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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Hooligans Jim & Cas
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
May 30, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.13
Limited: 4.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hooligans Jim &
Cas (Dark Explorers)
We got some great reprints from
Dark Explorers (love the new Juniper artwork!), but only
one completely new Supporter card. Yes, the picture does
look slightly odd with the Scraggys and the weird
perspective. Yes, it does seem strange that the card
designers have given a card (and names) to those generic
bikers that always appear at some point in the video
games. But here we are, and I have a review to write.
Hooligans Jim & Cas is a very scary
card. It’s scary for you, and it’s scary for your
opponent. When you play it you flip a coin and, if
heads, select three cards at random from your opponent’s
hand. They show them to you and then shuffle them back
into their deck. Why is this scary for you? Well, it’s a
Supporter that has a 50/50 chance of complete failure .
. . you could waste one of the most valuable resources
that you can use in the game – that once a turn chance
to draw more cards or refresh your hand. Why is it scary
for the opponent? That’s even more obvious: Hooligans
could cut their hand down to nothing, depriving them of
key cards. Even if it doesn’t hit anything especially
important, it could deny them the resources they need to
use a discarding card like Junk Arm or Ultra Ball.
No doubt Hooligans will remind some
players of Cyrus’s Initiative. It’s not as good (Cyrus
gave you two flips
and you got
to choose what to return to the deck), but it does have
the potential to seriously disrupt your opponent.
Unfortunately, because of the level of risk involved
(the random selection as well as the coin flip), I can’t
see this being played competitively unless something
comes along that somehow lets you play an extra
Supporter per turn (like Sableye SF or Porygon2 GE), in
which case a new disruption-based archetype may just be
viable. Until that happens (if it ever does), it just
isn’t worth giving up your main source of set up draw
for something that stands such a good chance of being
Nevertheless, if you find yourself
playing in a match and you see your opponent slap
Hooligans down on the table, you are definitely in for a
few nervous moments.
Modified: 1.75 (not really
practical with our current card pool)
Limited: 4.25 (tons of fun, and you
won’t have that many other Supporters to play anyway)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing one
of the new Supporters from Dark Explorers. Today's Card
of the Day is Hooligans Jim & Cas.
Hooligans Jim & Cas is a Supporter, meaning you can play
it once per turn, and you can't play any more Supporters
for that turn. Due to this, the effects of Supporters
are usually very potent. The Hooligans have an
interesting but unreliable effect: if you flip heads,
you choose three random cards from your opponent's hand,
the opponent reveals them, and then shuffles them back
into their deck. Removing three random cards from your
opponent's hand is always great, and being able to do
this one the first turn is especially effective (and
cruel). However, Hooligans Jim & Cas has the terrible
downside of requiring a coin flip to work, which
severely hampers its usefulness, and this coin flip will
likely keep the card from seeing very much competitive
Modified: 2/5 Playing Hooligans Jim & Cas turn one and
flipping heads will probably severely cripple your
opponent, and that alone might be worth the cost of
admission. However, coin flips are generally terrible in
Modified, and wasting your Supporter for the turn on a
potentially dead card can really hurt you. Overall,
Hooligans Jim & Cas is a very high-risk, high-reward
card that some people will try to play, but most won't
due to its unreliable nature.
Limited: 5/5 Supporters are very rare in Limited, so
wasting your Supporter slot won't be as much of a
problem as it is in Modified. Additionally, shuffling
three of your opponent's cards back into their deck can
really set their tempo back, which is also great.
Professor Juniper, Cheren, and N are obviously better,
but Hooligans Jim & Cas is also worth running if you
draw a few, simply because the card's drawbacks aren't
nearly as pronounced in this format.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Hooligans Jim and Cas (Dark Explorers)
Today's review is really simple, because this card is so
easy for everyone to understand. You play this
Supporter, you flip a coin and if Heads, you choose
three cards from your opponent's hand without looking
and have your opponent shuffle them back into the deck.
No important choices, just you and Lady Luck trying to
cripple your opponent.
If you are a regular reader, then you already know that
the words "flip a coin" are a curse upon any card that
bears them and will have no doubt come to the conclusion
you should avoid this card like the plague. And you
would be right.
As a Supporter, you can't play another Hooligans during
the turn if the first one fails and you can't bring it
back to your hand with Junk Arm to use on another turn
so you have to draw multiple copies. Add in the
necessity of early Supporters like Poke'mon Collector
and Professor Juniper, as well as the power of other
hand disruptors like Judge and N, and it becomes plain
that Hooligans is completely outclassed. Still, I find
myself wanting to test this card to make certain.
There are two different decks that could make good use
of Hooligans; the Weavile/Houndoom/Sloking deck that
focuses on destroying an opponent's hand before they can
do anything, and the Durant mill deck which destroys an
opponent's deck while using tricks like this to slow the
opponent down until you've devoured the cards they
really need and can't retrieve.
