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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Bisharp #79
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
Aug 1, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.37
Limited: 2.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're going to
review yet another Metal type from Dark Explorers.
Today's Card of the Day is Bisharp.
Bisharp is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon. In order to see
Modified play, Bisharp is going to have to do something
that will distinguish itself from its other Metal
brethren, such as Klinklang, and other Stage 1s, such as
Eelektrik or even Zoroark. 100 HP is a great start, as
this is a pretty good amount for a Stage 1, leaving
Bisharp to take at least one average-sized hit from the
metagame's prominent threats. Fire Weakness is once
again a non-issue due to the lack of competitive
Fire-types at the moment; Psychic Resistance is once
again great against Mewtwo and friends; and finally, a
Retreat Cost of 2 is payable if you absolutely must.
Like many other Pokemon, Bisharp has two attacks. Aerial
Ace starts off at 20 damage for two Colorless Energy,
but can deal 20 more if you flip heads. 40 damage for
two Energy is not bad in Limited, but mediocre at best
in Modified. That being said, since the attack is a coin
flip, you'll only average 30 damage for two Energy,
which isn't playable in Modified at all. The second
attack, Metal Claw, deals a vanilla 80 damage for two
Metal and a Colorless. 80 damage for three Energy is
just about average, and with no other effects to make
the attack better, average isn't good enough to see
competitive play.
Modified: 1/5 Bisharp's attacks don't do anything
interesting, so it will be very hard pressed to find a
place here. Additionally, 100 HP doesn't go too far
these days, and heavy Energy requirements in a type
without acceleration doesn't help, either.
Limited: 3/5 While Bisharp is average in most respects,
average is good enough to warrant play in Limited. 100
HP is very solid for a Stage 1 in this format, and both
attacks are decent, while unimpressive. Bisharp's
biggest problem will be finding room in a deck due to
its somewhat heavy reliance on Metal Energy, but if a
deck is running Metal even as a secondary type, Bisharp
could be a fit, as 80 damage in this format is often
quite powerful (as long as you aren't staring down an
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
For our Wednesday feature, we bring to you the other
half of Bisharp, namely the Metal side from the Dark
Explorers set. Considering that this set is dominated by
Dark types, it's somewhat surprising how much love the
Metal types also receive. Maybe the designers felt that
these often maligned types needed a turn in the
Even more surprisingly, this Bisharp is the better of
the two. Not that it counts for much though.
So, ticking off the checklist we have 100 HP, Fire
Weakness, Psychic Resistance, a retreat cost of 2 and
absolutely nothing that screams "PLAY ME!". On the plus
side, there are no immediate warning flags that make
Bisharp instantly unplayable, but that's just my eternal
optimism flaring up.
Attacks now. Bisharp has two of them. Neither of them
have extra effects. Neither of them are cheap enough to
quickly slap your opponent across the face. Neither of
them have the insanely large numbers that would be
needed to save this card from the binder.
In summary, keep Bisharp in the binder where it will
stay pretty forever. These cards may be hopelessly
underpowered but all of the Bisharps so far have had
excellent artwork that shows them as either furtive and
stealthy ninjas out to strike a deadly blow from behind
(the Dark versions) or as a stalwart Samurai standing
proud and ready to face all comers (the Metal versions).
It shows superb artistic direction and I truly hope this
trend continues!
Modified: 1.5 (weak and uninteresting)
Limited: 3 (still weak and uninteresting, but there are
far fewer options available so beggars can't be
Combos with: an appreciation for dramatic poses and
slashed bamboo
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Bisharp is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon with 100 HP. It
has weakness to Fire, resistance to Psychic, and a
retreat cost of 2. It suffers from the 'just out
of searching range' problem, so no Level or Heavy Balls.
'Aerial Ace' costs 2 colorless energy and 20 plus 20
more if heads.
Not good damage output at all. Even with the
heads, 40 damage won't do much (not even kill most
Basics). The positive thing is you can use a DCE
for this...
'Metal Claw' costs 2 Metal energy and 1 Colorless
energy. It does 80 damage. This is okay for
a Stage 1, but it doesn't come close to OHKOing big
threats. What's worse is the attack's cost, the
DCE you may have attached for the previous attack won't
help here (you still need 3 attachments).
Overall this is not that great of a card. I
wouldn't play with it.
The lackluster attacks don't help much. I have no
idea about Bisharp's backstory, but he looks cool.
It's a shame this card isn't...
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: