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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Dark Explorers Countdown
#2 - Darkrai EX
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
May 17, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Dark Explorers Countdown
#2 Darkrai-EX
OK, so we are nearing the end of our top 10 countdown of
the best cards from Dark Explorers. Claiming the #2 spot
is the card that has received more hype than anything
since . . . ummm
Mewtwo-EX, and in fact is
changing hands for the same kind of money that
Mewtwo was a couple of
months ago. Will it have the same impact on the format
as the big purple cat thing? Let’s find out . . .
is a Basic Dark Type Pokémon, so it has a lot going for
it right off the bat. Basic means easily searchable via
Pokémon Collector or Dual Ball, and you can also
increase its already massive 180 HP by attaching an
Eviolite. Dark means that it
gets its attacks boosted by Special Dark Energy and the
new Dark Claw Tool while also having access to Energy
acceleration via Dark Patch. Fighting Weakness is a bit
of an issue as it means that
can be teched against
with Terrakion NV. Psychic
Resistance is handy against Mewtwo,
but not much else that’s playable.
Darkrai has a Retreat cost of two which, as we
shall see, will usually be an irrelevance.
The reason for this is Darkrai’s
Dark Cloak Ability. This states that
any of your
Pokémon that has a Dark Energy attached has no Retreat
Cost. That’s right, this
isn’t restricted to Dark Pokémon: any
Pokemon with Dark Energy,
Rainbow Energy, or Prism Energy attached to it is free
to come and go as they please. Dark Cloak isn’t just for
Dark decks, but can be used to great effect with
Colourless Pokémon (like Tornadus)
or in the Six Corners variants that like to abuse
Rainbow and Prism.
But Darkrai-EX is a lot more
than just a free Retreat tech: it also has a very
powerful attack. Night Spear costs two Dark and one
Colourless Energy and does 90 damage
to the Defending and 30 to one of your opponent’s
Benched Pokémon. With Dark Patch, what seems like an
expensive attack can actually be powered up very
quickly: it’s even possible on turn one if you have the
right cards in hand. The 90 damage to the Defending may
seem on the low side for an EX, but can be boosted with
Dark Claw/Special Dark and is still enough to score a
two-hit knockout on anything in the format, including
the biggest EX Pokémon. Meanwhile that 30 snipe can be
used to score OHKOs on very weak Basics (Tynamo,
Solosis, Baby
Pokemon), and two hit KOs on
Celebi Prime and most other
evolving Basics. An opponent’s Eelektrik will be in the
discard pile after three hits from Night Spear, or it
can be used to soften up higher HP Pokémon for easier
KOs later. Night Spear may not offer the same raw damage
output as some of the other EX Pokémon, but three or
four turns of it will leave the opponent’s Field in a
pretty sorry state.
And that’s why Darkrai-EX is
such a hyped card. It’s more than the sum of its
(already very good) parts. It deals decent damage and
snipes, hands out free retreat, benefits from great
support, and has a ton of HP. Is it really in the same
league as Mewtwo-EX though?
Well, I would have to say no. One of the major reasons
why Mewtwo was (and is) so
good is that the only effective counter to it is . . .
another Mewtwo, which
basically meant that everyone had to run it in every
deck. Darkrai, on the other
hand, is not nearly as splashable
and can be countered by other Pokémon: it fears
Terrakion NV and
(especially) Groudon-EX.
So yes, you can still build competitive decks in this
format without needing multiple
Darkrai. That said, if you can get them,
Darkrai is well worth
building a deck around. It’s a very powerful tier 1 card
and you will be seeing it at the top tables a lot during
the next few months.
