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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Venusaur #3
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
June 5, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.40
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dark Explorers)
After yesterday’s
review, I guess you could see this one
coming. Venusaur
hasn’t had a review for a few years now,
and he’s a sentimental choice for those
people who started their games with
way back in the days of the Red and Blue
video games (like most people, I went
with Charmander.
was the hipster choice!). This card has
been getting some attention prior to
release, so let’s see if there is any
potential there to be fulfilled.
Venusaur is
a Stage 2, so right away you know that
has to be doing something
spectacularly good if he wants to get
some time at the playing tables. This
format, full of huge fast Basic EX
Pokémon is not a welcoming place for the
slower Stage 2. The 140 HP is good, but
really no more than seems standard these
days. Fire Weakness is . . . ok:
usage is way down from its early-season
peak and the major threat these days are
mono Entei-EX
decks. Water Resistance is handy, I
suppose, but won’t come into play too
often right now. The Retreat cost of
four is unsurprising and horrible, but
at least it means you can search out
with Heavy Ball.
With an attack as
poor as Venusaur’s
Poison Powder, you won’t want him in the
active slot anyway. Two Grass and
two Energy of any
Colour for just 70 damage and Poison
is massively underpowered and
You will never want to invest that
amount of Energy for such a limited
return. So, why were people talking
about this card again? It must be the
Ability, I guess.
Floral Scent
is pretty good, I have to admit.
Once per turn, you can search your deck
any Pokémon and put it into your
hand. It’s nowhere near as good as the
old Pidgeot
from FireRed
which could search for any card
whatsoever, but you can see why it
brings back memories for people who
played it. The question is,
does what Venusaur
has to offer good enough to make it a
worthwhile play? That massive Retreat
cost and worthless attack make it an
obvious target for Pokémon Catcher –
it’s not as if you can expect
Venusaur to
sit on the Bench for the entire game,
feeding you a non-stop stream of needed
Pokémon. In fact, most of the time, the
resources you need to dedicate to
searching out and evolving
could have been used to grab the Pokémon
you need in the first place, and as for
deck space . . . well, you are going to
need at least a 2-0-2 line to have a
good chance of getting it out, plus a
few Rare Candy .
. .
I guess what I’m
saying is that
Venusaur has a great Ability, but
it is not best placed to use it in the
current format. Existing Pokémon search
Items, plus consistent draw, should be
able to do the job for you, without the
need to employ a clunky Stage 2. Sorry
but the copies of you in my binder are
likely to be staying there.
Modified: 2.25
(Wrong time, wrong place for this card)
Limited: 2.5 (It
takes a lot of time and effort to get
out Stage 2s in Limited – this isn’t
enough of a reward)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're
reviewing the evolution of yesterday's COTD, which
happens to be a Pokemon that we haven't reviewing in a
really long time. Today's Card of the Day is a Gen I
starter, the Seed Pokemon, Venusaur.
Venusaur is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon. Grass is almost
never played in Modified right now, as the type has been
very underrepresented ever since Yanmega Prime and
Virizion waned in popularity. Vileplume and other
support cards of the type can still be seen
occasionally, however. 140 HP is just about standard for
a Stage 2, allowing Venusaur to take a medium-sized hit
before going down. Fire Weakness isn't too bad right
now, as Reshiram and Reshiram-EX are somewhat rare these
days. Water Resistance is nice to have, although rarely
relevant. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 4 is massive, so
you'll want to Switch Venusaur from the Active spot. The
huge Retreat Cost isn't all a downside, though: Venusaur
can be searched out with Heavy Ball.
Venusaur has an Ability and a single attack. Floral
Scent allows you to search your deck for a Pokemon once
per turn, show it to your opponent, and put it into your
hand, shuffling afterward. Searching your deck for any
Pokemon is great in any format (especially Limited), but
Venusaur has some competition with Sunflora HGSS in
Modified. While Sunflora can only fetch Grass Pokemon,
Sunflora is also only a Stage 1, requiring fewer
resources to get into play than Venusaur. Additionally,
the Pokemon TCG has a wide variety of search options
right now (Pokemon Collector, the Ball Engine) that can
search out nearly any Pokemon you can think of without
the need of setting up a Stage 2. Therefore, most decks
will benefit from running Level Ball, Heavy Ball, and
Ultra Ball in some combination rather than the space
necessary to run Venusaur, its lower forms, and Rare
Candy in order to fetch Pokemon.
