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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Klang #76
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
July 30, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.33
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We're doing more Dark
Explorers reviews this week, but we'll definitely be
reviewing the new cards in Dragons Exalted really soon!
In the meantime, we're reviewing some Metal-types and
Colorless Pokemon this week. We'll kick things off by
reviewing Klang.
Klang is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon. Metal Pokemon are
somewhat rare in Modified these days, although Klinklang
has made an appearance in a top deck when paired with
Darkrai-EX and Prism/Rainbow Energy. As Klinklang's
lower form, Klang would most likely see play in that
deck. 80 HP is decent for an evolving Stage 1, but not
great, as many high-powered attacks will still take out
this Gear Pokemon in a single hit. Fire Weakness isn't
as bad as it used to be, considering Reshiram and
Reshiram-EX rarely see play these days. You'll have to
watch out for Fire-types in Limited, though. Psychic
Resistance is great against the likes of Pokemon like
Mewtwo-EX, although Mewtwo will still only need one
extra Energy in order to make up the damage. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 3 is terrible but unexpected. At any
rate, you'll want to use Switch to get Klang out of the
Active Position.
Klang has two attacks. Charge Beam deals a decent 20 for
two Colorless Energy, and can also add an Energy to
Klang from your discard pile on a coin flip. While 20
damage for two Energy is absolutely nothing special, the
free Energy acceleration can be good in the early game
if you manage to get some Energy into the discard pile
early on, or even later in the game in Limited, as well.
Vice Grip deals a vanilla 50 damage for a Metal and two
Colorless, which is unimpressive. It is consistent
damage for Limited, however, which can be fairly decent
Modified: 3.5/5 This is purely in the context of a deck
involving Klinklang. While nothing special, Klang's 80
HP matches the HP scores of all of its other forms, as
well has having identical bottom stats. What sets this
Klinklang apart is Charge Beam, which allows for Energy
acceleration, which is always great. However, since most
of the time you won't be attacking with Klang in
Modified unless you're in big trouble, the choice is
largely a matter of personal preference.
Limited: 3.75/5 Klang is pretty nice in Limited, even if
you don't have Klinklang. While Charge Beam's damage
isn't stellar, Energy acceleration is always excellent,
and this attack can recycle any type of Energy, allowing
it to easily fit in decks with multiple types.
Additionally, Vice Grip deals unimpressive but solid
damage for its cost, which is also type-friendly by only
requiring a single Metal Energy. Overall, Klang can work
in a deck where Klinklang is a main attacker, or as a
supplementary attacker in any deck running some Metal
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Klang is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon with 80 HP. It
has a weakness to
Fire, resistance to Psychic, and a retreat cost of 3.
With those
stats, it is searchable by Level Ball and Heavy Ball.
In the BW- format, being searchable by both helps
increase the odds of getting it (and it's even better
that the whole line has cards that are printed with 3
retreat cost).
'Charge Beam' costs 2 Colorless, does 20 damage, and if
you flip heads, you can attach an Energy from the
discard to this Pokemon.
It's not that great of an attack, except the retreiving
the Energy part. The Klinklang deck (I don't know
if winning Nationals was when it got into the spotlight
or if it was before) is a deck that conserves energy,
not accelerates it. So having an attack that could
possible get an energy back is helpful. I still
don't like that you have to flip, but in this case I
understand because you are getting an extra energy
'Vice Grip' costs 1 Metal and 2 Colorless Energy and
does 50. It is not that great of a move and
probably won't be used unless you are in a pinch or you
just want to finish off the opponent with it.
So this card is pretty much like all Stage 1 Pokemon
(except Gabite from the new set). They are pretty
much there to get you to the Stage
2 (in case you can't use/haven't gotten a Rare Candy).
They usually are not used for attacking, so the attacks
don't matter most of the time. But 'Charge Beam'
can help if you need to get energy on the field and are
using Klang to stall in the active spot.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Klang (Dark Explorers)
To start a fresh week, we're moving on to Metal types
from Dark Explorers. Although personally I've always
though it a bit strange that the TCG has a different
name whereas the video games call it the Steel type.
Klang is an evolving Stage 1 with at least 1 interesting
evolution, so if it can pass muster as a superior option
to Rare Candy then it could see some tournament play.
Unfortunately, the Weakness to Fire (mostly meaning
Entei and Reshiram EX), the relatively low 80HP and the
heavy retreat cost are all easily converted into a Prize
for the opponent so Klang is already behind the
The Psychic Resistance is all that Klang has in the way
of survival assets because neither of the attacks will
disrupt the opponent in any way. In fact, Energy Charge
is a cheap attack that actively negates the Resistance
(at least as far as Mewtwo EX is concerned) because the
secondary effect is to attach an energy to Klang from
the discard on a successful coin flip. At least the
[c][c] cost is cheap enough, but the 20 damage is
negligible. The only upside to Energy Charge is that you
could get an extra energy onto the field for Klinklang
BW to move around and you aren't restricted to just
Basic energy either. Still, this isn't much help.
Vice Grip is worse, being [m][c][c] for 50 vanilla
damage. Not high enough to be threatening but expensive
enough to ensure that Klang becomes Catcher bait and/or
target practice for Raikou EX, you should avoid this
attack entirely.
To conclude today's writeup, this Klang is not the one
to be using if you want to use Klingklang BW in your
deck. Another Klang has a flip-for-Paralysis attack that
works much better than Energy Charge and the demise of
Vileplume UD has made Rare Candy attractive again, so
this card offers nothing new. Use this in a Metal build
only if you really, really need extra means of
retrieving your Special energy from the discard.
Modified: 2.5 (Klingklang BW is a niche tech at best so
Klang will rarely be more than a singleton in the deck,
if indeed it isn't dropped completely in favour of Rare
Limited: 3.5 (energy recursion is fairly useful in
Limited and it works to power up the decently powered
Klingklang from this set, so go for it if you pull the
entire line)
Combos with: a wrench. Still, unrestricted energy
recursion is useful even if Klang will likely languish
in the binder for all time.
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Is in Hawaii for the World Championships! |