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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Dark Explorers Cards:
#7 - Zoroark #71
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
May 10, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Dark Explorers
#7 Zoroark
In seventh place in our top 10 countdown is a card that
players have been talking about since we first got to
see the fan translations of the Japanese card. In fact
it’s only one of a couple of non-EX attackers from the
set to get any hype at all . . . the other one didn’t
even make this list (*sad face*)
is a Dark Type Stage 1 with 100 HP and a Retreat cost of
two . . . so far, so meh:
the Retreat cost seems unnecessarily high, the HP isn’t
great, and Dark hits virtually nothing playable for
Weakness (do people still use
Chandelure?). I suppose the Psychic Resistance is
ok, but really there’s nothing here to explain why
anyone would want to put this card in a top 10. To find
out why, we need to consider two things: firstly the
amount of support that Zoroark
gets, and secondly its attacks.
In terms of support, Dark Explorers has been incredibly
kind to Zoroark. Dark
Pokémon have always had Special Energy to abuse, and now
they have a bunch of new toys to play with too . . .
Dark Patch for Energy acceleration,
Darkrai-EX for free Retreat, and the Dark Claw
Tool to boost their attacks by 20. If that wasn’t
enough, Zoroark also gets a
great Basic in the shape of a Zorua
with an Ascension attack. Long-time players will
remember this attack from Shuppet
CG and Feebas HL . . . it
allows you to search your deck for the card that evolves
from the Basic and put it on that card. Yes, it does get
around the ‘no evolving on the first turn rule’, so you
can set yourself up nicely for a turn 2
Zoroark without having to
search it out or draw into it.
Of course, no-one would want a turn 2
Zoroark if its attacks were
rubbish, but luckily they’re not. Dark Rush is decent-ish,
needing two Dark Energy to do 20 damage times the number
of damage counters on Zoroark.
In theory this means you could do 180 points of
unboosted damage, though in
reality any opponent that left themselves open for this
kind of attack by doing partial damage to a
Zoroark is probably not
going to provide much competition anyway. I suppose it
could deter your opponent from attacking short of a
one-shot on the Zoroark you
just evolved via Ascension, but that’s about it really.
Sensible opponents will just play around the situation
with Catcher and/or bide their time for
a OHKO. The real reason for
the hype though is Zoroark’s
first attack, Brutal Bash. For the cost of a Double
Colourless Energy, this attack does 20 damage times the
number of Dark Pokémon you have in play (including
Zoroark itself). This turns
that T2 Zoroark into a
serious heavy hitter: if you can fill your Bench with
Dark Pokémon, that’s 120 damage;
with Dark Claw that would be 140; and if you managed to
get Special Darks on there as well . . . that puts it up
to 160! Enough to OHKO an EX with a
PlusPower or two!
Ok, I was getting carried away there – that Special
Dark/Dark Claw/PlusPower
scenario is way too Farfetch’d
– but it should be clear that
Zoroark can still hit pretty hard pretty fast.
You’re even spoiled for choice when it comes to filling
the Bench with Dark Pokémon to support the attack.
There’s the Darkrai-EX I
mentioned earlier, Absol
Prime for early Damage spread,
Sableye DEX for Trainer recovery, and
Weavile UD for hand
disruption strategies. All things considered, that’s a
reasonably attractive line up for a deck.
So, is Zoroark worth the
hype? Hmmm . . . I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have
doubts about this card. At the end of the day it’s still
a low-ish HP Stage 1 that
gets OHKO’d by most of the
major attackers in the format.
Groudon-EX and even
Terrakion NV will give it nightmares, and needing
to maintain a full Bench of Dark Pokémon puts some
strain on the deck and limits your choices when it comes
to using techs and other useful support cards (such as
Shaymin UL and
Smeargle UD/CL). To tell the
truth, I think that Zoroark
is a little overrated, though there’s no denying it can
be a powerful attacker that will appeal to many players.
Modified: 3.75 (a bit of a glass cannon, but could just
be tournament worthy)
Limited: 3 (if you pull a ton a Dark Pokémon, great.
Otherwise . . . not so good)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're going to
review a card that's gotten a fair bit of hype since
it's come out due to its very powerful attacks, as well
as being one of the flagship Pokemon from the new set.
Today's Card of the Day (#7 on our countdown) is Zoroark
from Dark Explorers.
Zoroark is a Stage 1 Darkness Pokemon. Before Dark
Explorers, Darkness-types never really saw much play;
Absol Prime was used as a tech against Chandelure, and a
few fun decks with Weavile and Sharpedo came about, but
nothing really mainstream. Zoroark, Darkrai-EX, Dark
Claw, and Dark Patch aim to change that. 100 HP is
fairly standard for a Stage 1, so it puts Zoroark in a
range where it can take weak attacks, but falls to
stronger ones. Fighting Weakness is bad against
Terrakion; Psychic Resistance is great against Mewtwo;
and a Retreat Cost of 2 can be paid if necessary (though
Darkrai-EX gives it free Retreat with a Darkness Energy
attached, as well).
Zoroark's two attacks, Brutal Bash and Dark Rush, are
both fairly powerful. Brutal Bash does 20 damage times
the number of Darkness Pokemon you have in play for two
Colorless (or a Double Colorless), capping at an
excellent 120 damage for two Energy, not counting other
modifiers. With Dark Claw and two Special Darkness
Energy, this attack can reach 160, which is a hefty
amount of damage (though sadly still under the "magic
numbers" for many common Pokemon-EX. Additionally, this
attack can be set up very quickly with Double Colorless
Energy if you decide to go that route, although the
overall damage output is somewhat smaller. This attack
obviously works well with many Darkness Basics, so cards
like Level Ball, Dual Ball, and Pokemon Collector are
all great things to use to support this attack.
Dark Rush, the second attack, does 20 damage times the
number of damage counters on Zoroark for two Darkness
Energy. Once again, this attack's damage can cap at 180,
which takes out nearly every Pokemon in the game in one
hit, and that's without factoring Dark Claw and Special
Darkness damage. One potential drawback of this attack
is that Zoroark really doesn't have enough HP to make
great use of it, as there are many attacks that deal
over 100 damage in the format right now, like Zekrom-EX's
Strong Volt, Tornadus-EX's Power Blast, Mewtwo-EX's X
Ball under the right conditions, and a myriad of other
slow, large attackers (Reshiram and Kyurem come to
mind). Additionally, the omnipresent Terrakion can Knock
it Out in one shot with ease, as can a fully powered
Groudon-EX. Therefore, although the damage output for
this attack is quite great, chances are you won't be
able to really get the most out of it.
Modified: 3.5/5 Zoroark is a powerful Pokemon, having
the ability to deal massive amounts of damage as early
as the second turn of the game. Therefore, Zoroark
players can put massive pressure on their opponents, as
very few will be able to deal with an onslaught of
Darkness types doing tons of damage that early in the
game. However, Zoroark is not without its pitfalls. 100
HP is very, very, low, and Zoroark will often be taken
down in one hit by powerful Pokemon-EX (and even some
non-EX Pokemon). Second, Fighting Weakness is a major
problem, as Terrakion is everywhere due to the
popularity of Zekrom and Eelektrik, so many decks will
pack Terrakion, another pain for Zoroark to face. If you
get past these shortcomings, Zoroark can be a very
powerful Pokemon that makes the most out of the new
Darkness-type support in Dark Explorers.
Limited: 4/5 Zoroark's power is great here, but there
are a few problems as well. Brutal Bash requires a
dedicated Darkness deck to get maximum damage, although
the number of Dark types in this set mitigate this
problem somewhat. The second problem is once again
Zoroark's low 100 HP, but Limited isn't nearly as strong
of a format as Modified. Overall, if you pull many
Darkness-type Pokemon, you'll want to run Zoroark for
its incredible power.

Otaku |