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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day


Wigglytuff #79

Next Destinies

Date Reviewed: March 19, 2012

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.33

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK National


Hello and welcome to a new week of cards on Pojo’s CotD. These have been personally selected by Otaku, so I’m sure we’ll get something interesting.

We kick off the week with Wigglytuff from Next Destinies which definitely is an interesting Pokémon, even if it doesn’t seem that way when you look at it in isolation. Certainly its stats are unimpressive: a 90 HP Stage 1 with Fighting Weakness and an inconvenient Retreat cost of two is not going to get anyone rushing to eBay for a playset is it?

Round doesn’t seem that great either. A Double Colourless Energy gets you 20 damage times the number of your Pokémon in play with the Round attack. So if you can get four soft, pink, vulnerable Wigglytuff on the Field you can hit for 80 . . . ok for the cost, but nothing to really worry the 130+ HP Pokémon that are dominating the game currently with their massive attacks. Hypnoblast is nothing to write home about either – three Energy of any Colour for a mediocre 60 damage and a coin flip for the minor inconvenience of Sleep.

So . . . assuming Otaku isn’t winding us up, why has he chosen this Pokémon as worthy of a review? Well the answer lies with Seismitoad and Palpitoad from Noble Victories: two Pokémon that also have a Round attack. Palpitoad’s version is pretty bad, needing three Energy to hit for the same sort of damage as Wigglytuff, but Seismitoad on the other hand does 30x for a Double Colourless. All this means that, if you can fill you Bench with weird-looking toads and chubby pink balloon Pokémon, you can attack for 180 damage with Seismitoad (enough to one-shot the toughest of EX Pokémon – unless they have Eviolite), or even do 120 with Wiggly himself (add a PlusPower and it will take out most thing that aren’t an EX).

Viable deck? Hmmm . . . viable fun deck maybe. It requires an awful lot of setting up and evolving Pokemon, which in these days of Pokémon Catcher and fast hard-hitting Basics might be a bit tricky to achieve with any kind of consistency. When and if it works though, it’s probably just a little better than you think. It will never be the choice of the super-competitive player, but don’t be shocked if you run into one or two at tournaments: the deck is very cheap to put together and can cause a shock or two when it is up and running.


Modified: 2.5 (Makes Round decks a semi-competitive option)

Limited: 3 (Colourless attackers are useful, though you would be lucky to pull enough copies to make Round worthwhile)


Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing a new Colorless Pokemon from Next Destinies that may work in a fun combo deck. Today's Card of the Day is Wigglytuff.

Wigglytuff is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Since they can use every Energy type, Colorless Pokemon can fit well into any deck, and most are usually used in a supporting role. Given its specific niche, Wigglytuff is no different. 90 HP is average for a Stage 1 in the game today, and is unfortunately low against the heavy hitters of the metagame, including Reshiram, Zekrom, and the various Pokemon-EX. Fortunately, having 90 HP means that Wigglytuff can be searched out with Level Ball. Fighting Weakness is really only a problem against Terrakion and the uncommon Donphan; other than that, Fighting-types are rarely seen. Wigglytuff sadly has no Resistance, as well as a very manageable Retreat Cost of 2.

Like many Pokemon, Wigglytuff has two attacks. The first attack, Round, is why Wigglytuff will see play most of the time. For two Colorless Energy, Round deals 20 damage for each Pokemon you have in play with the Round attack. When combined with Seismitoad from Noble Victories, Round can do a ton of damage for cheap, maxing out at 120 damage for two Energy. While very difficult to set up, it is possible, and can be the basis of a very fun deck.

Hypnoblast, Wigglytuff's second attack, deals 60 damage for three Colorless and puts the Defending Pokemon to sleep. This attack isn't super exciting, and probably won't see a whole lot of use in the Round deck unless you're trying to stall, but it can be useful in Limited due to its flexible Energy requirements, consistent damage, and nice effect.