With a 50% failure rate and the inherent disadvantage of
being a Supporter, I can't see Hooligans catching on in
Modified. Even in Vileplume-based decks, it is easier to
use Judge if you want use random chance for removing
troublesome cards from the opponent's hand, but I'm
waiting to be proven wrong by someone who will take the
chance in order to shrink an opponent's hand down to
Modified: 2.5 (dropping an opponent's hand size by three
is always going to hurt, but having the card do nothing
half the time will often cripple you instead. While we
have Judge and N, almost noone will use Hooligans)
Limited: 4 (getting rid of the energy in your opponent's
hand to prevent powering up or removing that critical
evolution before it can be played? Score!)
Combos with: Durant NV, Sloking HGSS, a different Item
based version that is weakened to only remove 2 cards.
Or make a Tails condition that allows you to look and
remove 1 card instead.
Otaku |
Today we look at Hooligans - Jim and
I'll be honest, I wish there was more to
their “team” because for the one with
the beard looks more than a bit like
from the Dreadnoks,
a band of mercenary/bikers from G.I.
Joe: A Real American Hero (and related
Yeah, and you thought the “Dark Claw”
introduction was random. ;)
Hooligans - Jim and
Cas is a
Trainer, specifically a Supporter.
Supporters are vital to nearly all decks
(and all serious decks I am aware of) in
Modified, as they are the primary source
of reliable and/or sizable draw, search,
and recursion
plus several specialty effects. They
have been blocked by certain effects in
the past, but I don't know of anything
that stops them in the current format.
There is a bit of Supporter “support”:
the ones worth mentioning are
3.0, Random Receiver, and
All can help search out
Supporters (and only Supporters), though
Random Receiver is the preferred
Hooligans - Jim and
Cas is
one of the few pieces of Trainer-based
hand disruption available in Modified;
you must flip a coin, and if you get
heads your opponent has to shuffle three
cards you randomly pick back into
his/her deck. If you get tails... the
card does nothing.
That isn’t good.
Discarding three cards from your
opponent's hands is pretty potent, even
if those cards are shuffled back into
the deck and not sent to the discard
pile or Lost Zone. Without practically
building your deck around this
supporter, however, you're giving up
your own primary draw or search effect
yourself. Most draw or search Supporters
give a return of two or three cards, so
using Hooligans - Jim and
Cas is
in many ways like denying yourself of
two or three cards. In the world of
investment this is known as an
"opportunity" cost; what you would have
gotten had you invested in a different
opportunity that was mutually exclusive
to what you did invest in.
In this case, the chance of
reducing your opponent’s hand “costs”
you a deck slot and a Supporter usage,
the latter of which (as stated) would
have given you a different effect.
So… half the time the effect does
nothing, and the other half you randomly
shuffle away three cards your opponent
may not even need.
That could actually help them if
your opponent wanted to use a
Professor Juniper, for example, but
had something “important” in hand too
valuable to just throw away.
It also won’t affect a “shuffle
and draw” card’s return, and Pokémon as
usual still has some amazing ‘top deck
recovery’ options to it.
At the same time you might just
need to hit any three cards, since so
many decks have discard costs; shrinking
a player’s hand can deny quality discard
fodder, or even any discard fodder at
This card appears to be the Modified
update of The Rocket's Trap. The
latter was one of three cards (the
others being Imposter Oak's Revenge
and Rocket's Sneak Attack) that
were the basis of Trapper decks that
were dominant for a time in the
pre-Modified days of the game.
Imposter Oak’s Revenge required you
discard a card from your hand, but then
your opponent had to shuffle their whole
hand away and draw four new cards.
Rocket’s Sneak Attack let you see
your opponent’s hand, select a Trainer,
and make your opponent shuffle it back
into his/her deck.
While the effects are identical (though
worded differently), The Rocket's
Trap existed long before Supporters;
thus it was a “plain” Trainer, the
equivalent of an Item.
The Rocket's Trap could be
used repeatedly; either by playing
multiple copies or by recycling one copy
with Item Finder. This was also a
format with copious draw Trainers (and
again, before "Supporters" were
invented), and the single greatest
search Trainer ever, Computer Search
(also a "plain" Trainer). In conjunction
with Imposter Oak's Revenge and
Rocket's Sneak Attack you were
almost guaranteed to strip an opponent's
opening hand to nothing when the
deck worked.
Hooligans - Jim and
Cas has
one partner to work with them first
turn; Murkrow
(HS: Undaunted 58/90). It's a
Darkness-Type 60 HP Basic Pokémon with
Lightning Weakness, Fighting Resistance,
and a Retreat Cost of one. In short, it
is a probable OHKO. For (D) it hits for
10 damage and gives you a coin toss;
"heads" and you get to randomly shuffle
away a card from your opponent's hand.
While you might manage to take out four
cards first turn, that would require two
"heads"; unlikely.
After the first turn, you'll have more
Pokémon options, but the rub here is
that you'll be wanting (if not needing)
those Supporters to maintain your setup,
including the other Pokémon you would
use to strike at your opponent's hand.
