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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Klinklang #77
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
July 31, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.83
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo! Today we're going to
review the evolved from of yesterday's COTD. Today's
Card of the Day is Klinklang from Dark Explorers.
Klinklang is a Stage 2 Metal Pokemon. Metal-types are
relatively uncommon, with only Klinklang BW seeing much
play at all; however, since this card is also a
Klinklang, there could be a possibility of this card
taking a spot or two in that deck if it's good enough as
a tech. 140 HP is standard for a Stage 2 at this point,
and as such, Klinklang should be able to take at least
one powerful hit before going down. Fire Weakness is a
non-issue with the drop in Reshiram usage, Psychic
Resistance is great against Mewtwo and friends, and a
Retreat Cost of 4 is ridiculously huge, and you
shouldn't pay it unless one is in a very dire situation.
Please use Switch instead.
Klinklang has two attacks. Metal Blast deals 20 damage
for a single Colorless Energy, but deals 20 more for
each Metal Energy attached to Klinklang. These sorts of
attacks are good in slower formats like Limited, but
considering that there is little to no
Metal-type Energy acceleration in Modified, you probably
won't want to use this attack there very often, since it
usually won't do enough damage for the Energy investment
to make a difference in the format. Lock Gear deals a
rather pathetic 60 damage for two Metal and two
Colorless, but also lets you draw until you have six
cards in hand. The card is is good in Limited if you
empty your hand, but the attack doesn't do nearly enough
damage to be of any significance in Modified. Therefore,
Klinklang is better suited to being played in Limited.
Modified: 1.5/5 While not useless, Klinklang isn't going
to tear up the Modified competitive scene any time soon.
Its attacks, while not awful, don't pack enough power to
see much play here.
Limited: 3.5/5 As a Stage 2, you can expect Klinklang to
have a lot of power in Limited - if you manage to get it
out. Metal Blast is fairly decent (and has Colorless
Energy requirements to start), but is really dependent
on Metal Energy to be truly effective. Additionally,
Lock Gear is very expensive for the damage output, but
the card draw will be hard to beat in a format where
draw and search options are limited. Overall, Klinklang
is a very solid attacking option for the Limited format,
only you'll probably have to make it a centerpiece of
your deck / run a lot of Metal Energy to maximize the
Gear Pokemon's effectiveness.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Klinklang (Dark Explorers)
Today's contestant is another rendition of the Gear
Poke'mon, notable for both it's resemblance to Magneton
and Magnezone, as well as for the appropriately
onomatopoeic name.
Since we reviewed Klang yesterday, covering the
evolution today is the usual procedure and I'm sure you
can guess how the rest of this review will play out. 140
HP, Psychic Resistance and access to Special Metal
Energy (for however long they remain in Modified) are
all healthy things for a card to have, but the downsides
like being a Stage 2 with weak lower stages, Fire
Weakness and the massive retreat cost of 4 keep this
card firmly rooted in reality. Unlike the competition,
which routinely has upwards of 150 HP and the firepower
to match.
But what to we get for burning a few draw cards and a
Rare Candy to bring Metal Gear Noisy to the table?
Surprisingly, you get the kind of power the Metal types
usually miss out on.
Metal Blast has a deceptive initial cost of [c], which
does 20 base dame plus 20 more damage for every [m]
energy attached to Klinklang. Having an early attack
that can be upgraded for extra power is always a plus,
but we do have to divert from the entertainment for a
quick Math check.
Okay, 40 damage for just [m] is great from an efficiency
viewpoint but it isn't going to put much of a dent in
your opponent's creatures either. Continue up the scale
and you start to see the level of damage that will
actually matter in a battle, but at a much higher cost
than the going rate offered by the Unova Dragons and
their cohorts (5 [m] energy compared to the three energy
needed by the Big Basics of the tournament scene).
Follow this trail to the end and you'll see the 200
damage necessary to destroy everything your opponent can
muster, but at the ridiculous cost of 9 energy.
Of course, the specific energy cost is a major limiting
factor. With no current energy acceleration that Metal
Poke'mon can take advantage of, Klinklang has to power
up the old-fashioned way which at the moment just isn't
good enough.