Modified: 4.5 (you won’t understand just how good it is
until you play it)
Limited: 5 (has so much support in the set, pulling this
makes you a winner in more ways than one)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're reviewing
the #2 card in our countdown, and it's a card that has
seen incredible hype. Will this card's tournament
performance match its hype? Only time will tell. Today's
Card of the Day is the flagship card of Dark Explorers,
Darkrai-EX is a Basic Darkness-type Pokemon-EX. Dark
types really haven't seen much play for a while in
Modified; though Darkrai is thought to change that with
its rather impressive abilities as well as Dark
Explorers' new Dark-type support, like Dark Claw and
Dark Patch. As a Pokemon-EX, Darkrai gives you opponents
two Prize cards for being Knocked Out, as well as having
very powerful abilities. As a Basic, Darkrai can take
advantage of cards like Skyarrow Bridge. 180 HP is
enormous for a Pokemon-EX, and Darkrai should be able to
take at least one major hit, and a few smaller hits with
relative ease. Fighting Weakness is once again terrible
against Terrakion, as the Fighting musketeer can easily
Knock Out Darkrai with either of its attacks. Psychic
Resistance is great against Mewtwo-EX, and should help
Darkrai survive against the genetic cat. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 2 is payable, and Skyarrow Bridge makes
it even better (though it will usually be irrelevant, as
I'll explain below).
Darkrai-EX has an Ability and a single attack. Dark
Cloak gives all of your Pokemon with a Darkness Energy
attached free Retreat, which is very significant in a
game where switching is often a great strategy. Note
that any type of Darkness Energy will do, as will other
Energy cards that provide Dark, such as Prism and
Rainbow. From this, Darkrai-EX can fit easily into decks
utilizing Prism/Rainbow Energy, or also will work quite
well in Darkness decks. One popular idea of using
Darkrai-EX in a Darkness deck is combining the nightmare
with Zoroark DEX as a main attacker and other Darkness
types like Weavile UD or Krookodile; however, with the
popularity of Terrakion, there should probably be some
way to deal with Fighting types in the deck as well.
Darkrai is also in some non-Dark builds with Mewtwo-EX
and Tornadus-EX, forming a "DMT" combo that is very
powerful and very difficult to deal with. With its
excellent ability alone, Darkrai should see quite a bit
of play in both Modified and Limited.
Night Spear, Darkrai's attack, deals 90 damage for two
Darkness and a Colorless, while also dealing 30 damage
to one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. 90 damage for
three Energy isn't so great, but Darkrai can be boosted
with the likes of Special Darkness Energy and Dark Claw.
The 30 damage to a Benched Pokemon is a very nice
effect, and can easily rough up an opponent's Bench
sitter, or finish off one of their weakened attackers.
Overall, Night Spear is fairly good, but is made even
better with Darkness support.
Modified: 4/5 Darkrai-EX is really good. Dark Cloak
alone means that Darkrai will see a lot of play, and
Night Spear is good in decks that can accommodate it, as
well. Just be sure to look out for Terrakion!
Limited: 5/5 Most Pokemon-EX are no-brainers in Limited,
and Darkrai is no exception. 180 HP means that Darkrai
will survive for a long time, and both Dark Cloak and
Night Spear are excellent here. Dark Claw and Dark Patch
make things even better.

Otaku |
At last we come to the "poster 'mon" for
this set,
Darkrai EX!
Some of us rated it lower and
some of us rated it higher, but in the
end it clocked in as the number two card
from BW: Dark Explorers!
Let us begin reviewing with the most
obvious stat, the one that is even part
of the name: as a Pokémon EX Darkrai
EX is worth two Prizes when KOed,
and both necessity and precedent imply
it will have to be spectacular to be
worth that penalty.
As a Darkness-Type Pokémon it
sees no Resistance and some Weakness in
the current Modified Format, and for
those curious still no Resistance and
only a little more Weakness in the
entire card pool of Unlimited. Odd I
thought something had been printed with
Resistance to Darkness Pokémon at some
point in the game's history, but those
are the results of a quick Pokepedia.net
Being “almost” neutral is great;
while hitting Weakness more often would
be nice, this is better than having to
deal with a lot of Resistance and being
able to tap Special Energy Darkness
Energy cards for some extra damage
is a nice bonus (though not critical).
Given the lack of a recent reprint there
is some speculation that the original,
Special Energy form of Darkness
Energy may become another "retired
mechanic" with the next rotation... or
the powers-that-be may simply be taking
their time in reprinting it again.
As a Basic Pokémon, Darkrai EX
enjoys a very friendly format. Basic
Pokémon have their own generic pool of
support, and where as in past formats it
was often themed or excluded themed
cards like Pokémon with owner's in their
name (e.g. Brock's Geodude) or
the original Pokémon ex (which as a
reminder are not the same as
modern Pokémon EX despite being so
similar), here it works for any and all
of them. This on top of being a fast
format where the low space requirements
and ease of putting them into play makes
Basic Pokémon the obvious choice
180 HP is the current maximum printed HP
and only 20 from the all time high set
in past formats. Outside of Weakness,
this all but guarantees you'll survive
one hit from your opponent, and with
some luck (or planning) even two is
reasonable. The Weakness is a big
problem though: Fighting-Type Pokémon
are also the most common Weakness on
Lightning-Type Pokémon.
As we know, the dominant deck
going into this set was full of Fighting
Weak cards and that has been prompting a
rise in the use of Fighting Pokémon,
either as splashed in attackers or even
a deck’s core focus. This trend is
expected to remain steady or even
increase, but at least with 180 HP and
some precautions Darkrai EX is
likely to survive a single, unsupported
shot from them.
Psychic Resistance is a welcome sight
given how irritatingly rare Resistance
is on cards. This Resistance only shaves
off 20 points of damage from Psychic
Type Pokémon, and even though Mewtwo EX
usage is expected to decline a little
due to the influx of both additional
strong Pokémon EX and Psychic Resistant
Darkness-Type Pokémon, it isn't a
catastrophic decline and so being
Resistant to it is still a bonus.
With 180 HP and Psychic
Resistance, possibly even an
Eviolite equipped,
Mewtwo EX has to work hard to take
it down.
Lastly for the Stats, we come to the
Retreat Cost of two. This is an average
(but not mean) Retreat Cost, neither so
high that you can't recover from paying
it nor so low you can pay it without
really thinking it through. Of course as
we'll see, the card has an Ability that
makes this Retreat Cost less likely to
come into play, and even if that Ability
doesn't trigger, the popularity of
will often let you shave off one of
those Energy requirements; a single
Energy Retreat Cost is relatively easy
to manage.
While it would be overkill just
to run
Skyarrow Bridge as a back-up retreat
plan, several cards make use of it so
either you or your opponent were
probably already playing it.
Darkrai EX is one of the very few
Pokémon EX with an Ability... in fact I
believe it is the only one with
an Ability if we don’t count one or two
that aren’t out in English yet.
Its Ability is called Dark Cloak,
and it zeros out the Retreat Cost of any
and all of your Pokémon with at least
one source of Darkness-Energy attached.
That includes Basic or Special Energy,
and Energy providing Darkness-Type
Energy through yet another card’s
This is a fantastic Ability, though not
a universal one; while it technically
benefit any Pokémon-Type and not just
Darkness-Type Pokémon, not every deck
can afford to run basic Darkness
Energy cards. Still the likes of
Prism Energy, Rainbow Energy,
and a card pool loaded with Pokémon
friendly to being splashed off-type
means a lot of decks could still use it.
Many of the best Pokémon have at least a
single Colorless Energy requirement in
their attacks, so it wouldn’t be
completely extraneous to fundamental
Energy usage.
The card's only attack is Night Spear,
requiring (DDC). For the Energy
invested, being a fully Evolved Basic,
and being the only attack I'd expect a
good return; we do indeed get just that.
90 points of damage is a solid amount,
but you also get to hit one of your
opponent's Benched Pokémon for 30 points
of damage as well. I've heard a few
players focus only on just the Ability
and for some decks that is fine, but
Night Spear is still a good, if not
great, attack.
Most of the Pokémon EX can hit harder
but there is a catch; they still don't
OHKO each other and struggle to OHKO
anything especially big. They still need
to hit twice and if the first hit was at
full strength the second ends up being
overkill. Night Spear, with proper
support, should still 2HKO most other
Pokémon EX (and anything else it doesn't
OHKO), but after trading blows you're
going to have two 30 point shots to the
Bench still affecting the field. Even
with no intentional combos but having a
second copy of Darkrai EX go down
swinging, you should generate enough
extra damage for a Prize.