Modified: 2.5/5 Wigglytuff has a niche in Modified with Round. If one wants to run a Round deck in Modified, Seismitoad NVI will usually be used as a main attacker, with Wigglytuff playing a supporting role on the Bench, being used in a pinch as well as adding to the Round count. On its own, Wigglytuff's HP is a bit too low to be a main attacker in the deck, but having 90 HP is great since it's easily searched out by Level Ball. The deck isn't quite competitive, but it's definitely fun to play. Maybe if there were a Basic Pokemon that knew Round, but right now, it's just not fast enough to compete with the standards.

Limited: 4/5 Wigglytuff is great in Limited. Round probably won't be very useful, but Hypnoblast is a consistent and disruptive attack for a very affordable cost. Wigglytuff's 90 HP is once again a bit low, but Level Ball can be used to search it out. Overall, Wigglytuff is a great choice if looking for a Colorless evolution line to run in your Limited deck.

Combos With: Seismitoad NVI

Mad Mattezhion
 Professor Bathurst League Australia

Wigglytuff (Next Destinies)

Hey Pojo fans, we're beginning the week with an old fan favourite put your hands together for Wigglytuff!

Wigglytuff is a non-evolving Stage 1 Colourless Poke'mon with 90 HP, Fighting Weakness, a Retreat Cost of 2 and two attacks. Already, I hear alarm bells rining because Wigglytuff is very fragile by today's standards of uber-tough Legendaries, but there may well be a reason to play Wigglytuff depite the deficiencies.

That reason is its Round attack, which costs [c][c] and deals 20 damage per Poke'mon you have in play that has the Round attack. As an initial 20 damage it is quite unimpressive, ut if you manage to load you Bench with a swarm of Wigglytuff and Palpitoad NV, that goes to 120 for a single Double Colourless Energy, a great return on your investment. Since the Round attack is going to be on every Poke'mon you play, there isn't as much risk of failure as there is with most heavy combos, but I don't see this making the top tier just yet due to the general squishiness of the Poke'mon in question.

Hypnoblast is just a filler attack, [c][c][c] for 60 damage and auto-Sleep. Although you could get lucky for a turn and stop one of your opponent's attacks, you could also very well get unlucky and then get obliterated without managing to dal any substantial damage.

Wigglytuff is the third Poke'mon to be printed with the Round attack, and only the second evolution line (Palpitoad and Seismitoad NV being the others), so at least now you can get a full 6 Poke'mon with Round to maximise the damage, now we just have to wait for a greater variety of types to be printed with Round so that we can abuse it properly. There may well be an build that matches Six Corners for power and type matching in the future!

Modified: 3.25 (Wigglytuff isn't very powerful on its own, and even with heavy backup it is too easy to destroy. But I have to applaud the experiment with the Round attack and it could well be viable if more Poke'mon use Round as an attack so that you can get 120 or more damage hitting for Weakness, and probably for no more than a single DCE as all 3 Round attacks printed so far have cost [c][c])

Limited: 3 (Hypnoblast works well here, and being Colourless is always an advantage in Limited)

Combos with: more Poke'mon being printed with Round, preferably with varying types and higher HP than Wigglytuf



Wigglytuff is a Stage 1 Pokémon, meaning it has to do some amazing stuff to compete in a format dominated by big, basic Pokémon (including but not limited to Pokémon EX). This is not easy, and mostly seems to be based on having killer Effects over great Stats.

Being a Colorless-Type Pokémon is basically a placeholder: they have no Type Support and are almost totally absent from the Weakness/Resistance chain. The 90 HP is low for a Stage 1, and will make Wigglytuff easy to OHKO. Fighting Weakness can be huge, but normally won’t matter: the most commonly played Fighting-Type is Terrakion, and normally that hits for 90 (enough for a OHKO) anyway. It matters a bit against Landorus (it saves setting up with spread damage or burning a PlusPower), and if you find a Donphan Prime deck still kicking around (and you know me, I never discount a still legal archetype reviving) it enjoys a serious boost. The lack of Resistance hurts a little, but not much; it is just so common to lack it, and really -20 points of damage isn’t much unless you’re already pretty big, due to the high damage output right now. Lastly for the Stats, the Retreat Cost of two is low enough you can usually pay it, but loosing two Energy still hurts. Of course, you shouldn’t be retreating all that often.


