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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Zebstrika #48
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
March 27, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Next Destinies)
Today’s Pokémon is one of the few
non-EX, non
Trainer cards from Next Destinies to get
any attention from players. This is
hardly surprising as
Zebstrika ND
is virtually the return of a key card in
a World Championship winning deck from
the past: Manectric-ex
from the Deoxys
set. Before anyone gets
too excited though, just remember
how much the game has moved on since
is a Stage 1 Pokémon with just 90 HP and
Fighting Weakness . . . all of which are
very bad things. It’s not all doom and
gloom however as he also benefits from
being Lightning Type, which means he can
fit into a lot of the popular decks that
run Lightning Energy, not to mention he
also can benefit from the acceleration
provided by Eelektrik. As a further
incentive to play him,
also comes complete with an extremely
useful Retreat cost of zero.
One of the most powerful things a card
can give you in the Pokémon TCG is a
one-sided Trainer lock. That way, you
are free to play your Pokémon Catchers,
Level Balls, and Junk Arms, while the
opponent is stuck with them in the hand.
This huge advantage is what
offers in the shape of its first attack,
Disconnect. For the cost of [L][C]
you may only get 40 damage, but you do
shut off your opponent’s Trainers during
their next turn. This makes
extremely effective against decks which
rely on setting up low HP Basics. With
Pokémon Catcher, you can drag out
Tynamos, and
Oddishes, KO
them and get the Trainer Lock that will
hurt their recovery: they can’t use Rare
Candy to evolve other
Oddish, nor
use Level Ball to search out Eelektrik
or Electrode Prime.
Zebstrika’s second attack isn’t
bad either. Lightning Crash snipes for
80 damage at a cost of [L][L][C].
Yes, you do have to discard all
Lightning Energy attached to
but with free Retreat, plus Eelektrik to
get them back from the discard pile,
this isn’t as big a drawback as it
Although the effects of
attacks are great, the damage output is
pretty underwhelming (this is called
balance, I guess). This, combined with
lack of durability, means that he needs
the right deck and the right support if
he is going to be competitive. Some
people tech him
into regular Zekrom/Eelektrik
decks to give another dimension to the
range of attack options. Some have tried
with cards that add damage through
Status effects, such as
ND. So far,
Zebstrika seems to be very close
to being a seriously competitive card
without quite making it to the very top
tier. It definitely has potential
though, and against some decks can be
absolutely lethal. If you haven’t done
so already, I recommend
with this card and see what you can come
up with.
Modified: 3.5 (a very well-designed card
that would have been amazing if the
format wasn’t dominated by Pokémon with
a billion HP)
Limited: 4 (stops some very useful
Trainers, and the
snipe attack is a great way to
take your last Prize)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Today we have yet another printing of Zebstrika,
which seems to be almost as popular with the designers
as the Monkey Trio. Unlike previous versions however,
this card actually has a prayer of being taken
Zebsrtika is a Lightning type non-evolving Stage 1
with 90 HP, Fighting Weakness, a Retreat Cost of 0 (we
love free stuff!) and two attacks.
Aside from the Retreat Cost, Zebstrika has the
standard stats for a Stage 1 with the usual result being
that it will get obliterated the moment it faces any
real threat. At least Zebstrika can get out of the
firing line in a hurry if survives an untimely meeting
with a Zekrom or Mewtwo.
So, despite being better than the vast majority of
Stage 1 Poke'mon, Zebstrika is still squishy and needs
to be packing some serious firepower to justify its
presence in a deck. Fortunately for the stripy horse,
Disconnect is exactly what the doctor ordered.
For [l][c], the aptly named Disconnect will deal 40
damage and stop your opponent from playing any Item
cards during their next turn. The damage is decent
enough but the added effect is nothing short of
brilliant if you need to slow an opponent down while you
finish setting up or rebuild your Bench, and it gives
Lightning decks an answer to Gothitelle EP, Vileplume UD
and Durant decks.
