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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Basculin #24
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
March 23, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#24 (Emerging Powers)
The final card for this week is another
from the ‘to do’ list. Sadly, I think we
may have missed the boat on this one.
is an unevolving
Basic Water Type Pokémon with a low-ish
80 HP, one of the worst Weaknesses in
the game (Lightning), and a single
Retreat cost that isn’t bad, but not
exactly cause for celebration either. So
far . . . it doesn’t look very
promising, does it?
But we do get two attacks. The first,
Flail, is kind of like Outrage-lite.
For a single Energy of any Colour,
does 10 damage
for every damage counter on him. That
could amount to 70 in total
for just one Energy,
but it is highly unlikely that your
opponent would be so accommodating.
However, as we shall see, there are ways
around that thanks to Final Gambit,
second attack.
Final Gambit does 80 damage for the
reasonable-I-guess cost of
one Water and
a Double Colourless Energy. The attack
does have a downside though: flip two
coins and, if both of them are tails,
does 80 damage to
itself. When it comes to the
self-damage you can try either to lose
it (by playing Victory Star
Victini) or
use it (by helping it survive with
Defender or, more likely,
and then perhaps using Flail should
survive and you don’t want to risk
another Final Gambit flip.
So . . . why did I say at the start of
the review that we had missed the boat
on Basculin?
Well, it’s simply because, for a very
brief period during Autumn Battle Roads
2011, it was probably the most feasible
Basic tech to hit for Water Weakness,
principally against
Reshiram BW and
Prime. It wasn’t exactly brilliant, and
it didn’t exactly see a whole lot of
play, even in a
metagame where Fire decks were
amongst the most popular. A few players
tried it as a tech with very modest
Even today we lack really
good (by
which I mean fast, low cost) Water
techs, but we can still do better than
thanks to Ice Shard
Cryoganal (vs
and probably Kyurem
NV. Neither of those
are completely satisfactory
either, but with Fire a diminishing
force and Donphan
a rare-ish
sight, we probably don’t feel the need
so much. Besides, it’s not like you need
to be hitting for Weakness to do massive
amounts of damage these days, is it?
Modified: 2 (had a small amount of time
to shine . . . but didn’t)
Limited: 2.5
(nothing special, but a solid Basic can
buy you time, and Flail isn’t useless)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we're ending our
Card of the Day week by reviewing a Basic all the way
back from Emerging Powers. Today's Card of the Day is
Basculin #24.
Basculin is a Basic Water Pokemon. Water Pokemon see
little to no play right now with the exceptions of
Kyurem and Kyurem-EX, but even then, those two don't see
all that much play either. 80 HP is fairly good for a
non-evolving Basic, but it's unfortunately very low
compared to other huge Basics, such as Reshiram, Zekrom,
the aforementioned Kyurem, Thundurus, Tornadus, and the
Pokemon-EX. Lightning Weakness makes Basculin have a
really hard time against the likes of Zekrom and Zekrom-EX,
two of the most common Pokemon seen right now in
Modified. To round out the bottom stats, Basculin has no
Resistance and a Retreat Cost of 1.
Like many other Pokemon in the TCG right now, Basculin
has two attacks. Flail does 10 damage times the number
of damage counters on Basculin for a single Colorless
Energy. While the damage output can be decent (up to 70
for C), Basculin's HP is too low for it to see any
realistic play in Modified. The attack can still worth
fairly well in Limited, where attacks generally do less
damage. The second attack, Final Gambit, is a very
interesting take on a suicide attack. It deals 80 damage
for a Water and two Colorless, with the additional
effect of flipping two coins: if both flips are tails,
Basculin also deals 80 damage to itself. Now, 80 damage
for three Energy is fairly solid in any format, and with
only a 25% of getting double tails (6.25% if you have a
Victory Star Victini), the attack could see some use.
However, given that there are no Pokemon of note in
Modified right now with a Water Weakness (Fire-types in
general are very rare right now, and very few people
play Donphan), Basculin will have to wait until it has a
niche in the format. Of course, the angry fish has steep
competition in Kyurem and Kyurem-EX, so that day may
never come.
Modified: 2/5 Basculin could be relevant in a format
where there is a dominant Pokemon with a Water Weakness.
However, since we don't have that right now, 80 HP, a
Lightning Weakness, and a potentially self-destructive
attack aren't very good.
Limited: 3/5 Basculin is decent, but not great, in
Limited. Flail will generally see some use in this
format, but Final Gambit is really risky, as setting up
three Energy onto a Pokemon in order for that Pokemon to
Knock itself Out isn't the best idea in a slow format.
Basculin is still potentially playable, but make sure
that you know what the risks are and plan accordingly.
Combos With: Victory Star Victini (all flip cards do,
but Victini stops Basculin from KOing itself, which is
very notable.)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Basculin #24 (Emerging Powers)
Now we have reached the end of yet another productive
week, and we're going to lay off of the Stage 1 Poke' on
in order to review Basculin. This seems to be the Gen V
replacement for Magikarp, and while I must admit I'm
quite happy to avoid the endless parade of Magikarp
while fishing, I prefer Gyarados to Basuclin any day.