Klinklang DEX has the tanky body necessary to weather an
opponent's attacks and actually get some use out of
Metal Blast, but considering how many cards you will
lose when Klinklang bites the dust I can't justify a
reccomendation. Most important of all, Mewtwo EX is the
current king of Grind-style attacks which makes
Klinklang look like the poor second choice that it is.
Lock Gear is another attack that causes excitement at
first glance. The 60 damage is barely worth mentioning
since it won't do more than tickle the power players,
but the secondary effect of drawing until you have 6
cards in hand is well worth trying.
The disappointment here comes from the attack cost. The
backlash that comes from stacking 4 or more energy on a
Poke'mon is the reason I don't like Metal Blast and the
same applies to this attack.
I'm hesitant to come out and say that Lock Gear is
useless however. With the rotation looming we are about
to lose Junk Arm from our collective arsernals, which
provided a crucial safety buffer that let us play
Professor Juniper without fear of losing our valuable
Item cards. Magnezone Prime, Sage's Training, Twins and
Professor Oak's New Theory are also all about to bite
it, leaving players scrambling for a reliable way to dig
through their decks that doesn't involve tossing away
irretrievable assets like Eviolite, Poke'mon Catcher and
Rare Candy.
As such, a Klinklang swarm deck could conceivably be
created just on the strength of refreshing your hand
every turn, dropping Crushing Hammer, Tool Scrapper and
Poke'mon Catcher to slow the opponent to a crawl until
the time is ripe to Metal Blast our way to victory. But
without a fast way to accelerate [m] energy onto
Klinklang, the deck will never rise above League level.
Modified: 3.25 (this one is a dark horse that combines
well with it's cousin from BW, but Klinklang DEX will
never be tournament viable without a Metal equivalent of
Dark Patch being released)
Limited: 4 (the drop in the quality of the competition
does wonders for Klinklang, though without a lot of
other Metal Poke'mon as backup you won't get much
mileage from Metal Blast. Lock Gear is worth it by
itself, because the worst you can do with that lovely
repeatable draw is keep yourself in energy for setting
up the backup attacker while the chance of drawing into
your trump cards is a game-winning bonus)
Combos with: a reliable way to drop a Stage 2 and four
[m] energy by Turn 3 while keeping your opponent from
ripping your lower stages a new one.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Klinklang is a Stage 2 Metal Pokemon with 140 HP.
It has a Fire weakness, Psychic resistance, and a
retreat cost of 4. It is searchable by Heavy Ball.
'Metal Blast' costs 1 colorless energy and does 20
damage plus 20 more for each Metal energy attached to
it. So you would need 2-3 Metal energies on it to
knock out small basics. To knock out things of
Zekrom size, 7 Metal energies... I won't bother with
OHKOing EXs. If you put 4 Metal energies on it
(enough to pay for the next attack), you'll be doing
100, which is decent, but not worth that amount of
energy. It is very unlikely it will have more than
4 Metal energies on it, unless you are completely
dominating with it. With its high HP, it'll make
Mewtwo EX work for an OHKO.
'Lock Gear' cost 2 Metal energy and 2 colorless energy.
It does 60 damage and lets you draw until you have 6
cards in your hand. The damage output is not that
good for the cost, but I assume it is low to balance out
the drawing effect. So the drawing effect... it
seems like a watered down version of Magnezone Prime.
With Magnezone, it is an ability that you can use during
the turn, so you can use the cards you draw. For
this, you attack, draw, and then have to wait to use
them (which tells your opponent they should disrupt your
hand if possible). It's like how Sableye is a
watered down version of Junk Arm.
Anyhow, this card is not great. Magnezone Prime
did the drawing effect better, but since we don't have
it anymore, this is the closest you'll get (besides
Bianca - who which, I didn't care for all that much
until I ran into a Bianca cosplayer at Otakon).
Comparing this Klinklang to the other version, this one
is bad. The other allows energy moving, something
which decks can be built around. 'Lock Gear'
is something you can't really build a deck around.
With so much other great effects to compete against,
this Klinklang falls short. It has a good attack,
but not good enough to stand up to others out there.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: