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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Persian #81
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
March 20, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.65
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Next up for review this week is Persian.
One of the original
151 Pokémon that has never exactly taken
the TCG by storm. Will this be
the card to change all of that?
Well, it doesn’t get off to a very
promising start: a Colourless Type,
Fighting Weak Stage 1 with a mere 90 HP
isn’t going to strike anyone as being
especially playable in a format full of
Pokemon with
massive HP that do huge amounts of
damage. Persian doesn’t even have
an Ability
either, so whatever it has to offer, it
will have to do from the active slot as
an attacking Pokémon.
The first option it offers, for the low
cost of a single Energy, is Nasty Plot.
We’ve seen this before (notably on
Zoroark BW):
the attack does no damage, but it does
let you search for any card in your deck
and put it in your hand. This is
obviously a good thing (just ask anyone
who remembers
Pidgeot FRLG), but it’s not good
enough to justify using an attack on a
frail Stage 1. You will almost certainly
be trading a Prize for that one card,
and that’s if you even get to keep it
(an opponent could simply use N or Judge
to shuffle it back in to your deck).
If Persian’s second attack was good,
then maybe Nasty Plot could have been
something to use if you lacked the
Energy for something better.
Unfortunately this is not the case.
Shadow Claw may only cost a Double
Colourless, but its damage output is a
pitiful 30. You do get a coin flip
chance to discard a random card from
your opponent’s hand, but that is still
not enough to make it worthwhile. If
it’s flippy
hand disruption you are after then
Persian HGSS is infinitely superior (yet
has almost never seen play). An even
better option would be
Weavile UD,
which uses a
PokéPower to discard one from the
hand, so you aren’t wasting an attack.
The card search and the hand disruption
might have been nice bonuses if Persian
had great HP and a solid damage output,
but when they are the best things that a
Pokémon has to offer, you know you are
not looking at a competition-level card.
Modified: 1.5 (just doesn’t offer enough
of anything)
Limited: 3.5 (almost any kind of search
will do here)
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo readers! Today we're going to review
another Generation I Colorless-type Pokemon from the
Next Destinies expansion. Today's Card of the Day is
Persian is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Much like
Wigglytuff yesterday, Persian could be potentially
useful due to its Colorless typing, which would allow it
to fit easily into any deck due to its flexible Energy
requirements. Of course, the card's overall playability
ultimately depends on its stats and attacks. 90 HP is
standard for a Stage 1 these days, and should be enough
to withstand at least one weak attack, while falling
against heavy hitters and most Pokemon-EX. Fighting
Weakness is a problem against Terrakion and the rare
Donphan Prime; no Resistance is no Resistance; and a
Retreat Cost of 1 is good and easily paid.
Persian has two attacks. Nasty Plot allows you to grab
any single card from your deck for a single Colorless
Energy, shuffling afterward. This attack is pretty good
in Limited, where search and draw power are lacking, but
is pretty terrible in Modified, where using an attack on
something other than a damage-dealing move needs to be
carefully considered, since it's usually a horrible
idea. Overall, Nasty Plot can get you anything you need,
but make sure you aren't giving up easy Prizes because
of it.
Shadow Claw is Persian's offensive maneuver, dealing 30
damage and discarding a random card from your opponent's
hand on a coin flip for two Colorless Energy. The random
discard and lax Energy requirements would make this
attack a winner, but 30 damage is really pathetic for a
final Evolution in today's game, even in both formats.
In terms of discard, however, the attack is great.
Modified: 1.5/5 Low HP, terrible Weakness, and low
damage output make sure that Persian won't have a future
in Modified any time soon.
Limited: 3.25/5 Persian can easily fit into Limited
decks due to its Colorless typing and cheap attacks.
Nasty Plot is good for getting that one last specific
card you need in Modified, and while Shadow Claw's
damage output is sad, the random discard can really
cause massive problems for your opponent. Overall,
Persian is a solid choice as a supporting and disruptive
Pokemon for Limited.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Persian (Next Destinies)
For today's review, we are covering the new Persian
card. The version from the HGSS base set saw some play
prior to the rotation, so maybe this card has a niche to
fill as well.
The stats are nothing out of the ordinary, following the
usual 90 HP non-evolving Stage 1 template. Fighting
Weakness is a problem with Donphan still in the card
pool, while the Retreat Cost of 1 is fair. Basically, as
with so many Stage 1 Poke'mon, you aren't going to get
more than a single turn in the Active slot if the
opponent has an attacker up and running so you had
bettter make it count.
Nasty Plot is a great first attack, costing [c] and
allowing you to search your deck for any one card to add
to your hand. If it wasn't for the existence of Zoroark,
Professor Juniper, Sage's Training and Twins this attack
would get Persian a space in many Item-dependent decks
to search out all of the most important toys.