The only Pokémon I can think of
that really works with Hooligans -
Jim and Cas
also is a problem for it.
(HS: Undaunted 8/90, Call of
Legends 21/95) can be used to try
and get multiple uses out of Supporters
in your opponent's hand... which in turn
can free up your own Supporter use for
Hooligans - Jim and
Cas. Of
course you're also providing your
opponent the chance to do you one better
and hit your own Hooligans - Jim and
Cas with
his or her own
With what we've got right now, I
wouldn't use it in actual control decks;
you need to focus on building your own
stuff to make shuffling away you're
opponent's cards actually matter anyway.
There isn't a combo to completely scrap
your opponent's hand in one turn, so
without more support your opponent has
too good a chance of rebuilding... at
least too good for a Supporter that only
works half the time.
If you really need disruption as
part of your Supporter options, your
best bets are
Judge, or
Team Rocket’s Trickery.
The first two may also disrupt
your own hand, while the third is just
weak draw power coupled with a single
discard from your opponent’s hand (your
opponent chooses the card).
Even with those drawbacks, all
three strike me as preferential to using
Hooligans – Jim and
If you insist on running it, you'd need
to build a deck around
Hooligans – Jim and
Cas, one that allowed you to
“burn” your Supporter usage on them,
moving functions like drawing to a
Pokémon (preferably as a non-attack
Unfortunately we hit the same
snags; 50% failure rate, needing effects
that influence your opponent’s draw (to
inhibit recovery), and what to do with
the surplus if you succeed!
A quick glance does bring me to
Slowking (HeartGold/SoulSilver
12/123, Call of Legends 32/95)
whose Poké-Power
can do just that; “Second Sight” lets
you look at the top three cards of
either player’s deck and arrange them as
you wish: if you can keep one functional
the entire time, as long as at least one
of those three cards isn’t immediately
you might even be able to effectively
lock down your opponent!
Of course, you’re also going to
still need something attacking if you
want to win, and with all the resources
going for “control” it will need to be
Energy efficient and durable.
Future releases may help this card, but
this is actually a concern as well. You
see, this is a very potent effect, hence
being a "tails fails" Supporter… but
potent effects aren’t really balanced
out by coin flips, are they?
Either you get an effect that is
still a bargain or it’s horribly
overpriced due to the unreliable nature
of the card.
I personally don’t find it fun to
just because I happen to flip
"heads" on a card like this, at least at
a "serious" event, and I certainly don’t
want to lose because I got “tails” at an
inopportune moment.
As long as such cards exist,
there is the threat someone will figure
out a combo that does make them useful.
It'd be pretty scary for Hooligans -
Jim and Cas
if we got a reprint or update of
Porygon2 (DP: Great Encounters
49/106), for example. In a format with
very few Supporters (or very few “good”)
Supporters, this card would also be
better; if your Supporter use is apt to
be wasted anyway, go ahead and risk it
on a “tails fails” Supporter!
This card has no real potential for
You can simply run
The Rocket’s Trap, unless you are
running a Pokémon that blocks Trainers
other than Supporters.
ex (EX: Hidden Legends
100/101) or
Vileplume (HS: Undaunted
24/90) would be examples of such cards,
and they do see some play.
Since your deck would be best
built with mostly Supporters for
Trainers, you could then run the
Porygon2; while all (or at least
most) of your opponent’s Trainers are
locked down, you could effectively play
two to five Supporters per turn.
Even if your opponent was running
something that blocked Supporters,
they’d also need to block
to stop
You would also need
Broken Time-Space as well in order
to get all those Evolutions into play as
soon as possible, and you really need to
go first and thus you’d want
Sableye (DP:
48/100), since it itself can attack to
discard a Supporter from your deck and
duplicate the effect, plus its Overeager
means you automatically go first
(regardless of how the opening coin flip
went) if you start with
Sableye Active and your
opponent doesn’t … and hopefully now you
see the problem.
If you don’t, it is simple: I’ve got a
good chunk of a
Sabledonk deck built into an
“inferior” deck.
You just need to strip out the
more complicated Stage 2 Pokémon and add
in the missing pieces;
Seeker so that
Porygon2 can clear out your
opponent’s Bench via bounce (remember
that with
Broken Time-Space
Porygon2 gladly bounces itself,
re-Evolves, and is able to re-use its
[G] and the needed Trainers to
bounce it (of which there are several)
so that you can place enough damage
counters to KO anything protected from
Sableye using its second
attack (Overconfident) to score a OHKO
for game.
In Limited, yes you should run it; you
are unlikely to have another Supporter
to run (let alone in hand to play)
Again this means that while it is
still likely to fail, a single card is
worth a 50% shot at costing your
opponent three cards in hand...
especially in a format where it is at
last hard to replenish that hand.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 5/5
If we are fortunate, this card is
filler. If we are unlucky, it's the
first part of a painful combo. Just like
with Hooligan's - Jim and
Cas, I
don't like those odds.
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