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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Exp. Share
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
March 6, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.88
Limited: 4.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Exp. Share
Exp. Share is one of the most
useful items you can get in the video game.
Level up/EV train weak
Pokemon without going
through the pain of actually having to make them battle.
Will the card version prove to be just as essential?
Well, it’s a Trainer card, which is
good, as there is no limit on playing it. It’s also a
Pokémon Tool, so it is competing with
Eviolite and Rocky Helmet
(only one Tool can be attached to a Pokémon at a time).
The way it works is that, when an Active Pokémon is
knocked out, you can move one Basic Energy card from
that Pokémon to a Benched Pokémon with Exp. Share
attached. Is this a good thing? Yeah, obviously: keeping
Energy in play is great. Is it good enough to be worthy
of inclusion in a deck though? That’s where it gets a
bit tricky.
See some decks don’t mind Energy
going to the discard pile after a KO, because they can
recycle it with Typhlosion
Prime or Eelektrik. Decks that rely on Basics are still
likely to prefer Eviolite
because that damage-reduction can help them get ahead in
the Prize exchange by preventing a
OHKO. The cards that benefit most from Exp. Share would
seem to be Energy-intensive evolved Pokémon like, say,
Gothitelle EP. These,
however, are seeing less and less play as Basic decks
featuring Basic Pokémon-EX just get
more and more powerful.
I’m not saying that Basic decks and
Energy accelerating decks can’t benefit from Exp. Share:
obviously they can. It’s just that I see this card as
being the 61st and 62nd card most
of the time. It’s something
that you would like to play, but in the end it usually
gets cut for more consistency cards, or a tech attacker.
If you can honestly find room for it in your deck, then
you will most likely find it useful, and it may even be
what you need to turn a game around. I just haven’t
found the room yet.
Modified: 3.25 (no arguing its
good, just hard to find space for)
Limited: 4.75 (not losing Energy
attachments is crucial. Any you pull, you will run)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're going to
continue our Next Destinies reviews with a new Pokemon
Tool card that may see some play in a tournament near
you. Today's Card of the Day is Exp. Share.
Exp. Share is an Item, specifically a Pokemon Tool.
Copies of Exp. Share can be played multiple times per
turn, but are blocked by cards like Vileplume and
Gothitelle. As a Tool, it can be attached to a Pokemon
that doesn't already have a Tool attached to it, and
goes to the discard pile when the Pokemon it is attached
to is Knocked Out. Exp. Share has a fairly simple
effect, but also can be a bit confusing to understand.
When your Active Pokemon is Knocked Out, you may take
one basic Energy from that Pokemon and move it to the
Pokemon that Exp. Share is attached to. To give an
example, you have an active Zekrom with two Lightning
Energy attached, and a benched Reshiram with Exp. Share
attached. Zekrom is Knocked Out by your opponent's
attack, so you can move a Lightning Energy from the
Knocked Out Active (Zekrom) to the Benched Pokemon with
Exp. Share (Reshiram). Note that attaching this card to
your Active Pokemon will result in effectively nothing
happening: the Energy will be moved from the Active to
itself, then discarded as a state-based effect.
Therefore, make sure to put it on your benched Pokemon!
Will Exp. Share see much tournament play? It's
difficult to say. The card would be better if it could
move Special Energy, as there are quite a few toolbox
decks that would love conserving their Prism and Rainbow
Energies after one of their attackers is Knocked Out.
Additionally, Energy accelerators that use the discard
pile, like Eelektrik and Typhlosion, have very little
need for a card like Exp. Share, as they can easily
accomplish Exp. Share's job with Dynamotor and
Afterburner, respectively. Therefore, Exp. Share
probably won't see much play right now, but could in the
future, when we lose some of our Energy recursion, like
Fisherman and Flower Shop Lady.
Modified: 2.5/5 Exp. Share isn't bad at what it does
(conserving Energy), only it has trouble finding a deck
slot. With so many other good Energy manipulation cards
(Eelektrik, Typhlosion) and Pokemon Tools (Eviolite),
Exp. Share doesn't quite have its own niche yet. This
may change with the rotation, but as of right now, there
are generally better plays.
Limited: 5/5 Exp. Share is great in Limited for a
number of reasons. Chances are you'll run more than one
type here, and keeping tempo with Energy drops is
crucial. Exp. Share allows you to keep tempo even when
your Active Pokemon is Knocked Out, and can make it
easier to power up Benched Pokemon than normal. Exp.
Share is definitely worth using here.

Otaku |
Today we look at Exp. Share, a
Pokémon Tool that is a successor of an
older Pokémon Tool, EXP.ALL. The
effect is tweaked, so let's break it
down and see if it is better, worse, or
merely different than what came before
Exp. Share is a Pokémon Tool, a
sub-type of a sub-type. Trainers beget
Items beget Pokémon Tools, so follow the
hierarchy chain of effects: besides
being affected by cards that explicitly
cite Pokémon Tool usage, EXP.ALL
will also be affected by card effects
that work on Items and Trainers. This
can be quite, quite easy to overlook in
the heat of moment.