Poison Powder is Venusaur's attack, dealing 70 damage
and automatically Poisoning the opponent for two Grass
and two Colorless. This attack is far too expensive for
Modified play, as 70 damage and an underwhelming Status
Condition aren't often worth it in the fast-paced
format. In Limited, Poison Powder is serviceable, but
unspectacular, as even here, four Energy should do more
that 70 damage and Poison.
Modified: 2.25/5 Poor Venusaur never seems to get much
love. In this case, Venusaur is a support option that is
generally outclassed by Items and Supporters that do its
job better. While searching for any Pokemon is great,
it's usually easier to just run something like Heavy
Ball or Ultra Ball or get whatever you need. While it's
true that Venusaur's search is unconditional, the Seed
Pokemon is very slow to get out and will likely not be
as useful as you'd expect it to be. Additionally, it has
stiff competition in Grass decks with Sunflora, but with
Grass decks being practically nonexistent, that argument
is moot.
Limited: 3.75/5 Venusaur is a good Pokemon in Limited,
but it's very slow. Floral Scent can help you accelerate
your Evolution lines, and Poison Powder deals consistent
and decent damage. It's a shame that the attack costs so
much, though, as you may not be able to fully power up
Venusaur until it's about to be KOed due to the heavy
Energy requirements. Even still, Venusaur is a great
Pokemon to draft if you decide to run a lot of Grass and
manage to draft its line.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Venusaur (Dark Explorers)
Today we review the evolution of yesterday's card, the
venerable Venusaur. If you want to build a deck themed
around Grass starting Poke'mon or just can't get enough
of free Poke'mon searching, this is the card for you!
Venusaur has 140 HP and Water resistance to keep it
alive against the Catcher-happy players of today, but
the Fire Weakness is still likely to be a problem and
the heavy retreat cost of 4 is going to keep the big
beastie glued to the Active position. Pack Switch and
Heavy Ball to get Venusaur where he needs to be and you
should get enough use of the Ability to justify the
That Ability is Floral Scent, which allows you to search
your deck for a Poke'mon, reveal it and put it into your
hand. The lack of restrictions means that it is great
for searching out Restored Poke'mon to play with Twisted
Mountain, and it also works beautifully for grabbing
Legend pieces. On top of that, it is a good way to thin
your deck so that the Professor Juniper or N you are
about to drop will be more likely to net you the Item
cards you need. Best of all, it's an extra card in your
hand to fuel discard effects like Junk Arm and Absol
Prime's Vicious Claw.
Of course, if there was no downside to playing Venusaur
we would all be crying foul and complaining about the
release of yet another broken card. Part of that is the
lacklustre attack, which for the steep price of
[g][g][c][c] deals 70 damage and inflicts Poison
automatically. It's definitely worth the price of
admission in Limited if you have enough Grass energy,
but anywhere else it feels underwhelming.
The larger penalty attached to Venusaur is that it is a
Stage 2 with a less than stellar pair of lower stages.
If you are cutting into your deck space to run this card
then you have less room for all of the toys enjoyed by
the all-Basics-all-the-time decks that currently own the
Those negative traits mean Venusaur faces an uphill
battle, but what truly relegates this dinosaur to the
binder is the number of cheap alternatives we have in
the format. Poke'mon Collector has a monopoly on search
at the moment with the explosion of great Basic Poke'mon
being thrown together in various archetypes, while
Poke'mon Communication turns any Poke'mon in hand into
the one you actually need. Heavy Ball, Level Ball and
Ultra Ball also give plenty of search options that don't
involve the hassle of playing a Stage 2 (which usually
requires you to search out the Stage 2 and others stages
to begin with anyway).
I can see Venusaur DEX having a niche to fill in future
formats if some cards that punish Basics are released
and Vileplum gets reprinted, but at the moment it can't
compete with the more popular search options.
Right now it could fit well into a Vileplume UD/Mew
Prime deck since that build needs an Item-free
alternative way to search out the singletons sacrificed
the Relicanth CL and Absol Prime, but that deck hasn't
been very popular at tournaments recently and Venusaur
won't change that. It would be good for a laugh at
League though!
Modified: 2.75 (a case of wrong time, wrong place, wrong
Limited: 4 (as always, Stage 2 Poke'mon are difficult to
get out but this set has some decent draw from the
reprints and Venusaur effectively replaces itself by
letting you get out all of your other worthy Poke'mon.
You'll be hard pressed to justify not using Venusaur
even if your energy is stretched with Cilan around to
find what you need)
Combos with: any situation where Poke'mon search is
necessary and Trainers have been locked out. Pray for a
Vileplume EX in the near future!