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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Volcarona #22
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
June 21, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.13
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dark Explorers)
One of the
weirdest-looking Pokémon from Generation
V, and certainly the one that is the
biggest pain to evolve (you are stuck
with a near-useless
Larvesta until it reaches level
Volcarona is
the subject of our review today.
It’s a Fire Type
Stage 1 with a decent 110 HP. I say
decent, but it won’t save this Pokémon
from Dark Claw’d
Darkrai or a
Nevertheless, it’s pretty solid against
all but the biggest hitters in the
format, and the Water Weakness won’t
give it much to worry about. The Retreat
cost of three is something you will
never choose to pay, but the upside is
that Volcarona
is searchable with Heavy Ball.
The good news here
is that Volcarona
has an Ability.
Scorching Scales means that if your
opponent’s Pokémon is
Burned, they
will have to put four damage counters on
it between turns (instead of two).
That’s a nice boost for any deck that
makes use of the Burn Status Condition
except that . . . there aren’t really
any of those that are competitive at the
moment. Because Burn damage is reliant
on a coin flip, and usually those attack
which inflict Burn are mediocre in
themselves. For example, you
could use
Volcarona in combination with
Fire Fang or
Blaze Kick . . . but
ideally you would prefer to go for the
superior, guaranteed damage caused by
Grand Flame or Flamethrower
respectively. Of course there is always
the option to use
Houndoom Prime’s Fire Breath
Power, but then that is another Benched
Stage 1 to set up, and another coin flip
you need to hit.
Or I guess you
could use
Volcarona’s own attack. For one
Fire and two Colourless Energy, Burning
Wind does 70 and gives you the option of
discarding an Energy
in order to inflict Burn. If everything
goes according to plan, this means you
end up doing 110
damage on that turn for the cost
of three Energy and a discard: not bad,
I suppose, but it
is conditional on flips, and it is
somewhat slow. For those reasons, I
can’t really recommend it as a main
attack, though I suppose it could be
worth doing if your opponent plays
Pokémon Catcher on
Volcarona, yet doesn’t manage to
KO it for some reason.
Volcarona is
a Pokémon that offers very good support
for a mechanic that isn’t really
competitive at the moment. I can see it
being used in just-for-fun decks, but
when you want to play competitively,
this one stays in the binder
Modified: 2.25 (has
a few combos in modified, but none of
them really worth the bother)
Limited: 4 (A bit
slow, but still a solid attacker here,
and the Burn stuff is just gravy)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo readers! Today we're
reviewing another Fire-type, which happens to be one of
my favorite Pokemon in Gen V. Today's Card of the Day is
Volcarona is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. As I've stated
throughout the week, Fire Pokemon are very rare in
Modified these days, so Volcarona could have a niche,
provided its abilities and attacks are good enough. 110
HP is standard for a finally-evolved Stage 1, and
Volcarona should be able to take most unboosted hits
with relative ease in this metagame, with a few
exceptions. Water Weakness is favorable right now, with
only Kyurem and Kyurem-EX being a problem; no Resistance
is the annoying standard; and 3 Retreat is massive, so
be sure to use Switch to move Volcarona from the Active
The Sun Pokemon has an Ability and a single attack.
Scorching Scales effectively doubles the damage your
opponent takes from Burn in between turns, which could
be fairly good in a dedicated Burn deck. However, it is
still important to note that your opponent still flips
for Burn, so this damage isn't guaranteed. In general,
Special Conditions tend to be less viable in Modified,
due to the frequent switching that removes their
effects. This, combined with the unreliability of Burn,
makes the use of Scorching Scales somewhat limited. In
Limited, however, the slower format is more amenable to
status effects, and this Ability shines through in that
Burning Wind is Volcarona's form of offense, dealing 70
damage for a Fire and two Colorless, with the option of
automatically Burning the opponent for an Energy
discard. The attack's ability to Burn has great synergy
with Volcarona's Ability, and 70 damage is just about
average for the [RCC] energy cost. Once again, the
attack is somewhat limited in Modified due to the
presence of fast attackers and constant switching, but
is excellent in Limited, where 70 damage and optional
Burn can go a long way against your opponent's Pokemon.
Modified: 2/5 Volcarona is far from useless in Modified,
but it's a support Pokemon for a strategy that is
difficult to employ in a format full of switching and
various other ways to get rid of Status Conditions (e.g.
Super Scoop Up). With many decks tending toward fast
aggro builds, chances are you won't have enough time to
build up Volcarona and any of your other main attackers
before taking a significant hit in Prizes.
Limited: 4/5 Volcarona is quite excellent in Limited.
Scorching Scales' damage increase is quite significant
here, with 40 damage probably taking a sizable chunk out
of any non-Pokemon-EX in the format. Burning Wind is
also very good here, with 70 solid damage and optional
Burn for a reasonable, Colorless-filed price. Overall,
if you're running Fire, Volcarona is an excellent
Limited choice, even if you don't have any other Pokemon
that can Burn.