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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Chansey #81
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
Aug 2, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo readers! Today we've moved on to the
Colorless-types of Dark Explorers, so be sure to check
back as we review the last few cards in the set. Today
we're going to kick things off with Chansey, which also
happens to be the first Chansey we've reviewed since
Chansey is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Colorless Pokemon
are great because they can fit into any deck due to
their relaxed Energy requirements, as well as usually
having a wide variety of support options. 100 HP is
great for a Basic, as it will allow Chansey to easily
take a medium sized hit, and maybe a large one depending
on the opponent as well. Fighting Weakness is
unfortunate if Terrakion continues to see play, but with
its high HP score, Terrakion will have to hit for
Retaliate's full damage or Land Crush to KO Chansey.
Sadly, Chansey also has no Resistance and a Retreat Cost
of 3, neither of which is very desirable.
Chansey has two attacks. Sing puts the Defending Pokemon
to sleep for a single Colorless Energy, which can be a
decent stall tactic in Limited, but won't get you too
far in Modified. Sleep is also the most unreliable of
the Status Conditions, which is made worse due to all of
the switching that generally happens in Modified. Of
course, regardless of format, it can be a fairly good
opening maneuver if you go first and get lucky.
Double-Edge, Chansey's form of offense, deals an
expensive 60 damage for three Colorless Energy, with the
added effect of having Chansey deal 30 damage to itself!
60 damage for three Colorless is already kind of
expensive, and the drawback simply cuts into Chansey's
Modified: 2.5/5 In the BW-on format, this will be the
only legal Chansey, so if you wish to run Blissey, this
will be the one you'll have to use. Since Blissey is one
of those Pokemon that deckbuilders will want to exploit,
there's a good chance that Chansey could see some play
here. While its attacks aren't very good, Chansey's 100
HP is quite nice, and should easily last a turn or two
until you can get a Blissey out.
Limited: 3.5/5 With 100 HP and Colorless typing, one
would think that Chansey might be a lock for most
Limited decks. While the huge HP is a definite plus,
Sing is unreliable and Double-Edge is very
self-destructive. If you have a way to deal with
Double-Edge's recoil or you opponent is very unlucky,
you'll have a good shot at dealing with the shortcomings
of Chansey's attacks. If not, you'll have a beefy Basic
sponge at best, which is honestly sometimes all you need
in a slower format like Limited.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Chansey #80 (Dark Explorers)
As we approach the end of another week, we bring you a
staple from Poke'mon Centers around the world. Have a
look at Chansey!
The first thing that jumps out at me is the massive 100
HP. This is something rarely seen on any evolving
Poke'mon, although Chansey gets more respect from the
designers than most due to being such a tank in the
video games. In fact, the original release of Chansey in
Base Set had 120 HP so this is a bit of a downgrade,
although it is still well above the curve.
The other stats are somewhat less entrancing. Being
Colourless has it's advantages (Fanboar BW is great fro
accelerting their energy) the Fighting Weakness is
almost certain to be exploited by everyone with a
Terrakion in their collection. The retreat cost is also
as heavy as you would expect but at least that makes
Heavy Ball a little more viable.
Chansey has never been known for being a heavily
offensive Poke'mon (aside from the occasional use of
Double Edge) so I'm not expecting much from the attacks.
Sing is serviceable enough, costing 1 energy for 1 coin
flip your opponent has to suffer through. Putting your
opponent to sleep is never a route to victory by itself,
but when you lack better options on the first turn of
the game it is a way to get slightly ahead.
Double Edge also hails back to the original Chansey,
having the same cost of 3 energy for the familiar
I-hurt-muself-to-hurt-you-more routine. Again, the
damage is a bit of a downgrade from the first Chansey,
being 60 damage to the opponent and 30 to itself instead
of the original's 80/40 split.
For all of you retroheads out there, this card will feel
just a little weak but in the current format, it has the
health and the means to survive almost any assault long
enough to evolve. Whether or Not you actually want to do
that is a question for tomorrow.
Modified: 3.5 (if we get a Blissey worth using, this
Chansey is the best of the lot for staying alive. In
general, this is what other evolving Basics aspire to
Limited: 4 (aside from Zorua, this is the best evolving
Basic in the set and is worth including even without
pulling a Blissey. Large, capable of hurting an opponent
and best of all it doesn't care what type of energy you
have on hand)
Combos with: fond memories of when Chansey dominated the
early release of the Poke'mon TCG.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Chansey is a Basic Colorless Pokemon with 100 HP.
It has a weakness to Fighting and a 3 retreat cost.
You can search it with Heavy Ball.
'Sing' costs 1 Colorless energy and puts the Defending
Pokemon to sleep. I'm not a big fan of attacks
that do no damage and only status effects. I like
it when it's Poison or Paralyze (which I don’t think
there is with no coin flip). The good thing is
that you don't have to flip for the status condition
(that's even worse). But still, Asleep still has
the chance of them waking up, so it's not the best
deterrent when you are trying to stall/slow them down.
'Double-Edge' costs 3 Colorless energy and does 60
damage, and 30 to itself. The damage output is not
high enough to be competitive. So you can get in
30 attacks with Chansey before you have to wait, heal,
or retreat. Using Colorless energy for attacks,
DCE will at least speed up the buildup.
If I recall correctly (too lazy to search), the original
Chansey had
120 HP and and its 'Double-Edge' did 80 to the Defending
and itself.
This Chansey feels like a watered down version of the
original. Its HP is less and its attack does less
damage. The damage to itself is reduced, which is
good since it allows you to use it multiple times.
I don't see myself playing with this card. I know
there is a Blissey out there, but I think it is not as
good as the one that got rotated out.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: