good they
are, the elephant in the corner will
always be the horrible luck-based
mechanic for getting them into play.
Inevitably, that will affect the score
the card receives: Twist Mountain is
still a set (possibly two) away from
being released outside of Japan, and
obviously that will make things a whole
lot better for these Pokémon, but for
now we have to work with what we have.
is a Restored Pokémon, which is another
way of saying it’s a Stage 1 that is an
utter pain to get into play. And no,
thanks to the mechanic it can’t be
skipped with Rare Candy. Basically its
job is to hang in there for a turn while
you desperately try and get an
out, but how well is it equipped for
that role?
The answer is ‘not very well at all’.
For a start Archen
has only 80 HP, which means that
virtually any competitive deck has no
problems Catchering
it up and delivering a OHKO . . . which,
if they are at all worried about its
evolution, they will do. Now the obvious
answer to this would be to Trainer Lock
with Vileplume
UD, but then you couldn’t play the
Fossil Trainer if you set
Vileplume up
before Archen,
so this requires quite precise timing,
not to mention an awful lot of
resources, to get them both out in the
same turn.
As an attacker?
Forget it. Archen
has Rock Throw, which does 20 for a
single Fighting Energy, and Acrobatics
which costs two Energy of any Colour and
will do 20 plus 20 more for each heads
you get from two coin flips. Neither of
those is going to cause an opponent to
lose much sleep.
So, with Archen,
you basically have to a) count on luck
going your way to get it to the Bench
and b) pray that your opponent can’t
draw into a Pokémon Catcher on their
next turn. If all goes well with that,
then you get to use tomorrow’s card . .
Modified: 1.25 (a Stage 1 which does
little or nothing to help itself or its
Limited: 1.25 (really not worth the
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're going to
review one of the Revived Pokemon from Noble Victories.
Today's Card of the Day is Archen.
Archen is a Fighting-type Revived Pokemon. As a Revived
Pokemon, Archen can only be put into play with the
effect of its associated Item card, Plume Fossil. As
such, since it is more difficult to get into play, the
evolved forms are supposed to be more impressive than
their normal counterparts. Archen has 80 HP, which is
just about right for a Revived Pokemon, and should be
able to take a weak hit or two in both Modified and
Limited. Grass Weakness is fairly nice to have, as the
only really common Grass Pokemon right now are Virizion
and Shaymin-EX. Sadly, Archen has no Resistance, but it
does have a very manageable single Retreat Cost.
Archen has two attacks. Rock Throw does a vanilla 20
damage for a single Fighting Energy, which is good in
the early game and not really any other time. In
Limited, the attack is fairly decent for the cost, but
considering what you have to do in order to get Archen
out, it still may not be worth it. Acrobatics starts off
at 20 damage for two Colorless Energy, and allows you to
flip two coins, doing 20 more damage for each heads. The
attack can max out at 60 damage if you flip two heads,
but most of the time you'll be doing 40. Even still, if
you're able to get out an early Archen, this attack
could be fairly good. Otherwise, Archen should probably
sit on the Bench until it can evolve into Archeops.
Modified: 2.5/5 Archen is a fairly serviceable Revived
Pokemon, but you'll really only want to run it if you're
running Archeops. 80 HP is decent for a lower form, and
the attacks are well-costed, despite them being kind of
weak. Unfortunately, Archen also has another major
problem: Plume Fossil. Since Archen can only be put into
play with Plume Fossil's effect, you'll have to make
sure that you stock up on Plume Fossils and have a way
to make sure that Archen doesn't stay in your hand, as
Archens in hand are useless (for now). All in all, if
you're running Archeops, you'll definitely run it;
otherwise, you probably won't.
Limited: 2.75/5 Archen would be fairly good in Limited
with its decent HP and aggressively-costed attacks, but
the Plume Fossil effect brings it down once again. Of
course, if you're able to get out an Archeops you should
win most Limited matches by that alone, provided your
opponent doesn't have any strong Basics or was able to
set up more quickly than you.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Archen (Noble Victories)
Today we are looking at the other Restored Poke'mon from
the Noble Victories expansion, and as you can probably
guess it isn't going to be pretty.
Archen is a Restored Poke'mon, which in terms of
deckbuilding and play style makes it akin to a Stage 1
but as far as I can tell the current rulings will treat
any Archen in play as a Basic Poke'mon, so cards like
Skyarrow Bridge, Prism Energy and Eviolite will all work
their magic when attached to Archen. As far as any
Archen in the deck are concerned, the card doesn't
actually have 'Basic' printed anywhere on it so I'm
pretty sure that you can't search for Archen with
Poke'mon Collector or Dual Ball and I'm absolutely
certain that you can't play as your starting Active. I
must stress, I haven't found any actual rulings about
Restored Poke'mon yet so this is just my best guess at
how all of the different rules will come together and
you should keep your eyes peeled for a rulings release
in the near future.
