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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Simisage #7
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
March 14, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.45
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Wow, the Pokémon card designers
really love
the Monkey Trio, don’t they? Since they made their debut
in Black and White there have been
cards featuring them. Sadly, none have been any good
(ok, Simisear BW was decent-ish,
but completely outclassed by other cards). Will this
version of the Grass Monkey buck that trend?
It has an uphill battle, that’s for sure. This is
because it is a Stage 1 with just 90 HP. The Fire
Weakness seems bad, but in practice won’t make a lot of
difference if Simisage finds
itself staring at a Reshiram,
and the Water Resistance would only be any good against
Kyurem NV, which is not
getting much play at all these days. The Retreat cost of
two is just another reason not to like this card.
first attack, Collect, costs
a single Grass Energy and lets you draw three cards from
your deck. While early draw can be a very good thing, it
is simply not good enough to justify using a weak Stage
1 to do it. Virizion NV is a
much superior
option here: a Basic Pokémon with higher HP that draws
two for one Colourless Energy. Because it doesn’t need
to evolve, it effectively nets you four cards by the
second turn, as opposed to
Simisage’s three . . . plus you
are not having to search out
an evolution in order to do it.
When it comes to dealing damage,
Virizion also does a better job. An attack which
does 40 damage, then 80 on subsequent turns for [G][C]
is always going to be preferable to one which, for the
same cost, does 30 damage, or 60 if there is a Stadium
in play. Yes, Simisage’s
Stadium Drain does come with the added bonus
of healing 30 damage, but
that is almost never going to be relevant on a Pokémon
that is so easy to OHKO.
As is usual with the Monkey Trio,
Simisage is a Pokémon that can perform somewhat
decently in a Limited format (where early draw is
brilliant and low HP not so much of an issue), but has
no place whatsoever in Modified. I guess if the card
designers really
really loved them, they
would do something about that.
Modified: 1.5 (You want a Grass Pokémon that draws
cards? Use Virizion NV)
Limited: 3.75 (Nice enough here, where any kind of draw
is very welcome, and the set does include two Stadiums
to work with the second attack)
virusyosh |
Hello, Pojo readers! I'm back from my spring break,
and now I'll get back to doing reviews. Today we're
reviewing the newest iteration of one of the Gen V
monkey trio. Today's Card of the Day is Simisage from
Next Destinies.
Simisage is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon. The only common
Grass-types in Modified right now are Virizion and
Shaymin-EX; with Shaymin UL seeing some play for its
Celebration Wind Poke-Power, and little else. Therefore,
Simisage will have to do something very well in order to
get a deck slot. 90 HP is simply average for a Stage 1,
and will likely get OHKO'd by a majority of the Modified
metagame, though 90 HP should be enough to take at least
one hit in Limited. Fire Weakness is a problem against
the likes of Reshiram, Reshiram-EX, Typhlosion, and
Emboar; Water Resistance is great against Kyurem and
Kyurem-EX; and a Retreat Cost of 2 is a bit pricey for
this grass monkey, but payable if you absolutely must.
Simisage has two attacks. Collect draws 3 cards for a
single Grass Energy, which is amazing in Limited (where
card draw is rare) but terrible in Modified (where card
draw is best achieved with Items, Supporters, and
Stadiums). Stadium Drain is Simisage's form of offense,
dealing 30 damage for a Grass and a Colorless, but also
dealing 30 more damage and healing 30 damage from
Simisage if there is a Stadium in play. 60 damage for
two Energy is great in Limited, but sadly lacking in
Modified, where attacks should do at least 80 damage if
they want serious consideration (though there are a few
notable exceptions). Overall, Simisage is great in
Limited, but not in Modified.
Modified: 1.5/5 Simisage isn't totally useless in
Modified, but it's not worth running, either. Collect is
a bad attack for the format, and Stadium Drain doesn't
do enough damage to be effective. If you want to run a
Grass-type attacker, run something like Virizion or
Limited: 4/5 Simisage is really good in Limited. Collect
provides an awesome amount of card draw that isn't
easily available in this format, and Stadium Drain can
be quite effective, especially if you pull a few Pokemon
Center or Skyarrow Bridge in Next Destinies Limited.