The only problem I can see is that Zebstrika has to
be Active in order to lock down Items, so that low HP is
going to be a massive wrench in the works with 90 damage
before boosts being an easy number for decks to reach.
So, Zebstrika needs another angle which comes in the
form of Lightning Crash. For [l][l][c] and the discard
of every [l] energy attached to Zebstrika, Lightning
Crash deals 80 damage to the opposing Poke'mon of your
choice. This is an easy enough price to pay with
Eelektrik NV and Shaymin UL around and the snipe does
complement the skills of Zekrom and Magnezone Prime
nicely, but you have to wonder what the point of sniping
is while ever we have Poke'mon Catcher available,
especially since most of the more critical support
pieces have an HP score greater than 80.
If you face a lot of Vileplume Ud locking in your
area and happen to run a Zekrom/Eelektrik build then
Zekrom will be well worth testing, but it is very much a
niche card. Last format this would have been all over
the tables but in the current Modified format it is
mostly an afterthought. Still, don't forget Zebstrika or
you could find yourself on the wrong side of a Turn 2
Item Lock while your evolving Basics get blown away!
Modified: 3.5 (Zebstrika is a Stage 1 in a
Basic-dominated world but I have to give it points for
being gutsy, as well as for being useful for putting
tour opponent on the back foot if they are heavily
Limited: 3 (The sniping is great here, but you can
only use it every other turn if you even have the energy
to burn which is very difficult in a multi-type deck.
Still, you can also cut off the Heavy Ball and Level
Ball to annoy your opponent and free Retreating is all
too rare in recent sets)
Combos with: some way to improve Zebstrika's
survivability to properly capitalize on the attacks
virusyosh |
Greeting, Pojo readers! Today we're going to review a
new Lightning type from Next Destinies that has been
seeing some play in top decks recently. Today's Card of
the Day is Zebstrika.
Zebstrika is a Stage 1 Lightning Pokemon. Lightning
types have been seeing tons of play recently, with
Zekrom-EX and Eelektrik leading the charge (no pun
intended). Magnezone Prime has also seen some play as
well. Therefore, in order for Zebstrika to see some
play, it has to have a niche in the metagame. Luckily,
it does. 90 HP is standard for a Stage 1, enough to take
a weak hit. Unfortunately, this value also means that
Zebstrika cannot survive the big attacks from the
Pokémon-EX or dragons. Fighting Weakness is standard for
a Lightning-type, so the lightning zebra will only
really have to worry about Terrakion. Zebstrika also has
no Resistance and an excellent free Retreat Cost.
Zebstrika has two attacks. Disconnect deals 40 damage
for a Lightning and a Colorless, while also preventing
your opponent from playing Item cards during their next
turn. While the damage output isn't amazing, the Item
block can really be a boon in this format, as all of the
top decks right now rely on using many Items. Lightning
Crash allows Zebstrika to snipe 80 damage for two
Lightning and a Colorless, but you have to discard all
of the Lightning Energy attached. While the discard can
potentially be a problem in slower formats, the Energy
can easily be gotten back with Eelektrik's Dynamotor.
Modified: 3.5/5 I really like Zebstrika in Modified. It
has two very interesting attacks coupled with free
Retreat. Both Disconnect and Lightning Crash will be
very useful if you decide to run Zebstrika in your Eels
variant. Overall, Zebstrika is a very solid choice for a
fun spin on today's top Lightning decks, and shows that
Evolutions can still make an impact as long as they have
a niche.
Limited: 2.75/5 I don't like Zebstrika as much in
Limited. Disconnect is decent for the cost here, but the
Item lock will rarely be useful. In addition, while
Lightning Crash will usually score a KO on its own, it
takes too long to set up unless you run an all Lightning
deck. However, both attacks are still strong coupled
with free Retreat, so the zebra won't let you down if
you decide to run it.
Combos With: Eelektrik NV