Two attacks and the second one is almost filler. We finally have another Pokémon with the Round attack. For (CC), you hit for 20 points of damage times the number of Pokémon you have in play that also have that attack. For Wigglytuff, this means hitting for up to 120 points of damage for a Double Colorless Energy. That’s good, but probably not good enough. Unfortunately this isn’t enough to OHKO a Reshiram or Zekrom, let alone one guarded by Eviolite. Pokémon EX can of course take such a shot as well, though if you can promote another Wigglytuff you’ll just barely 2HKO the biggest Pokémon EX. Remember, second hit is going to be 20 less due to one less Pokémon with Round.

Hypnoblast requires (CCC) and only hits for 60 points of damage and a flip for Sleep. Long story short, we need to be talking at least 80 damage with automatic Sleep, or require less Energy. You’ll only use this when you’re desperate, since it both needs an extra Energy and does less damage. Yes, if you don’t have at least three other Pokémon in play with Round, I’d consider it “desperate”.


Wigglytuff Evolves from Jigglypuff, and there are two Modified legal options: HeartGold/SoulSilver 68/123 or BW: Next Destinies 78/99. Both are Basic Colorless Pokémon with Fighting Weakness and no Resistance. HeartGold/SoulSilver 68/123 has 60 HP, a single Energy Retreat Cost, and one attack: Hypnoblast for (CC), doing 20 damage and Sleep. BW: Next Destinies 78/99 has 70 HP but a Retreat Cost of two, and two attacks: Hypnosis for (C), which inflicts Sleep and Double Slap for (CC), which gives two coin flips good for 20 points of damage per “heads”. I’d go with the latter: both a less expensive Sleep and 10 more HP are more likely to help than having a single Energy Retreat Cost.

There is one other Modified legal Wigglytuff. It has the same Stats as today’s version, and two attacks. For (CC) it can Double Slap, hitting for 40 points of damage per “heads” on the double coin flip. For (CCC) it hits for 50 points of damage, and reduces the damage it takes from attacks by 10 until your next turn. This isn’t very good, though I like Double Slap better than the Hypnoblast on today’s Wigglytuff.

Seismitoad (BW: Noble Victories 24/101) finally has much needed back-up. Now you can finally fill your entire Bench with Pokémon that possess Round, and thus the maximum damage for Seismitoad jumps up. Its version of Round does 30 times the number of Pokémon from Round, but still for only (CC). 150 for (CC) does OHKO Reshiram or Zekrom, and even the odd Stage 2. It’ll be pretty brutal setting these two up quickly, but if you can swarm them, you can hit fairly hard. Odds are you’ll also be packing quite a few Palpitoad (BW: Noble Victories 23/101). You don’t want to attack with it: its version of round requires (CCC) but only does 20 per Pokémon with Round you have in play. You want it just so that second turn you can hopefully Evolve enough to make Wigglytuff (or a lucky, early Seismitoad) hit hard and fast.

You could do the same thing in Unlimited, and it actually wouldn’t be a bad deck. It wouldn’t be especially good, but it could be functional; filling your Bench means relying on Trainers and that requires a creative build since you also need to disrupt Trainers. I think openings would drop a copy of Broken Time-Space for mass Evolving and then shift to Chaos Gym while playing Trainers that benefit both players. Once you’ve got the swarm going, you just need to replace a member a turn. You probably won’t be hitting maximum damage all that often, but unlike Modified, you won’t need to as often: many older Pokémon will be potent but small.

This is a good pull for Limited, but you’re probably focusing on Hypnoblast. Lower average HP scores, damage outputs, and the difficulty in removing Special Conditions makes Wigglytuff and Hypnoblast worthwhile for the average deck… and being able to use any Type of Energy means it can always fit.


Unlimited: 2.5/5

Modified: 3/5

Limited: 4/5


Wigglytuff exists to fill out Round decks, and on its own it is a solid back-up hitter. In the current format, that may not be enough to get it to the top cut, let alone win a tournament even in the hands of a good player, but it is nice to see it at least exist. It also could do better than I am giving it credit for; if I’ve missed a single simple combo it comes close as is.

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