Unfortunately, we are so used to power creep that an
attack which was critical a few years ago barely merits
a mention now.
Since we already have non-attack options to search out
normally unsearchable cards, Persian has to rely on
Shadow Claw, which despite the impressive name is next
to useless. For [c][c] you get 30 damage and a flip to
discard a random card from your opponent's hand. There
are already much more effective ways to strip an
opponent's hand away that don't involve attacking (Weavile
UD, Judge and N spring to mind), so Persian is left out
in the cold.
There is nothing to reccomend this beautiful feline in
this format, which just goes to show how a seemingly
good combination of cheap attacks can be ruined by
intense competition with near-broken cards.
Modified: 2 (if Twins didn't exist and the hand
destruction cards were in a type other than dark,
Persian may have been able to justify its existence)
Limited: 4.5 (Nasty Plot is an auto-inclusion here,
giving you the freedom to get to the best cards in your
deck quickly. Shadow Claw is also improved by virtue of
being easy to pay for, with the occasional chance of
discarding something useful)
Combos with: would have been awesome in any old Modified
format that did not contain Computer Search or a related
card such as Pidgeot FRLG, Furret SW, Claydol GE, Uxie
LA, Magnezone Prime, Twins or Zoroark BW. Wow, that is a
lot of powerful search/repeatble draw effects over the

Otaku |
Kitty! =^w^=
So… anything else to this card?
Let’s find out.
Persian is a Stage 1
Colorless-Type Pokémon. Being an
Evolution is tough right now; this
format greatly favors Basic Pokémon,
both the plain and the Pokémon EX
variety. Persian will need at
least good stats and effects, and
probably at least "great" in one of
those categories.
Colorless-Types don't have any real
support, and Weakness/Resistance to the
Type is pretty rarely seen. Personally I
would bite the bullet and re-classify
Persian in the video games as part
Dark-Type or part Poison-Type, or even
as a Dark/Poison hybrid. Yes, I know
we've got other Pokémon that do even the
cat aspect of that, but they are the
ones that don't make Persian
stand out as a
Normal-Type/Colorless-Type Pokémon.
90 HP is pretty bad for a Stage 1 that
can't further Evolve. I mean, even on
Stage 1 Pokémon that do Evolve it isn't
enough, and the ultra aggressive format
just makes it even more apparent. Most
competitive decks won't struggle to OHKO
Persian, especially with the
deck's "big" attackers. The Fighting
Resistance is almost inconsequential,
given that Fighting Pokémon mostly show
up in the form of Terrakion from
BW: Noble Victories. Most of the
time it OHKOs Persian without
needing to factor in Weakness, so the
doubling of damage is overkill.
Landorus from BW: Emerging Powers
just saves on a PlusPower. If you
encounter a Donphan Prime deck
(never count out older decks
completely), that's about the only
Fighting Pokémon that really benefits
from the boost.
No Resistance is quite common, but still
disappointing. I wish they'd up
Resistance so that it would matter
again: HP scores are skyrocketing, as is
the average damage per turn, and yet
Resistance is 10 points less than when
then game began, if it is present at
all. At least the single Energy Retreat
Cost is good; easy to pay and recover
from paying, though given how the rest
of the Stats are pretty poor, a free
Retreat Cost might have been acceptable.
Persian has two attacks: Nasty Plot
and Shadow Claw. Nasty Plot only
requires (C) and lets you search your
deck for the card of your choice. If
this was a slower format, this might
make Persian a half-decent
opening Pokémon; you'd probably get two
or three uses of Nasty Plot before it
went down. In even a remotely fast
format (let alone the brutal speed it at
which it currently blurs by) this is at
best a consolation prize: your Stage 1
is going to be OHKOed, so if you can
spare an Energy at least you can get
something of your choice from your deck.
Definitely not worth a Prize, but better
than nothing.
Shadow Claw does 30 points of damage for
(CC), plus gives you a coin toss to
discard a claw. Hand disruption only
works if it is severe or easy to stack.
When a Pokémon uses an attack to do it
that attack had better be reliable,
highly damaging, or amazingly potent in
the hand disruption field. Shadow Claw
would be okay on a Meowth as its
big attack, but for a Stage 1 Pokémon
the damage yield is low and the effect
You’re not getting much damage
considering this is the only attack on a
Stage 1 Pokémon or you’re not getting
enough hand disruption, possibly both.
If the Lost Zone hadn’t been
abandoned and they wanted to make
Persian this vulnerable but with an
attack that was worth it, perhaps they
should have allowed Shadow Claw to
attack the deck or send cards to the
Lost Zone.