Many decks will run Darkrai EX
for its Ability. A few will need it more
for its Stats or its attack, and all can
happily enjoy all three aspects of the
card with a proper deck build. With
Dark Patch to speed up
Darkrai EX and Dark Claw to
mitigate an opponent using Eviolite,
it is often never safe to assume a
Darkrai EX sitting on the Bench
won't suddenly shift to the offensive.
With Dark Cloak providing a free retreat
to so many Pokémon, anything that can be
targeted by
Dark Patch can be readied posthaste.
Expect spread decks to really enjoy
Darkrai EX; Darkness-Type Pokémon
often specialize in spreading damage (at
least in this format) and Darkrai EX
just supports the whole package.
Specialty Pokémon like Absol (HS:
Triumphant 91/102) Prime can sit up
front and use its Eye of Disaster Poké-Body
to passively spread damage whenever your
opponent Benches a Basic Pokémon from
hand. If it has a source of
Darkness-Type Energy,
Absol Prime (like anything else
meeting these conditions with it in
play) can easily get out of the way for
a different attacker.
Dark Patch to help build
Absol Prime in a single turn and
Dark Claw to pump its damage, it
still isn’t a brilliant attacker for the
current format but it becomes
It can become a “pressure” card;
something that isn’t really all that
unless your opponent ignores it.
So your opponent is forced
between allowing it to become a real
threat by letting it survive, or taking
it down right away only to provide a
“safe” turn for whatever the deck’s real
attacker is.
Even decks still relying on a more
focused assault will enjoy access to
free Retreat and a Pokémon EX that can
simultaneously deliver a solid hit to
the Defending Pokémon while smacking the
Bench. For a little while, expect
Darkrai EX to be almost everywhere;
it doesn't fit into as many decks as
Mewtwo EX did, but that will be
offset by players building and
rebuilding decks to accommodate it.
In Unlimited, Dark Patch gives
Darkrai EX donk potential.
If it had released before the
rise of Sabledonk,
Darkrai EX decks would have been a
serious force; Night Spear does enough
damage to OHKO many prominent past
Pokémon still played in Unlimited and
that 30 points of damage would have been
enough to safely OHKO a Benched Baby
at the same time.
Given the rise of Sabledonk, I am
uncertain as to whether player’s just
accept the easy loss of starting with a
single smaller Pokémon (like a Baby) or
if players have finally let the Babies
take a nap and rely on other methods of
Still, I have high hopes; it may
even be possible (though almost
distasteful) to build a
better Sabledonk deck with
Darkrai EX and the other new cards.
So what about the last remaining format,
Limited? The two Prizes from being KOed
are half of the starting amount in this
format, so a Pokémon EX going down can
easily end the game. Fortunately
Darkrai EX is so potent it is a must
run. Granting a free Retreat Cost to all
of your Pokémon is great; even if the
Pokémon in question can't use the Energy
for attacking, this is a format where
you won't have Switch and where
retreating something injured can prevent
it from being KOed.
If you can get Darkrai EX
swinging, outside of Weakness (or
walking into a fully set-up opponent) it
should last two or three turns and with
the lower average HP scores, rack up
Prizes quite fast. Plus if your opponent
was hiding anything small or injured on
the Bench, you'll be able to tag them.
Unlimited: 4/5
Modified: 4.5/5
Limited: 5/5
You know how cards get hyped to
ridiculous extremes but
never meet them? Remember how
Mewtwo EX
almost met all
of its hype? Darkrai EX
looks to be a repeat of that. This card
isn't the “be-all-end-all” of the game
and you can’t just toss it into any deck
with almost any Energy acceleration like
one can with
Mewtwo EX, but it is strong when
supported and has enough going for it to
warrant building new decks and
refurbishing some old decks to include
Mewtwo EX itself is going to see a
little less play now that we have
additional strong Pokémon EX to use, as
a large part of having to run
Mewtwo EX was needing one of your
own to counter your opponent’s copy; as
such I believe that
Darkrai EX is almost as good as it
could have hoped to have been.