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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Vanilluxe #29
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 17, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.37
Limited: 3.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
29/101 (Noble Victories)
I know some people don’t like the Ice
Cream Pokémon, but they’re completely
and utterly wrong to do so. How can this
Double Scoop of genius not put a smile
on your face?
is a Stage 2 Pokémon with a standard 130
HP, a good Weakness (Cobalion
is the only Metal Type you will likely
see at tournaments), and a slightly
annoying Retreat cost, though retreating
Vanilluxe is
not likely to be part of your strategy:
he’s there to attack.
So, what does
Vanilluxe offer in the way of
attacks? Well the second one is the
least interesting, so we’ll deal with
that first. Frost Breath costs two Water
Energy and does a
vanilla(!) 60 damage. That’s
pretty average all round, though it can
be situationally
useful if you ever need the guaranteed
60. Most of the time though, you will be
focused on using
Vanilluxe’s other option.
Which is the infamous Double Freeze.
Reasonably priced at [W][C]
this attack makes you flip two coins and
do 40 damage for each heads. So far, so
meh, but
there’s more . . . if either of the
coins you flipped was heads, the
Defending Pokémon is now Paralysed.
That’s right, Double Freeze come with a
75% chance of inflicting the best Status
Condition in the game (no attacking or
Retreating for your opponent’s active
Pokémon, leaving
Vanilluxe invulnerable for a
turn, and more than making up for the
relatively low damage output). Play it
with Victory Star
Victini and the odds go up to a
massive 93.75 chance of Paralysis.
Combine it with a
Vileplume UD Trainer Lock and
your opponent can’t even use Switch to
get themselves out of trouble.
Ok, so it takes a bit of setting up (two
Stage 2s and a Basic), but the strategy
isn’t hard to pull off and has a lot of
great synergy (Vileplume
prevents Fliptini
from being
Catchered out, and makes
tough to OHKO by stopping
There are a couple of issues that the
deck has, apart from its lack of speed.
The first is what happens after
has KO’d the active. Now that the
opponent is no longer locked, they are
free to send up an attacker to return
the favour on
Vileplume helps against the likes
of the Unova
Dragons, but is little use against a
Magnezone, a
Cobalion, or
anything that can take it out in one
hit. Slow decks like
simply can’t afford to get involved in
any kind of Prize trade: they need to
tank in order to win. The second issue
is that of being at the mercy of the
coin flip. Yes 93.75% odds of success
are great, but they aren’t perfect. If
you attack 10+ times in a game, sooner
or later you will fail the flip. It
might not happen every game, it might
only occur once during a tournament, but
it can really hurt the deck (and your
chances of winning) when it does.
When we got the first images of
over the internet, my first thought was
‘wow, what an awesome looking Pokémon! I
hope we get a card that does it
justice’. Well, we very nearly did.
may not be quite top tier, but it’s
still a pretty competitive choice and
has even picked up one or two tournament
wins recently. Is it the very best thing
you can run right now?
Of course not.
But it’s more than decent, and a lot of
fun. After all, who doesn’t enjoy
massive scary Dragons with just two
scoops of ice cream?*
Modified: 3.25 (almost as cool as it
Limited: 3.75 (the whole
line is good here. Pull a
get this out,
and you will probably win)
is why you shouldn’t bother with the
silly gimmick version of the deck that
plays it with Mew Prime and Unfezant.
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
the evolution of yesterday's COTD, which also happens to
be my favorite Pokemon card in Noble Victories. Today's
Card of the Day is Vanilluxe.
Vanilluxe is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon. Vanilluxe sees
some play in Modified, but is largely overshadowed by
Kyurem as a Water-type presence; however, Feraligatr
Prime and Beartic EP will also occasionally see some
play. 130 HP is fairly average for a Stage 2, but this
should still allow Vanilluxe to at least take two hits,
which ends up being fairly important in the strategy
involved in its deck. Metal Weakness is a problem
against Cobalion and the uncommon Scizor Prime and
Steelix Prime. Vanilluxe also has no Resistance and an
average Retreat Cost of 2, which can be paid if
Vanilluxe has two attacks, Double Freeze and Frost
Breath. Double Freeze costs a Water and a Colorless, and
allows you to flip two coins, dealing 40 damage times
the number of heads, with the additional effect of
Paralyzing the opponent if EITHER flip is heads. This
comes out as a 75% chance of Paralysis, which can be
raised to 93.75% when paired up with Victory Star
Victini. Double Freeze is Vanilluxe's main reason to see
play, as when paired with Victory Star Victini and
Vileplume UD, your opponent will be the recipient of a
hard lock, unable to do much of anything. Unfortunately,
this attack's damage output is a bit low, but that's not
so much of a problem, given the reliable Paralysis rate.
Frost Breath deals a vanilla 60 damage for two Water
Energy, which is fairly well-costed but somewhat weak
for our metagame. Chances are you'll only be using this
attack when you're within its KO range, and otherwise
sticking to Frost Breath. Even still, it's not so
difficult to power up, and is quite efficient for
Modified: 3.5/5 Given the right tools and the right
build, Vanilluxe can be incredibly successful in
Modified. That being said, it has to have a deck built
around it to work effectively. Double Freeze will
frustrate many common hitters with Paralysis until they
are within Frost Breath's KO range, but there are some
things to consider. First of all, Vileplume UD is an
absolute must, in order to block your opponent's
Trainers, most notably Pokemon Catcher and Switch.
Second, while Vanilluxe can work without Victory Star
Victini, the inclusion of the Fire-type legend greatly
increases the deck's consistency. Finally, some people
have used Vanilluxe to great success in builds with Mew
Prime, Vileplume, Victini, and Unfezant BW. Those builds
can start Double Freezing sooner with Mew Prime, at the
cost of Vanilluxe's tanking potential. Not all is great
for Vanilluxe, however: Metal Weakness means that
Cobalion will cause huge problems for the double-faced
cone, and the rare Steelix Prime is a true counter.
While it doesn't attack for damage, the speed of Durant
can also pose problems for Vanilluxe decks if they can't
get their Vileplumes out fast enough. Additionally,
while Vanilluxe is very good at locking the opponent up,
its damage output can be a bit disappointing, especially
if your opponent manages to get a few Eviolites into
play. Overall, Vanilluxe is a very solid choice for
Modified, but it needs a deck built around it to tailor
to its strengths.
Limited: 4/5 Vanilluxe is an excellent Stage 2 to run in
Limited, and gets even better if you manage to pull a
Victory Star Victini as well. Double Freeze is a very
strong disruptor in this format, and can easily lock out
your opponent's heavy hitter much in the same way as it
can in Modified. Likewise, Frost Breath is an excellent
attack for the cost in Limited, and should be able to
carry its weight on its own. Overall, like many powerful
Stage 2s in Limited, if you get it out, you should be
able to win.
Combos With: Victory Star Victini, Vileplume UD