Overall, the Next Destinies monkey trio are quite
effective in Limited, and you can't go wrong using them.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Simisage (Next Destinies)
Another day, another review. Today's lucky contestant is
Simisage. With 3 versions already to its name, itis one
of the most common Gen V cards so you would hope that at
least one marginally playable version would be
available. This card comes the closest, fingers crossed
for a brutally powerful Monkey trio in the next set!
Simisage is both a Stage 1 and a Grass type, so it is
already fighting an uphill battle without either
effective support or the chance to exploit an opposing
Poke'mon's Weakness. 90 HP, an unresonable retreat cost
of 2 and Fire Weakness are shoveling more dirt over the
grave, but at least it gets Water resistance.
The reason you might want to play this printing of
Simisage is the first attack. Like Simipour and Simisear,
Simisage has Collect, which costs [g] and draws 3 cards.
Combined with the weaker Collect printed on Pansage from
Emerging Powers ([c] to draw 1 card), you get some
serious repeatable draw power to start your game.
The second attack is Stadium Drain, which deals 30
damage and deals an extra 30 damage as well as healing
30 from Simisage if there is a Stadium card in play. At
a cost of [g][c], this is quite decent (even though the
healing is largely irrelevant due to the low HP) but
unfortunately Simisage is comprehensively outgunned by
the competition.
Virizion NV can fill the same niche as Simisage, being a
Grass type Poke'mon that draws cards with a decent
secondary attack and equal or better stats in every
category. The Weakness, Resistance and retreat cost are
all the same, but Vririzion doesn't need to evolve and
it also has 20 more HP as well as abusing cards like
poke'mon Collector, Skyarrow Bridge and Eviolite. True,
Virizion's Collect attack only draws 2 cards compared to
the 3 promised by Simisage, but it does get them a turn
earlier and without any specific energy being needed.
Also, the damage output of Leaf Wallop from the second
attack onwards is greater than what you get from Stadium
Drain, even with a Stadium on hand.
Simisage was obsolete even before it was released, and
most players these days seem to value a quick opening
salvo rather than losing a Prize while using attacks to
set up. Still, starter Poke'mon have their place and
maybe Simispour or Simisear will fare better since they
don't have the same competition from Virizion. At least
Simisage gets to shine, hoever briefly, in Limited.
Modified: 3 (Simisage makes a decent opener, but
'decent' is not what competitive tournaments are looking
Limited: 4 (Draw power plus cheap damage with continual
healing is great for Limited. With the option to either
attack or dig deeper to bring out your biggest monsters,
getting Si isage out guarantees you the win unless your
opponent can get an 1HKO)
Combos with: Pansage EP, a sudden erasure of Virizion NV
and a general reversal of power creep

Otaku |
Time for some monkey business: we are
Simisage (BW: Next Destinies
7/99), one of the Simian Trio!
If you’ve been reading the last few
CotDs, you know what I’ve got to say:
being a Stage 1 Pokémon is rough right
now as the most popular Basic Pokémon
would make okay Stage 2 Pokémon with
their Stats and Effects.
When something is easier to fit
into a deck, faster to get into play,
and possibly even stronger than you,
things are bleak.
Grass-Type Pokémon lack support
that has proven useful enough to warrant
play, barring a few pieces that are
generic enough to work in non-Grass
You aren’t going to hit Weakness
a lot either, since the two Types most
likely to be Grass Weak (Fighting and
Water) are also struggling to form
winning, on theme decks.
90 HP is still to low for a Stage 1,
especially one that can’t Evolve into a
Stage 2.
This is a format where the
popular basic attacking Pokémon
regularly hit close or above 90, and
thus it means you’re investing in an
Evolution that is a OHKO.