Generally speaking, the card would be
better if the effects of one attack or
the other was part of an Ability.
At least having all Colorless
Energy requirements and needing only two
Energy for the second attack makes it
easy to run with any other Type and
almost every form of Energy acceleration
works with it. I suppose there is even a
little bit of synergy with the attacks:
improve your resources or hurt your
opponent's, or alternate freely between
the two.
In Modified or Unlimited, not much.
There are better options for control
decks that focus on hand disruption with
more coming (or being made viable) in
the next set or two. In Unlimited you're
better off using Trainers to do the
dirty work than attacks, anyway; let
your Pokémon focus on other things.
Still, just in case someone
insists on running it, I’ll cover the
other Modified Legal
Persian and the versions of
Meowth one or the other would have
to Evolve from.
There are three Modified Legal versions
Meowth; all are Basic, Colorless
Pokémon with Fighting Weakness, no
Resistance, and single Energy Retreat
Two versions (HeartGold/SoulSilver
and BW: Noble Victories) have 60
HP, but the newest version from BW:
Next Destinies has 70.
All three have two attacks.
75/123 can use Payday for (C) Dig Claws
for (CC).
Payday does 10 and draws a card
while Dig Claws is a vanilla 20.
Not bad, but not especially good.
BW: Noble Victories
102/101 is a Secret Rare, but if you
want a bling version of the deck or
perhaps want to make a Modified legal
Giovanni themed deck (actually the best
reason to use
Persian) you might consider it
(either it isn’t that rare or demand is
low, as I am seeing it for about $5 USD
Of course, that benefit depends
on your opponent’s reaction… it knows
Fury Swipes and Pay Day.
It’s version of Fury Swipes costs
(C) and gives you three coin flips at 10
damage per “heads”, and Payday costs
(CC), still only draws one card, but
hits for 20.
BW: Next Destinies
80/99 is the set-mate to today’s card,
and besides that extra 10 HP it brings
Double Scratch for (C) and Cat Kick for
Double Scratch gives you two coin
flips at 10 points of damage per “heads”
and Cat Kick just gives a vanilla 20.
This may come as a copout, but
I’d say that each is worth running for
different reasons.
Despite being unimpressed with
Meowth is still just here to Evolve.
No version directly helps to
itself or increase its ability to
survive your opponent’s turn.
All the BW: Next Destinies
version really has going for is an extra
10 HP: the attacks are generic filler.
HeartGold/SoulSilver at
least lets you draw a card while
slapping something for 10 points of
damage – that is not great but again, it
is something.
BW: Noble Victories really
is about intimidation through expensive
looking cards, or misdirection that
maybe you don’t really know what you’re
doing; either can legitimately help you
win games if you’re careful.
The only other
Persian that is Modified legal is
HeartGold/SoulSilver 27/123.
It has 80 HP (10 less), but
otherwise identical stats and also has
two attacks.
For (C), Sharpen Claws gives you
three coin flips, and discards a card
from your opponent’s hand for each
“heads”, but its blind discarding.
For (CC), Sneaky Attack does 30
points of damage, or 60 if you have a
source of
Darkness Energy attached.
This was another ambitious idea
that just didn’t do enough, and it is
almost painful since it even combos with
this version.
It is mild synergy, but it allows
you to tailor a
Persian according to whether setting
up (Nasty Plot, via today’s version) or
disruption (Sharpen Claws, from the
HeartGold/SoulSilver version) is
more important. Sneaky Attack also
allows for a slightly harder hit, but
the boost from having a single Darkness
Energy (whatever is providing it) isn’t
enough; normally you’d want to power up
instantly through a
Double Colorless Energy, and if
you’ve got actual
Darkness Energy in the deck you have
better discarding options.
Limited is another story. Average HP and
damage outputs are lower, and just about
any deck search (let alone unrestricted)
is practically a must run. Since it can
use any type of Energy it is indeed a
must run, unless you lack a single
Meowth. Shadow Claw isn't going to
be as important as improving your own
set-up, but if you don't need to search
your deck for anything at all, it is an
adequate fall back attack.
Meowth is also solid filler for your
average deck: the attacks still aren’t
good, but on a 70 HP body that can work
with any Type of Energy, they’ll do the
job, and 70 HP is in the upper half for
Basic, Common rarity Pokémon.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 1.25/5
Limited: 4.75/5
Persian is once again going to be a
card players should simply skip outside
of Limited.
It is a shame that when designing
a format where OHKOs are common,
didn’t realize how many formerly great
set-up attacks are no longer worth
giving up a Prize, let alone a Prize and
a Stage 1 Pokémon.
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