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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Elegym #55
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 30, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.58
Limited: 4.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
55/101 (Noble Victories)
Hello and welcome to a new week on
CotD. We
kick off the extraterrestrial Pokémon,
Apparently the name comes from the
acronym L.G.M. which stands for ‘Little
Green Men’. That’s pretty neat, and I
Do I approve of today’s card though?
Well, it’s an evolving Basic that has a
bit more going for it than most.
Not that I am especially impressed with
the very average 60 HP, or the Psychic
Typing (this isn’t an attacking
Pokémon). The Retreat cost of one is
fine I suppose: not too much of a pain
to pay, and with
Skyarrow Bridge Stadium confirmed
for Next Destinies, it shouldn’t be too
much of an issue. (In case you haven’t
seen it yet,
Skyarrow Bridge reduces the
Retreat cost for all Basic Pokémon by
I said that Elgyem
wasn’t an attacking Pokémon, and when
you see its only offensive attack,
you’ll know why.
Headbutt is one of those generic
moves they give to cards when they can’t
think of anything better to do with
them, or they want to balance them out
with something a bit rubbish. In this
case, it costs [P][C]
and does 20 damage.
Luckily a bit more imagination was shown
with First Contact, the alien-themed
first attack. Don’t be fooled by the
appropriate name, this is basically a
version of the familiar Call for Family
(CFF): in this case it costs
just one Energy
of any Colour,
andallows you to search your deck
for two Basic Pokémon and put them on
your Bench. Worth
playing as a set up card? Eh . .
. probably not right now. After all, we
do have Pokémon Collector for all your
Basics needs. If Collector rotates
without a similar replacement though, or
there is some kind of format shift I
can’t predict, then attacks like this
can become very useful. After all, they
have seen some play in the past
(remember Pachirisu
If Elgyem’s
evolution ever gives us a reason to play
it, then this card will also be an
excellent Basic to run. Until that
happens, or CFF becomes a great opening
play, I don’t expect to see anything of
Elgyem in
tournament deck . . . but it’s good to
know that cards like this are in
rotation, should they ever be needed.
Modified: 2 (Not much use right now, but
has potential)
Limited: 4.25 (CFF is boss in limited.
Elgyem is
easy to pull and leads to great starts)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that all of you
had great weekends, and that if you went to a Next
Destinies prerelease this weekend, that you pulled well.
We're still reviewing Noble Victories cards this week,
but we'll probably start with the newer stuff soon. For
now, we'll kick off the week with a Psychic-type that
works very well in Limited. Today's Card of the Day is
Elgyem is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. Psychics aren't so
common in today's Modified, with only Mew Prime and
Gothitelle seeing any real play, however Mewtwo is
quickly approaching the format. 60 HP is fairly average
for an evolving Basic, and Elgyem should be able to take
a hit or two before going down. Psychic Weakness will be
a problem against the aforementioned threats, no
Resistance is unfortunate, and a single Retreat Cost is
easily paid.
Elgyem has two attacks. First Contact allows you to
search your deck for two Basics, show them to your
opponent, and put them onto your Bench, shuffling your
deck afterward for a single Colorless Energy. First
Contact is an amazing attack in Limited due to its
flexible cost, setup potential, and deck-thinning
ability, though in Modified, you're probably better off
using Pichu if you're looking for this type of effect.
Headbutt, Elgyem's second attack, deals a vanilla 20
damage for a Psychic and a Colorless. Most of the time
you'll probably stick to First Contact regardless of
format, but it can be decent in Limited if you have no
other options.
Modified: 2.25/5 First Contact has a bit of promise for
Elgyem in this format, although the attack is largely
overshadowed by Pichu's Playground. Additionally,
Beheeyem isn't that impressive and Elgyem has little
offensive value, meaning that while solid, Elgyem
probably won't see much play.
Limited: 5/5 Elgyem is a fantastic setup Pokemon in
Limited, regardless of whatever type of deck you are
playing. First Contact's Colorless Energy requirements
give a consistent deck-thinning attack that often acts
like a Pokemon Collector in this format, allowing you to
set up your Bench while thinning the deck so you can
draw into Evolutions or other Trainers and Supporters.
Headbutt can even get in some decent damage as well if
you decide to run Psychic Energy. Overall, Elgyem is a
fantastic setup Pokemon in the Limited format, and
should be considered for most (if not all) decks that
you'll consider to run in Noble Victories Limited.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Elgyem 55/101 (Noble Victories)
Welcome to a new week here at Pojo, which we start with
one of the most powerful of the evolving Basics in the
set. I think this card could become the go-to starter in
any Psychic build if we get a Beheeyem worth using, so
keep any copies aside for future use!
Elgyem is a Psychic type evolving Basic with 60 HP,
Psychic Weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and two attacks,
which is pretty much standard fare for any evolving
Basic. More HP would be nice (70 seems to be the new
standard for healthy evolving Basics) but nothing about
the stats jumps out as being difficult to live with.
Just avoid any Psychic techs and Elgyem should last long
enough to use its first attack, which is all that is
required at this point.
Since Elgyem is easy prey for all of the Legendaries
running around, you can probably guess that I'm not
interested in the colourful blob for its damage
potential. So Headbutt, the vanilla second attack, is
nigh on useless at a cost of [p][c] and will almost
never be used.
The amusingly named First Contact is a different story.
Playing on Elgyem's resemblance to the alien stereotype
known as 'greys', the dent headed little monster asks
for a single energy and in return allows you to grab up
to 2 Basics from your deck to play them on to your
Bench. This is useful for a number of reasons, chief
amoung them being that you can evolve the chosen
Poke'mon on your next turn (great for a first turn play)
and that you now have some redundancy on your Poke'mon
Collectors, for builds where having the right Basic from
the start is critical (I'm thinking Six Corners and
Chandelure builds for a start).
However, Elgyem is not without significant competition.
Pichu HGSS makes for a powerful Bench-filler when
combined with Twins (although that is no longer a very
popular approach due to the drop in Jumpluff's
playability) and Girafarig UL can do the same job as
Elgyem with the added bonus of having 70 HP instead of
60. Then there are the massive number of well supported
Legendaries out there that do a fine job setting up by
simply being huge (Outrage or Double Draw, anyone?).
Between Poke'mon Collector and the Dual Ball/Junk Arm
combo, attacking to grab Basic Poke'mon is the inferior
option you use when you get an unlucky starting hand.
Until a Beheeyem card proves itself in the tournament
arena, or the rotation next September removes all of the
other starters (and Poke'mon Collector) from the card
pool, Elgyem NV will sit on the sidelines as a rarely
used starter, although I am keeping a set aside just the
same. Besides, it's a good card for teaching newbies and
in Limited it is solid gold.
Modified: 3.25 (right now Elgyem isn't going to make a
splash but it is definitely worth keeping in mind when
the card pool changes, especially with Mewtwo Ex
arriving soon!)
Limited: 5 (there aren't any other Poke'mon search
options in the set that I can think of so every Elgyem
is a precious gem for starting your game the right way)
Combos with: a Beheeyem that complements Chandelure and
Mewtwo Ex so you can justify including it, or failing
that just wait until Poke'mon Collector bites the dust
and there aren't any other better options for 'Call for
Family' attacks.