The Fire Weakness is more a
nuisance since the big Fire attackers
are going to also hit that OHKO range
before triggering it, though a few will
now get by with lesser attacks.
At least they gave
Simisage Water Resistance; it isn’t
much and it won’t come in all that
useful, but it is still there, and that
is more than many Pokémon can say.
Unfortunately the Retreat Cost is
pretty “there” as well.
Needing to discard two Energy to
retreat is functionally average for most
decks: they will often have enough
Energy attached to pay for it and the
deck and while it won’t be easy, it
won’t be horribly crippling to pay it.
Given the rest of the stats, it
seems like overkill: make the monkey
bigger or give it a lower Retreat Cost.
has two attacks; this doesn’t bode well
for most Stage 1 Pokémon right now in
general, and it hasn’t been good for
The first attack is Collect,
requiring (G) to use and allowing you to
draw three cards.
This isn’t worth losing a Stage 1
Pokémon for, and we’ve established
Simisage is almost guaranteed to be
I prefer this kind of set-up
attacks on basic Pokémon, but it isn’t
totally useless: if you need to soak
your opponent’s next attack, you might
as well increase your hand, and it is
enough cards to make ignoring
Simisage potentially hazardous.
“Potentially”, and only just
meeting that threshold.
Stadium Drain is the second attack; for
(GC) you hit for 30 points of damage,
and if there is a Stadium in play the
attack does another 30 points of damage
while healing 30 points of damage from
Simisage. It fails in a manner
similar to yesterday’s
Kricketune: healing a small Pokémon
that will be OHKOed does no good.
I mean odds are it will never be
damaged before using this attack, since
being attacked would OHKO it.
Ignoring that, it should heal
more and/or work on all of your Pokémon.
Yes, the Energy cost is low and
friendly to a multi-Type deck (where the
Simian Trio can work together), but
you’re giving up a Prize.
It also means this Pokémon maxes
out at 60 points of damage (and then
only with a Stadium in play), barely
enough to OHKO most Evolving Basic
The attacks have the most minimal
synergy: if you’re starting from scratch
you’ll be able to pay for Collect before
you can Stadium Drain.
The basic concepts for both
attacks are close, but the execution is
Collect needs to be a bit better
even to be considered the “booby prize”,
and since we have a format full of
Energy acceleration, why not up the cost
of Stadium Drain to (GCC), but tweak the
effect: if there is a Stadium in play,
hit all your opponent’s Pokémon for 30
points of damage and heal all of your
Pokémon an amount equal to what you hit
the Defending Pokémon for.
Solid spread and solid healing
are worth giving up a Prize and that
much Energy.
Maybe also boost the damage to
the Defending Pokémon (it takes a lot of
healing and I did just up it to a three
Energy attack).
Enough playing Create-a-Card
though, let’s move on.
First you’ll need to pick a
All are Basic Grass-Type Pokémon
with Fire Weakness, Water Resistance,
and single Energy Retreat Costs.
Black & White 7/114 has 60
HP (10 less than the other two) and bad
attacks, making it easy to dismiss.
BW: Emerging Powers 1/98
can make use of any Energy for both its
attacks, which are priced at (C) and
(CC), respectively.
The first lets you draw a card;
the second allows it to do a vanilla 20
points of damage.
BW: Next Destinies 6/99
only has one attack for (GC) that hits
for 30 points of damage.
Needing a specific Energy type,
needing two Energy, and not helping it
Evolve means I’ll take BW: Emerging
Powers 1/98.
Ideally, you’ll never have to
attack with any of them.
There are also two other versions of
Simisage to pick from.
All have the same Stats as
today’s card, so it comes down to the
effects, which again are two attacks for
each of them.
Black & White 8/114 does a
solid 30 for (G), but its big attack for
just flipping three coins and scoring 40
points of damage per “heads”.
