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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Krokorok #65
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
July 23, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.25
Limited: 1.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dark Explorers)
Hello and welcome
to another week of Dark Explorers
reviews here on
Pojo. We’ve still got quite a few
cards from the set to get through, so
let’s hope we can unearth some gems.
We kick off the
week with Krokorok.
An evolving Stage 1 with 90 HP (not
great, but average, I suppose), Fighting
Weakness (not nice) Psychic Resistance
(marginally useful, I guess), and a
Retreat cost of three (hey, at least you
can search out
Krokorok with
Heany Ball
and Level Ball!). The best thing you
can say about
Krokorok is that it is a Dark
Type, so it can accelerate Energy with
Dark Patch, and boost its damage output
with Dark Claw. It’s also very easy to
run with Darkrai-EX
which will give it free Retreat via Dark
Both of
attacks are vanilla and effect-free.
What’s worse is that the damage/cost
ratio is pretty poor. Mud-Slap offers
just 30 damage for a Double Colourless
Energy, while Corkscrew Punch delivers
70 for the extortionate Price of [D][D][C][C].
These are not attacks you will ever want
to use unless you are in a situation
where your deck is failing to set up and
you have nothing better.
If you are playing
either of the Fighting Type
you will want to stick with
BLW: not only is it the same Type, but
it also has better attacks. If you are
using the Dark
Krookodile from DEX, though, you
will probably prefer this one, simply
because its Energy needs are compatible.
Even so, Krokorok
DEX most definitely falls into the
category of Stage 1s whose only function
is to help get the Stage 2 out. It
really doesn’t offer anything else.
Modified: 1.5 (just
a very dull means to an end)
Limited: 1.75 (not
much to offer here either – the attacks
are still badly
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Krokorok is a Stage 1 Dark Pokemon with 90 HP, weakness
to Fighting, Resistance to Psychic, and 3 retreat cost.
Stat-wise he is good because it is searchable by Level
Ball and Heavy Ball. Psychic resistance is good
against Mewtwo EX, but it's nothing 1 more energy can't
get around.
'Mud Slap' does 30 damage for and 2 energy. A DCE
makes this attack usable in 1 turn. Other than
that, it's just plain. 30 damage isn't much
compared to all the other attacks. In fact, Mewtwo
EX does 40 minimum with a DCE... run Mewtwo EX before
this (just my opinion).
'Corkscrew Punch' does 70 damage for 2 Dark and any 2
other energy.
Another plain attack. This is definately not worth
4 energy...
I don't like this card. It does 'solid' damage,
but there are no other effects. So many other
Pokemon have better attacks that this falls way below
them. I guess if you run the evolution line in
your deck, getting this can be done easily, so you can
max out Level and Heavy Balls to find all your pieces.
Glancing at its evolution, the evolution is better than
this (thankfully). But even then, there is not
much redeemable about this Pokemon and its evolution
line. I doubt this will be played competitively,
unless the Stage 2 is wonderful (I don't think it is
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 2/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Krokorok (Dark Explorers)
Greetings and salutations to all of you readers out
there! It's a glorious Monday and after going so long
without writing, it feels awesome to be back!
Krokorok is one of the more entertaining Gen V
Poke'mon, being a natural partner for the various grunts
of Team Plasma and generally acting like a hipster
(crossed arms, shades and a constant look of smug
self-satisfaction) which makes N look like even more of
Help me out here, what's an appropriate G-rated word
to describe that mouthy, green-haired twit?
Moving on, Krokorok does serve a practical purpose in
both the VG and TCG version of Poke'mon, being that
lovely mixture of Dark/Ground which gives two excellent
immunities and hits a lot of important Weaknesses in the
video game while also making a third appearance in the
TCG with yet another above-average card for the
Krookodile fans out there!
Since Krookorok is an evolving Stage 1, it needs one
of two things to make it playable: an effective
Evolution that it can support in some way, or an awesome
Ability. Dark Dragonair and Eelektrik NV are the only
evolving Stage 1's that I can think of which fit in the
latter category, so Krokorok is betting on the former.
There is a half decent Krookodile from B&W that could
see a resurgence when Evolutions get a little wriggle
room after we lose Poke'mon Collector post-rotation, but
after gazing into my crystal ball I predict that a
Krookodile deck won't get past the
kitchen-table/fun-League-deck level of play.
Still, there is always the chance of a future release
that could call for a useful Krokorok and Limited is
usually dominated by Stage 1 Poke'mon, so it's on to the
Krokorok DEX is a Dark type which has 90 HP, Fighting
Weakness, Psychic Resistance and a retreat cost of 3.
That cursory glance tells me that Krokorok is a legal
Heavy Ball and Level Ball target that will probably
survive an early-game hit from an oppenent opening with
a Mewtwo EX, but all of the other 130-HP-and-up Basics
will swiftly turn it into a pair of shoes and matching
handbag. With that fat reatreat cost it is also an
attractive target for an opponent holding a Poke'mon
Catcher and looking to stall for a turn, although
Darkrai EX can reduce that particular liability to nil.
So far, the only edge this card has is being a Dark
type with the chance to tap the current type-specific
support that affords. The attacks don't build on that
edge sadly, being a pair of vanilla fillers that don't
do anything to improve Krokorok's odds of surviving to
Mud Slap costs [c][c] and deals 30 damage, which
barely tickles anything in today's environment even with
a boost from Dark Claw. Still, it's DCE compatible and
splashable in Limited so it could be worse.
Corkscrew Punch costs [d][d][c][c] for 70 damage,
which scores points for Limited since it can 2HKO most
of the other cards in the set, but it costs far too much
to be practical in Modified. Connecting 4 energy to a 90
HP Poke'mon in a format containing Poke'mon Catcher is
effectively getting on your knees and begging your
opponent to sucker punch you!
But how does the marginal Dark-type edge compare to
the other available Krokorok? Not favourably.
The most proven of the three Krookodile cards is the
Fighting type from B&W, which is a problem right there,
although the attacks of that Krookodile are DCE
compatible at least. The clincher though is that the
Fighting type Krokorok BW has a cheaper,
Colourless-costed version of the vaunted Torment attack
the Krookodile BW uses to lock out the opponent, which
fits better into the archetype and also helps keep it
alive long enough to evolve.
The same story applies to the Emerging Powers
Krookodile line, with both Krokorok EP and Krookodile EP
having a focus on energy removal that makes this
Krokorok redundant, at least as far as the Fighting type
half of the family is concerned.
At the end, this Krokorok loses out to it's BW cousin
just on the strength of the cheap 1 energy Torment
attack. Maybe if Krookodile DEX turns out to be a
diamond in the rough then being a Dark type will help
this card see some play, but I see a dark future in the
extras tin for this card.
Modified: 2 (Krookodile Lock is nowhere near being a
top contender and this Krokorok is the wrong fit anyway
so stick to the Torment/Lightning resistant BW version)
Limited: 3.5 (Dark types rule this set and while the
energy cost is steep, having an evolving Stage 1 that
can hold down the fort with 2HKO's while waiting to draw
Krookodile is worth having. I'd even consider running
this card without Krookodile if I had enough Dark cards
and/or multiple Krokorok for consistency)
Combos with: Krookodile DEX, provided tomorrow's
review is in its favour...

Otaku |
Are you ready to
*crickets chirping*
is a Stage 1 Pokémon, preceded by
Sandile and succeeded by
As I sadly came to finally
realize, a generic “Evolution
acceleration” card like
Rare Candy is going to supercede
using transitional forms like
Krookodile (is that why they are so
rare in the fossil record?).
If Stage 2 cards are worth
playing, even if a Stage 1 form
compliments said Stage 2, it is usually
more effective to skip.
You risk Stage 1 forms like
Eelektrik (BW: Noble Victories
40/101) that end up being better than
their final form in trying to make a
Stage 1 compete against
Rare Candy.
In short, this means
Krokorok is already almost
guaranteed to be passed over.
Krokorok is a Darkness-Type, and the
only version of
Krokorok not to be a Fighting-Type.
The trade off is hitting a common
weakness for access to Darkness-Type
support, some of which you could tap by
Sandile (BW: Dark Explorers
64/108) instead of one of the
Fighting-Type versions.
Its 90 HP is an easy OHKO for the
biggest attackers and a probable OHKO
from average attackers, though sadly
card design has often given such Stage 1
Pokémon even less HP, so we may have to
take what we can get… or just use
Rare Candy.
Fighting Weakness is a real risk right
now, though with just 90 HP this is
mostly saving a
PlusPower or allowing a supporting
attack to suffice.
Krokorok does sport a nice Psychic
Resistance, which for practical intents
and purposes right now, (and likely for
the immediate future) is all about
Mewtwo EX (BW: Destinies
54/99, 98/99) needing one more Energy
for X-Ball to score a OHKO; it takes six
total Energy between the two.
This brings us to the final Stat,
the Retreat Cost; three is junky and
painful to pay, so pack a few things to
aid in Retreating.
Darkrai EX (BW: Dark Explorers
63/108, 107/108) is the obvious
solution, though a Trainer or two might
be good insurance.
Being so easy to deal with makes
this bad stat good:
Krokorok becomes a legal target for
Heavy Ball.
has two attacks; Mudslap for (CC) and
Corkscrew Punch for (DDCC).
The former does 30 points of
damage; a bit weak for a Stage 2 but
functional if you just need a quick hit.
Hitting for 40 would have been
better; besides the obvious that would
be enough to OHKO a
Tynamo other than BW: Noble
Victories 39/101 without help.
Corkscrew Punch is almost pure
The only upside is that it
doesn’t require pure Darkness Energy,
since at four Energy it would be
massively overpriced. That is a bit of
an understatement since even on a
non-fully Evolved Pokémon, for four
Energy you need to be hitting for 90
points of damage, and this only delivers
90 wouldn’t even be good, just
“acceptable” for what has now been
revealed as a “filler” Stage 1 Pokémon.
I can’t even credit both attacks
for being able to use most off-type
Energy acceleration: Corkscrew Punch
would really only be worth it if the
attack required less Energy!
If you’re using
Krokorok, it means you want to use
We are covering the new version (BW:
Dark Explorers 66/108) tomorrow; it
isn’t enhanced by using this
Krokorok, so don’t count on it.
What about the other two
Both were previously reviewed.
Black & White 65/114 is at
best as good as I originally perceived
it to be; the “whys” have changed as the
main thing is it Fighting Weakness is
common on some very popular Pokémon and
Lightning Resistance is handy as well.
Its HP is less impressive now and
since its best trick, using Torment
(which only requires (CC)) to strike for
30 damage but also block your choice of
the Defending Pokémon’s attack, is less
effective in a format where so many
Pokémon have a zeroed out Retreat Cost
thanks to
Darkrai EX.
Spoiler alert: the upcoming
Garbodor can shut off Abilities, and
that is probably the only real hope for
End Spoiler.
The other
Krookodile (BW: Emerging Powers
62/98) is pretty much a waste as far as
I can tell; it has an Ability that would
be like an improved
Crushing Hammer (as it can hit both
basic and Special Energy) except it only
while Active and
against the opponent’s Active
Still, I could see someone at
least making a fun deck around the
Krookodile, so what do the other
Krokorok offer?
Black &White 64/114 has
Lightning Resistance and a weaker,
single Energy requiring version of
Torment (and a decent brute force
attack). BW: Emerging Powers
61/98 has a filler small attack, though
solid big attack that has a chance at
discarding Energy from the Defending
Both have 90 HP, Water Weakness
and only two Energy Retreat Costs
(meaning no targeting with
Heavy Ball).
Unless I really need to tap
Darkness-Type support or am relying on
Heavy Ball, I would go with Black
&White 63/114; a well timed Torment
is both fun and effective.
There are four choices for
Sandile: Black &White 63/114,
BW: Emerging Powers 60/98,
McDonald’s 2011 8/12, and BW:
Dark Explorers 64/108.
All versions have 70 HP and two
Energy Retreat Costs.
Every version other than BW:
Dark Explorers 64/108 is a Fighting
Type with Water Weakness.
BW: Dark Explorers 64/108
enjoys Psychic Resistance and Black &
White 63/114 enjoys Lightning
Those two also have the best
attacks, but in the end BW: Dark
Explorers 64/108 allows you to tap
cards like
Dark Patch for much needed Energy
acceleration; well, perhaps less “much
needed” and more “it couldn’t hurt”… and
that means all today’s card really
offers is being a legal target for
Heavy Ball.
So HS-On isn’t a good place for it.
BW-On seems a little friendlier
to Stage 2 Pokémon but again, only if
you’re really relying on
Heavy Ball (possibly to the
exclusion of
Ultra Ball).
Unlimited isn’t a good place for
Krookodile, but if you insisted on
Krookodile then it is the same
In Limited this
Krokorok finally becomes alright.
You have the normal caveats like
“lower average HP” and “lower average
damage output”, plus now the
“splashable” nature of the card allows
you to use it (though not optimally)
completely off Type.
This is also the set that has
Dark Patch,
Dark Claw, and
Darkrai EX.
Krokorok, and
Krookodile all still make me crave
Cookie Crisp cereal.
As for the card, it’s pretty much
filler that might have use in a deck
(that probably isn’t for the tournament
scene) only due to being a legal target
Heavy Ball.
At least while being filler, it
is functional filler; attacks are weak
but could realistically be powered up in
a timely manner.