Still, my personal preference doesn't make the card a
write off so I'll move on to the review.
Basculin is a Water type non-evolving Basic with 80 HP,
Lightning Weakness, a Retreat Cost of 2 and two attacks.
Although 80 HP is respectable for a Basic, it isn't
going to last against any of the main or backup
attackers employed in the tournament arena. The typing
is great for hitting Weakness, but the Lightning
Weakness is a crippling liability as is the Retreat
Cost. Basculin can abuse all of the Basic support like
Revive, Eviolite and Prism Energy but most of its
competition has the same claim, so it comes down to the
attacks to save the vicious fish from the shoebox.
Nope, not going to happen. Basculin has Flail and Final
Gambit, both of which would be useful if only Basculin
had a massive amount of HP. Flail costs [c] and deals 10
damage for every damage counter on Basculin, which would
be great if Basculin had some way to survive the damage
it would take during a regular battle. Final Gambit
costs [w][w][c] and deals 80 damage which is fair
enough, but the drawback is that you have to flip 2
coins and getting any Tails results in Basculin whacking
itself for 80 as well. Fliptini and Eviolite can help
reduce that drawback, but I seriously doubt that
Basculin would live long enough to power up Final Gambit
normally, and I sure as heck wouldn't want to include it
in a Rain Dance deck.
Basculin is okay for a decent-sized Water Basic in
Limited, but this Red Basculin will never see play
anywhere else. Being both relatively fragile and
self-destructive is bad no matter what way to try to
phrase it.
Modified: 1.25 (Flail might be useful If your ooponent
only has a Support Poke'mon left in play)
Limited: 2 (works well as a suicidal bomb to take out
one of your opponent's more important Poke'mon, but it
doesn't have any longevity here either)
Combos with: the shoebox, now and forever!

Otaku |
For those unaware, I compiled a list of
cards from Black & White (and
later) sets that we hadn’t reviewed yet.
This is one of the missed cards I
feel pretty bad we skipped:
Basculin (BW: Emerging Powers
A Basic Pokémon,
Basculin is easy to work into decks.
As a Water-Type, it hits the
popular Fire-Type Pokémon for double
damage (Water Weakness is almost
universal on Fire-Type Pokémon that are
currently legal).
Being a Water-Type Pokémon allows
some support, but so far that support
has been found wanting; not delivering
as good of results as you’d expect.
80 HP on a Basic that doesn’t
Evolve has become low, though when the
card was first released it was still
Basculin is an easy OHKO for most
Pokémon, even before factoring in its
dreaded Lightning-Type Weakness.
Having Resistance wouldn’t have
hurt it, but it also wouldn’t have
helped much given the average damage of
most Types, so as usual its total
absence is just irritating.
Basculin needs just a single Energy
to retreat, which is good; easy to pay
and recover from, and low enough that
Skyarrow Bridge drops it to a
perfect free retreat cost.
has two attacks; Flail and Final Gambit.
Flail requires (C) and hit for 10
points of damage per damage counter on
Basculin, meaning a max of 70 points
of damage.
This is adequate; not good, but
not bad. Final Gambit requires (WCC) and
does 80 points of damage, but the catch
is that you have to flip two coins and
if both come up “Tails”,
Basculin inflicts 80 points of
damage to itself.
The main benefit is that it has
some synergy with the first attack
(provided you combo in a card to reduce
self-damage), and that you could run it
with no source of Water Energy, or a
very limited source if you want to
access both attacks.
In Limited play this is a great pick; if
you’re running
Water Energy cards, you’ll be able
to afford Final Gambit, and if you
aren’t you’ll probably enjoy the ability
to exploit Water Weakness from splashing
Basculin into a deck.
Sadly, these aren’t enough for
the card elsewhere, and it is because it
has simply been outclassed by other
Kyurem has Outrage, a superior
version of Flail, and can also be
splashed into any deck in a more
effective manner.
Final Gambit was pretty risky, so
most players won’t mind just relying on
Outrage (Kyurem
has more HP to fuel the effect).
Outrage may cost (CC), but that’s
Double Colorless Energy is for.
If you can afford to meet the
Energy requirement of (WWC), Glaciate
provides spread.
You also can use
Kyurem EX, provided you don’t mind
using a Pokémon EX for the role, for the
same cost that Final Gambit has, you can
access Frozen Wings; 60 points of damage
and discarding a Special Energy (if
present) on the Defending Pokémon.
For (WWCC) you get Hail Blizzard;
more than enough damage to fill the role
of “splashed in Water attacker”; that is
enough to OHKO a
Reshiram EX even when it has
Eviolite protecting it.
Basculin saw some play as an
off-Type Water attacker, or even just a
solid Basic attacker in Water decks.
This was both to combat Fire and
to combat
Donphan Prime decks that (while
still on the decline), were seeing more
play back then.
It is a shame we missed this one; had we
reviewed it then we would have been able
to point out an interesting bit of tech,
but now it is a budget card at best.
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