Aisde from needing to be put into play by the effect of
Plume Fossil (which is a massive handicap), Archen has
decent stats for an evolving Basic and horrible stats
for a Stage 1. 80 HP is acceptable as is the Grass
Weakness (only the odd Virizion and Jumpluff will give
you trouble). The retreat cost of 1 won't be much of an
issue and the attacks are at least cheap. The problem
here isn't so much the stats themselves as the fact that
Archen will most likely come into play later than most
Poke'mon (again I say curse the new Fossil mechanic!) so
it won't have the luxury of being able to set up without
being dragged Active and smashed to smithereens.
Neither of the attacks is very impressive, respectively
being 20 damage for [f] or 20-60 damage (depending on
coin flips) for [c][c]. Solid enough for the first or
second turn, but there are so many more impressive
options. Plus Archen's evolution is a bench sitter at
heart (more on that tomorrow) so Archen shouldn't ever
be Active anyway.
Whether or nor Archen sees play will ultimately depend
on the playability of Archeops, but so far my crystal
ball is predicting obscurity and missed opportunities
for Archen.
Modified: 2 (the Restored Poke'mon Mechanic has taken
Fossil Poke'mon from terrible to utterly unusable even
in League decks. Hope is on the horizon with a new
stadium I've been hearing chatter about, but only time
will tell)
Limited: 2.5 (Archeops can prove a major pain to your
opponent here and Plume Fossil works better with the
smaller deck size, but Archen is still a handicap)
Combos with: a redesign for Fossil Poke'mon that keeps
the flavour while getting them past the Trainer Lock
that destroyed them last format as well as allowing them
to be more easily searched from the deck/played from the

Otaku |
Today we cover
Archen, who gave me headaches since
I wanted to find rulings about Restored
Pokémon (and a basic definition) and
didn’t have much luck.
Granted I didn’t have an
instruction booklet handy or a
cooperative enough computer to go try
and look it up on the website.
Oh well, I finally got the
information anyway.
is a Fighting-Type, which is useful
because we see Fighting as a common
Weakness, but we also see that Fighting
decks aren’t doing so well right now.
They lack the kind of Type (or
Energy Type) support that most of the
top decks have.
Even some of the previously good
Fighting decks have seen a decline
lately, though I am having trouble
verifying that isn’t just a matter of
where I am looking.
is unusual in that it is a “Restored”
Pokémon for its Stage.
Restored Pokémon are basically a
creative way of giving players a
headache… well that is how I feel about
It is an intriguing concept:
Restored Pokémon aren’t Basic Pokémon
but they aren’t Evolved Pokémon either –
they are simply Pokémon.
They also can only be played
through effect of the Item card they
specify, in this case
Plume Fossil.
Plume Fossil states you may reveal
the bottom seven cards of your deck, and
if you reveal an
Archen there, you may Bench it.
So I guess it is dead if it is in
your hand then, definitely not good.
After all that you get an Unevolved
Pokémon with 80 HP.
It is good that at least it is
bigger than many Evolving Basic Pokémon,
but given the effort to get this into
play I think a little more is deserved.
At least the Grass Weakness is
currently not a huge issue: much like
Donphan Prime, I don’t hear as much
Yanmega Prime anymore, though
Virizion will put the hurt on
No Resistance is lame, but a
single Energy Retreat is good – you
should be able to get it out of the
Active slot with only minor
So what does
Archen do?
It has two attacks.
For (F), Rock Throw does a flat
20 points of damage.
For (CC), Acrobatics will do 20
points of damage, plus it lets you flip
two coins for another 20 points of
damage per heads.
Rock Throw feels a little dinky –
it wouldn’t be bad for a true Basic
Pokémon but for what a player has to do
to get
Archen into play?
Since Acrobatics can use
Double Colorless Energy, it can
serve as the “speedy” attack, and indeed
since its minimum damage is the same as
that of Rock Throw, it makes Rock Throw
only selectively useful.
Rock Throw could have been
replaced with a useful Ability, or
Acrobatics could have been the “small”
attack and something a little pricier
the “big” attack.
For the effort that goes into getting
Archen in play, it isn’t a “good”
Fortunately it exists to Evolve
Archeops, which we will look at
tomorrow, so if you want to run
Archeops, you have reason to play
I will point out that the only
Archeops we have can’t make good use
Double Colorless Energy (only a
single Colorless Energy requirement on
its attack) so that makes it a poor
choice for fueling Acrobatics after all.
For Unlimited play, it again depends on
whether or not you want to use
Archeops, but between speed issues
(and the dominance of First Turn Win
decks) and Trainer denial, I doubt I’d
want to use
Archen or
Archeops here.
So what about Limited play?
Unless I am wrong about
Archen being dead in hand, it seems
like a poor pick.
Once in play it’d be alright, but
first you’ll need
Plume Fossil and then to
successfully use said
The Restored mechanic is an interesting
one, but unless it gets a lot more
support or the next
Archen is more powerful, it will be
a wasted one.
This little sort-of-birdie has
adequate attacks on top of so-so stats,
and that doesn’t cut it with the need to
play it through
Plume Fossil.
I am still chipping away at my various
collectibles and collections, and yes I
wish I could have used that line with
Oh well.
Feel free to click
here and check out what I have up
for bids, but remember that Pojo.com is
in no way responsible for the
transaction, merely kind enough to let
me link to them.