Three Energy, even when they can
be any Type, is a lot for a 0/40/80/120
split where 60 points of damage is your
BW: Emerging Powers 2/98
can do 30 for (CC), and if you have a
source of (R) Energy attached it also
scores Burn.
That is unusual, but not
necessarily bad.
Unfortunately its big attack also
fails: (GCC) for 60.
These two don’t seem worth
playing, so while they won’t crowd out
today’s version, neither will they help
it get played.
There are three potential uses for
Simisage: supporting opener/attacker
in a Grass-Type deck, Grass-Type splash
in deck that can meet a single
Grass-Energy requirement (probably via
Rainbow Energy), or filling the role
Simisage in a Simian deck.
There are multiple candidates
that outshine it in the first two slots,
but by definition it only competes
against other
Simisage cards for a Simian deck.
What I find deeply disappointing
is that with as poor as I just said the
other two versions were, all three
really are on par with each other,
unless the Simian deck in question runs
few or no Stadium cards, in which case
this one should be skipped entirely).
The fact that this
Simisage is worth running a single
copy of in a Simian deck which uses
Stadiums isn’t worth much; that’s a fun
deck, not a competitive one.
I find this a bit sad, since
you’d think the Simians could find
enough support to upgrade into the old
Four Corners
(Stage 1 Type-matching deck) formula.
In Unlimited play, Simian decks probably
exist, but they aren’t a first turn win,
donk, or lock which instantly knocks
them down a tier.
They also won’t hang with the
obscene powerhouses that still see play
in Unlimited (either because a player
doesn’t like the “first turn” decks, or
because they have first turn capability
while being more reliable later on).
So again, its only hope is in a
“fun” deck, but at least here such a
thing might work in the Simian trio’s
Many old powerhouses came before
(or at least only shortly into) the
power creep that has steadily upped HP
and damage yields, and useful Pokémon
Powers/Poké-Powers/Poké-Bodies allow
such cards to still anchor decks.
Unfortunately healing is not one
of the useful “tricks” for the Simians
in this format; it’d actually be the
Bench damage and Burn that other
Simisage and Simians can inflict, on
top of general Type-matching.
So like too many releases (recent or
otherwise), only Limited play allows you
to really enjoy
As is usual, average HP and
damage output plummets because so many
cards a person pulls will lack essential
support and thus won’t even function in
a deck.
Even ones that could be played
will often not be able to be played
well; needing too many resources for how
much of it/them you can run in the deck.
90 HP becomes solid, if not good,
HP for a Stage 1 Pokémon; expect at
least two turns unless you’re walking
into an amazing pull or something
average that your opponent already fully
powered up.
Draw power is amazing here; not
only is it relatively rare but your
starting deck is a third smaller than
normal; by your second turn (the first
you could theoretically use Collect),
drawing three cards would be 1/9th
of your remaining deck!
With two Stadium cards in the
set, you have a solid chance of getting
one (at all).
Getting it into play can take
time (Collect should help), and if you
don’t telegraph this by Benching
Pansage too soon, your opponent may
help you out.
At this point, doing 60 and
healing 30 can keep
Simisage going for a few extra
is a solid Pokémon to use on its own,
being a 70 HP Basic Pokémon that can hit
for 30 points of damage, making
Simisage even better.
Just remember that you’ll need at
least some
Grass Energy, even if you’re just
using a 1-1 line.
If you don’t get any Stadium
cards but pulled enough Grass Pokémon
that you’re running
Grassy Energy anyway, still consider
it just for the draw power and being a
slightly sub-par beatstick.
3/5 (Composite score +/- half a point
for having/lacking a Stadium)
like all the Simian Pokémon, disappoints
Unfortunately the designers have
given us a format where being a Stage 1
is hard, and instead of making the
Simian Trio interdependent, with effects
that not only reflect a multi-Type
Energy pool but actually reference
Pokémon whose names end in “sage”, they
just can’t compete.
Simisage wasn’t designed to sit on
the Bench and it wasn’t designed to OHKO
whatever it was facing, so it gets
trampled on.
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