Since Pokémon Tools are put into play,
they can be used to bypass Trainer,
Item, and Pokémon Tool blocking effects.
This can make them great for a few key
tricks. The most general is shuffle and
draw effects; you can play up to one
Pokémon Tool per Pokémon, so you can
play them down before said shuffle and
draw card, enjoying access to them later
while thinning your deck. A little more
specific is handling Trainer-denial
effects: Trainer (and sub-types) denial
I am aware of blocks the play of
Trainers, but won't affect Trainers
already in play. Thus if your deck is
vulnerable to Trainer denial or uses
Trainer denial, either can benefit from
strategic Pokémon Tool use.
The slightly more unique characteristic
of Pokémon Tools is that, like Stadium
cards, they actually are put into play.
This means they may last varying
lengths of time, dictated by their own
effects, at least barring an outside
effect that discards them or the Pokémon
they are attached to being Knocked Out.
You can only have one Pokémon Tool
equipped to a card at a single time, so
much like Supporters Pokémon Tools have
created an effective resource: every
Pokémon essentially has a single
"Pokémon Tool slot". You don't have to
use it, and unlike Supporters it is far
less detrimental to do so, but make sure
it is a conscious decision while deck
The effect of
Exp. Share is relatively simple:
when your Active Pokémon is Knocked Out
by damage from an opposing Pokémon's
attack, if you have a Pokémon with
Exp. Share equipped you may move a
basic Energy card from that Knocked Out
Pokémon to the equipped Pokémon.
Unlike the older EXP.ALL
Pokémon Tool that had an almost
identical effect, Exp. Share
doesn't discard itself after the effect
goes off; it triggers each time the
conditions are met.
It also stacks, provided there
are enough basic Energy attached to the
Pokémon that was KOed to meet the
demand; something loaded with four basic
Energy cards that your opponent
can have up to four basic Energy cards
salvaged if four Benched Pokémon have
Exp. Share attached.
Exp. Share
is useless on an Active Pokémon (unless
you are playing some of the older
variant formats, like 2-on-2 or Team
In one way this is inferior to
EXP.ALL: while EXP.ALL wasn't
heavily used back in the day, when it
was it could be supplemented by another
Pokémon Tool relatively easily.
You dropped
EXP.ALL, and once it went off
replaced it with a “better” Pokémon
I’d say the benefits of it not
discarding itself are superior:
EXP.ALL was only good for a single
Energy, while an early Exp. Share
can snag multiple Energy cards, leading
to a substantial increase in card
advantage via Energy retention. Exp.
Share is superior, but only a
little. If you could voluntarily discard
it would be the best of both. Be careful
since a few decks may be able to bypass
the effect through damage counter
placement, Special Conditions, etc.
So is there any use for Exp. Share?
Yes there is. EXP.ALL had very
little use, but it first came out when
the legendary Focus Band was
still legal, and was similarly
re-released at a time when there were
several great Pokémon Tools available.
Exp. Share, at least for now,
exists in a format with just Eviolite
and Rocky Helmet! So by default,
it is at least the third best Pokémon
Tool you can run.
How does it actually stand up? Well, let
us think logically about using it. Does
it help Pokémon with low Energy
requirements for attacks? Assuming both
Pokémon use the same Energy type, yes it
does: a Pokémon needing a single Energy
is powered up the instant your opponent
an Active Pokémon with Energy attached.
If your opponent uses Pokémon Catcher
to take out your Benched Pokémon with
Exp. Share equipped, they are
ignoring whatever Pokémon you felt was
worth Energy earlier, and that is
probably a very good thing for you.
In an identical scenario barring
the second (or both) Pokémon needing two
Energy, your manual Energy attachment
will instantly ready the equipped
Pokémon on your next turn.
If you need a lot of Energy, you need
all the speed you can get, but again so
long as you are keeping constant
pressure on your opponent either they
focus on taking out what already has
Energy (allowing something big to be
powered-up "for free" on the Bench) or
they take out whatever has Exp. Share
equipped (getting hammered by whatever
you have already powered up). Few
Pokémon need more than four Energy, and
in this format requirements of three and
up definitely qualify as being "heavy"
So where wouldn't Exp. Share be
useful? The most obvious are decks
without basic Energy cards. Where would
it be less useful? Many (but not
all) forms of Energy acceleration will
render it redundant. This is why,
despite it being useful in so many
decks, you will not be seeing
Exp. Share everywhere.
Most decks running a form of
Energy acceleration are better off
running cards to search out or recycle
Energy (either to the hand or deck).
Exp. Share can be tricky with
multicolor decks as well: on one hand
Exp. Share can act as a floating
Energy type, making it easier, but on
the other hand if all you can absorb is
the Energy type you don't need, it may
only help for retreat.
Factoring all of this in, at first it
looks bad for Exp. Share use. The
format is largely dedicated to big Basic
Pokémon that can tap Energy
acceleration. Such Pokémon will
definitely want to keep using
Eviolite to soak damage and last
longer; they already have all the speed
they need, and if Eviolite wasn't
enough for Pokémon Tools then Rocky
Helmet would make more sense. Big
basic Pokémon get more out of
Eviolite and Rocky Helmet
because said Pokémon are so big they
survive being attacked longer, after
Small basic Pokémon aren't going to
survive even with Eviolite, and
odds are the two damage counters
Rocky Helmet would place on the
Defending Pokémon the one time it
triggers wouldn't be worth the card
slot. That doesn't automatically make
Exp. Share the best choice - if it
is a supporting Basic Pokémon that
doesn't Evolve or that rarely, if ever
needs Energy, then no Pokémon Tool may
be the best strategy.
If it is a smaller basic Pokémon you'll
need to power anyway, especially because
it Evolves, Exp. Share obviously
beats out Eviolite and probably
beats out Rocky Helmet. Nothing
might still be best if the deck has
adequate Energy acceleration already,
but there are a lot of Stage 2 Pokémon
that were just a little too slow to hang
with the likes of Reshiram and
Zekrom that have a chance now.
As an example, let's look at
Gothitelle (BW: Emerging Powers
47/98). Many are ready to write this
Pokémon off because, after having some
success with its own deck, the
anticipated changes to the metagame
BW: Next Destinies brings will make
the current strategy obsolete.
Fortunately it also introduces a new
strategy for Gothitelle: using
the new Gardevoir (BW: Next
Destinies 57/99) to double the
Psychic Energy provided by basic
Psychic Energy cards. Exp. Share
becomes useful to this combo because
when combined with Gardevoir it
is now worth (PP) each time it goes off.
With Exp. Share, a string of
Gothitelle can now easily maintain
an effective (
); one basic Psychic Energy retained and
another manually attached, then both are
doubled by
Madkinesis can then hit for 110
points of damage... which isn't bad
since of course this is the Pokémon that
blocks your opponent from using Items
while it is in play. If you can include
even one other form of Energy
acceleration (or just feel comfortable
relying on things like PlusPower
or Black Belt), Gothitelle
will be able to OHKO many Pokémon,
including ones that would normally be
safe hiding behind Eviolite
(since Magic Room is blocking your
opponent's access to Items). If you max
out Exp. Share (or recycle a copy
or two with Junk Arm), you can
even fairly painlessly hit three or four
Psychic Energy attached to
your third and/or fourth copy of
Gothitelle; that would act like six
or eight Psychic Energy due to
Gardevoir, allowing Madkinesis to
hit for 150+ points of damage!
I know Mewtwo EX is everywhere,
but does it really hurt this deck as
much as people say? Without support,
Mewtwo EX isn't all that great: it
is exceptional, but its full power
requires more than a
Double Colorless Energy to tap.
Against a Psychic deck, it will easily
score OHKOs, but is vulnerable to being
OHKOed itself. Indeed, this is what made
me take a second look at Exp. Share:
it can help you keep enough Psychic
Energy cards spread out after each
successive KO to revenge KO Mewtwo EX
It makes one wonder what it can
do for other decks; think of all the
“near misses” we have seen since
HeartGold/SoulSilver came out, and
how many would be better if their Energy
costs were effectively one less: with
proper play, that’s what
Exp. Share equates to!
The other combo I can think of is
Electrode (HS: Triumphant
93/102) Prime. I am not talking about
any Energy that would have been attached
to Electrode itself: the text on
Exp. Share clearly indicates that
wouldn't work. What I mean is that after
giving up a Prize to your opponent and
probably tossing away several cards
you'd rather keep for a quick Energy
boost, Exp. Share can keep that
Energy in play several extra turns.
The longer that Energy is in
play, the less you effectively “paid”
for it.
The other, more standard, forms
of Energy acceleration sadly don’t see
the same return.
Unsurprisingly, all that I have
expounded upon isn't going to matter in
Unlimited. Here the game moves too fast
and even if it didn't, you have access
to the best Pokémon Tools ever printed.
The list of general use Pokémon Tools
that anything can benefit from may not
be exhaustive, but it has got Focus
Band right on the top, and so far
that hasn't been beat except in specific
combo situations.
Special Energy are also
practically the default Energy used.
Even if you doubt this card's use in
Modified, in Limited play it is an
obvious godsend. You pull this, you run
it. Besides being a precious Trainer,
besides providing a turn of precious
Energy acceleration it, it also helps
you avoid running out of a particular
Type of Energy as easily, which is very
important in a format where most decks
are Colorless plus two other Types at
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 5/5
This is definitely not a card for all
decks, though it is functional in all
but a select few. Right now Eviolite
fits most established decks better, and
after that running no Pokémon Tools at
all. This is the card that should make
several "near misses" finally hit the
target, possibly dead center. Its
predecessor EXP.ALL was regularly
overlooked, but I recall a British
player doing quite well with a Legendary
Birds ex deck several formats ago,
securing a trip to worlds because saving
a single Energy with EXP.ALL was
all he needed to keep a steady stream of
big, basic Pokémon ex attacking (and
giving him a chance to use Super
Scoop Up for Prize denial).
I just wish I could remember his
I even used to chat with him. >_<
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