Beheeyem (Noble Victories)
Today's contestant is the evolution of yesterday's
card and looks far more serious than Elgyem. I'm still
waiting to hear Beheeyem break character for a moment
and scream "Probe this!"
joking aside, Beheeyem is almost a (slightly boosted)
clone of Elgyem, which is probably ringing alarm bells
for all of you. And with only 80 HP, there's good reason
to be sceptical.
Although the Psychic type has a lot of support
options (Reuniclus BW, Mismagius UL, Metagross UL and
more to come) and is touted to become as dominant again
as it was back in 2008, I doubt that will help Beheeyem
in any significant way, and indeed may be a further
problem when it comes to the Weakness. At least the
retreat cost is low, which means the entire Elgyem/Beheeyem
line can be powered by a single energy.
Beheeyem's one saving grace is the first attack,
Synchronise. For a single [p] energy, you deal 20 damage
to the Active Poke'mon and then deal 20 damage to each
Benched Poke'mon that shares a type with the Defending
Poke'mon (don't apply Weakness and Resistance, yadda
yadda). This spread damage supports the spread theme of
the recently imagined Chandelure Swarm archetype (and
I'd rather let a Beheeyem take a hit than risk a
Chandelure), which gives you a good excuse to run Elgyem
for setting up your Bench.
Unfortunately, there is a promo Litwick that has its
own Call for Family variant which makes Elgyem
completely redundant and Synchronise isn't powerful
enough on it's own to justify the deck space. The only
oother spread/snipe archetypes I can think of are Rain
Dance decks built around Kyurem (which has no need of
either Elgyem or Beheeyem due to the proliferation of
Call for Family attacks on Water type Basics and better
spread damage) and the occasional Tyranitar Prime/Mandibuzz
build (again, there are better options that are in the
same type). Worst of all, between the fact that many
decks run multiple types and almost all of them run the
dreaded Eviolite to absorb damage, you will often find
that Beheeyem won't deal any damage at all. So what
looks worth tryoing on paper won't work out in practice.
Psyshot is the same cost as Headbutt from yesterday's
card, and deals twice as much damage. Since that means
only 40 damage in total, it also suffers from all of the
same problems as Headbutt and will only get used if you
are playing a prerelease and don't have anything better
to promote.
To end my rambling, Beheeyem is has an intriguing
design as a Poke'mon but falls flat as a card. The only
pros are Elgyem's First Contact attack, the cheap energy
cost of the evolution line (one [p] energy will allow
you to retreat and use the better attacks of both
Poke'mon) and the slight support Sychronise gives to a
spread theme. Against that huge column of cons (which
can be summed up as Beheeyem being weak and
ineffective), that isn't nearly enough.
Modified: 2.5 (I want to like Beheeyem so that Elgyem
can shine, but this version is way too easy to counter
and obliterate)
Limited: 3.5 (you will defintely be running any
Elgyem you pull, so if you can justify the inclusion of
[p]energy then you may as well throw it in. But with
several large Legendary Poke'mon and Eviolite in the
same set you are still going to suffer from lack of
damage output)
Combos with: the binder is the only home for this
Beheeyem, as both the HP and the damage output of
Synchronise are too low even for the Modified formats of
previous years.