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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Escavalier #74
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
June 15, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dark Explorers)
We’ve had more than
Eeveelutions up
for review this week for
my liking, so I’m glad
that we get to end with
something different:
‘Different’ is
probably the right word
for this Pokémon too:
apparently based on a
jousting knight and a
Japanese snail-eating
beetle (thanks,
Bulbapedia!), he
is practically the
slowest Pokémon in the
video game, despite the
fact that the flavour
text on this card boasts
that he flies around ‘at
high speed’.
Escavalier is a
Stage 1 with a low 90
HP. He is a metal Type
though, so at least he
can benefit from the
Special Energy. Fire
Weakness isn’t too bad
at the moment, though
you do see
Entei-EX decks
around now and then, and
even the odd
that refuses to die.
Psychic Resistance means
Mewtwo will need
another Energy to
OHKO it . . . which
isn’t bad, I guess. The
Retreat cost of three
makes switching
Escavalier out
without Trainer cards a
bit of a pain, but comes
with the huge upside of
making the Pokémon
searchable with Heavy
far as attacks are
concerned . . .
Escavalier is
nowhere near as terrible
as I feared. Joust costs
just one Metal Energy
and does
damage (good value in
itself) and also
comes with the effect of
discarding a Tool
attached to the
Defending Pokémon. This
is a handy way of
dealing with potentially
troublesome stuff like
Eviolite and Dark
Claw. Cavalry Lance is
somewhat less impressive
– 70 damage for [M][M][C]
Escavalier has no
Weakness next turn – but
it’s more mediocre than
actually bad.
Escavalier has
some ok attacks, one of
which is even quite
useful and cheap, why
will it never see any
play? Pretty much
because it’s one of
those cards that seems
to be designed with no
reference whatsoever to
the rest of the format.
It does its own thing,
and it does it
reasonably well, but
with that low HP and
sub-par damage output,
it really is made
somewhat irrelevant by
the existence of so many
cards with stellar HP
that will OHKO
Escavalier with
no trouble at all. Yes,
it could be mildly
inconvenient for an
opponent to lose an
Eviolite to
Joust, but is that
really ever going to be
worth setting up a Stage
1 for? The answer right
now is ‘no’, and when we
get Tool Scrapper in a
future set (it’s a
Trainer, and the name is
a clue as to what it
does), the answer will
be an even more emphatic
Modified: 2 (just
doesn’t have the power
to live with the rest of
the format)
Limited: 3 (damage for
Energy is always
good, and it could get
rid of a Dark Claw.
Still, nothing special,
even here)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing a
new Rare from Dark Explorers that is definitely not an
Eevee evolution. We're ending our COTD week by reviewing
the Cavalry Pokemon, Escavalier.
Escavalier is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon. Metal Pokemon are
somewhat rare in Modified these days, with Klinklang
seeing a bit of play alongside Darkrai (check the deck
out if you haven't heard of it, it's kind of cool) as
well as the random Durant and Cobalion sightings that
you'll still encounter. 90 HP is once again fairly
standard for a Stage 1, allowing Escavalier to take a
middling hit or two before going down. One key
difference is that Escavalier can take advantage of
Special Metal Energy, granting the metal bug some damage
reduction. Fire Weakness is expected but not too bad
right now, Psychic Resistance is great to have with
Mewtwo's omnipresence, and a Retreat Cost of 3 is huge,
but expected. Even still, it's likely that you won't
want to pay it.
Escavalier has two attacks. Joust does 30 damage and
discards a Pokemon Tool card attached to the Defending
Pokemon for a single Metal Energy, which is a pretty
cool attack. It's important to note that the Tool is
discarded before dealing damage, so Eviolite and other
damage reducing Tools won't be a factor if Joust
successfully discards them. 30 damage is also excellent
for the single Energy cost, though this is still
probably not an attack you'll want to use in Modified
very often. In Limited, Joust is an excellent source of
cheap damage if you decide to run Metal, and the
secondary effect will also get rid of any pesky Dark
Claws you may run into in that format.
Cavalry Lance is Escavalier's second attack, dealing 70
damage for two Metal and a Colorless, as well as
nullifying Escavalier's Weakness during your next turn.
The Weakness negation is very interesting, but probably
won't be much use. Additionally, 70 damage for three
Energy is simply average, meaning that you'll have to be
able to attack multiple times to get your mileage out of
Modified: 2/5 Escavalier has cool attacks, but
unfortunately has lackluster typing and low HP. If
Escavalier had 120 or so HP and dealt 90 damage with
Cavalry Lance, it may have been more playable than it is
in its current state. At any rate, Escavalier could
possibly work as a tech to remove those annoying Pokemon
Tools, at least until Tool Scrapper (presumably) comes
out in Dragons Exalted.
Limited: 3.25/5 Escavalier is a great Pokemon for
Limited, but it forces you to commit to Metal. Joust is
awesome for the price, as 30 damage for a single Energy
is more than most opposing Pokemon will be able to
handle. Discarding any Pokemon Tools your opponent has
(like Dark Claw) is also a major plus. Cavalry Lance
also deals consistent damage, and its effect can have
some use as well. Unfortunately, both of Escavalier's
attacks are Metal Energy intensive, so you'll have to
run a few Metals in order to make sure it works
properly. Overall, Escavalier is very solid for a
Metal-containing deck in Dark Explorers Limited.