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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Bisharp #72
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
July 27, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#72 (Dark Explorers)
is one of the more controversial designs from Generation
V. He seems to me like a cross between
Gallade and a Power Ranger.
Could be worse though: if this were
Yu-Gi-Oh, we would no doubt
have a Pokémon for every single piece on the chessboard.
Like all the Pokémon we have
reviewed this week, Bisharp
is a Dark Type, so he is well supported by cards like
Dark Patch and Dark Claw. He’s going to need all the
help he can get, really, as he is a low HP Stage 1 with
Fighting Weakness. Not a good thing to be at the moment
and it means that Bisharp
will need some brilliant attacks to be playable at all.
Bisharp’s first attack, is a long way from being
brilliant. One Dark and one Colourless Energy will get
you 30 points of effect-free damage. That’s certainly
not worth the Energy, or the effort of evolving him.
Unfortunately, Fury Cutter isn’t much better. For one
Dark and two Colourless, you
get the same base damage of 30, but you also get three
coin flips to try and improve on that. Flipping for
extra damage is not desirable in the first place, and
Fury Cutter doesn’t even offer much of a boost, even for
above average luck. With one heads you do 40 (which is
poor), two gets you 60 (still below par), and even with
a perfect run of three (unlikely, even with Victory Star
Victini) you are still only
getting 90 damage for three Energy, which is barely
better than mediocre these days.
So, what you get with
Bisharp is an easily-KO’d
Pokémon with underpowered, flippy
attacks. I don’t think any advice is needed here.
Modified: 1.25 (looking for a Dark
Pokémon to play? Look elsewhere)
Limited: 2 (not even really good
enough to play at a prerelease)
This will be my last week of
reviews for a little while, as I am taking some time off
to go to the World Championships in Hawaii. I’d like to
take this opportunity to wish all my fellow competitors
good luck and hope that everyone has a brilliant time!
See you in a few weeks
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we're ending our
COTD Week by reviewing a Darkness-type Stage 1 from Dark
Explorers. Today's Card of the Day is Bisharp.
Bisharp is a Stage 1 Darkness Pokemon. As we've been
talking about all week, Darkness types have great
support, and since Bisharp shares the typing, it can
make use of it. 90 HP is average for a Stage 1, and is a
little lower than what we'd want in Modified, though
it's not terrible in Limited. Like many other
Darkness-types, Bisharp has a Fighting Weakness which is
bad against Terrakion, Psychic Resistance is good
against Mewtwo and friends, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is
fairly priced, so you can pay it if you feel the great
Bisharp has two attacks. Slash does a vanilla 30 damage
for a Darkness and a Colorless, which is wholly
unimpressive in Modified, but can be used in Limited to
deal decent, consistent damage. It is worth noting,
however, that this damage output is still even pretty
low for Limited. Fury Cutter is a something non-orthodox
flip attack, which starts off at 30 damage and does more
damage for each heads you get: +10 for one head, +30 for
two heads, and +60 for three heads, all for a Darkness
and two Colorless. While the attack is interesting (and
tries to capture how Fury Cutter works in the video
games), it won't be very useful in Modified due to its
unreliable nature and somewhat weak damage output (While
90 damage for three is acceptable, 60 or 40 for the same
amount is not). In contrast, this attack works pretty
well in Limited, given the slower nature of the format.
That being said, Bisharp probably won't be a main
attacker in your Limited deck (unless you pull multiples
of them), but instead will work as a nice secondary
attacker in a deck focused around something stronger,
such as Darkrai-EX or Zoroark.
Modified: 1/5 Bisharp is terribly outclassed by Darkrai
here, so you should probably just use Darkrai when given
the chance. On its own, Slash doesn't do enough damage,
and Fury Cutter is too unreliable to be of much good.
Pass on this one for your Modified lists.
Limited: 3/5 Bisharp is playable in Limited, but not
amazing. Both attacks are certainly usable for friendly
Energy requirements, as Slash deals cheap damage and
Fury Cutter has the possibility of dealing 90, which is
fairly good for Limited. Also, given its typing, Bisharp
can take advantage of all of the new Darkness support as
well. While Bisharp won't be blowing anyone away, it can
still be a decent threat if not checked.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Bisharp #72 (Dark Explorers)
Just a short review today, I'm all out of prose after
getting excited over Zorua yesterday. Today we have a
printing of the popular new Dark/Metal hybrid, Bisharp.
Sadly, I don't get to prattle on like usual because
there is almost nothing to say about this guy. Average
and underwhelming HP, a Weakness that Entei will love,
Resistance that Mewtwo honestly won't care about and a
retreat cost both too high for convenience and too low
for Heavy Ball make Bisharp extremely unattractive. It
can coast by on being a Dark Poke'mon either, as history
has long shown us that even the best support will only
be used to power the shining examples of each type who
are already worth the trouble.
The attacks are pure filler as well. Paying [d][c] will
get you Slash, just an unimpressive 30 damage. Fury
cutter is no better, costing [d][c][c] for 30 damage and
three coin flips. Add 10 damage for one heads, 30 damage
for two and 60 damage if you manage to win all three
flips. A mere 90 damage shouldn't have you racing off to
build a deck around Bisharp and Victini, so just power
this card through at the prerelease and then forget
about it.
Modified: 1.5 (neither useful nor entertaining, Bisharp
is doomed to obscurity)
Limited: 3 (solid filler to pad out your Dark deck, but
you'll want to ignore Bisharp completely if you have
stronger cards in other types to work with as it makes a
lousy off-type splash)
Combos with: the certain knowledge that this card will
never see play even around the kitchen table
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Bisharp is a Stage 1 Dark Pokemon with 90 HP. It
has a Fighting weakness, Psychic resistance, and a 1
retreat cost. It is searchable by Level Ball.
Sadly that is not that great, since it's Stage 1 with
90 HP, it has a higher chance of being OHKOed.
'Slash' does 30 damage for a cost of 1 Dark and 1
Colorless energy.
It is meh... I would expect it to either do more or have
some sort of effect (seeing as how I went through the
effort of evolving into it).
'Fury Cutter' costs 1 Dark and 2 Colorless energy.
A DCE speeds this guy up. And this is a coin
flipping attack... however, it is one that I like.
On a side note, I hate attacks that involve only 1 flip
and its all or nothing. I like ones that involve 1
coin flip and an effect happens whether you get heads or
tails. I get more enjoyment from attacks that
involve multiple flips. Attacks that flip until
you get tails... I like them if you don't have the
chance of doing 0 damage on the first flip. For
example, Chansey's 'Continuous Tumble', if you flip
tails first, it does nothing. I just wasted my
On the other hand, Conkeldurr's 'Top Down' does an
automatic 80 damage, and you flip for the discarding
effect (so a first flip of tails doesn't waste your
attack). Back to this attack, 1 heads is 40
damage, 2 heads is 60 damage, and 3 heads is 90 damage.
While you can flip 3 tails and do 0 damage, I still
enjoy this attack because the chances are very low of
doing that (and if it does happen, then luck isn't on my
My opinion on coin flipping is horribly biased, but I
don't care, it's how I feel about them.
So I'm not a big fan of this card. It can easily
be OHKOed and its damage output is not worth it (even
though the coin flipping is suspenseful). You are
looking at flipping 1 or 2 heads most of the time, and
40-60 damage barely puts a dent in some things (it just
makes Zekrom/Reshiram/Kyurem angrier). Though in a
game for fun, I’d enjoy using its second attack.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 3/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
jebulousthemighty@yahoo.com |