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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Dark Explorers Cards:
#8 - Heatmor
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
May 9, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Dark Explorers
#8 Heatmor
Ok, here’s another surprise for me in our top 10
countdown. Heatmor is in
many ways a very unique card though, and definitely
worth a look.
is an unevolving Fire Type
Basic with 90 HP, Water Weakness, and a Retreat cost of
one. Nothing very special or noteworthy about that, is
there? However, the clue as to why it’s on this list can
be found in the attractive flavour text: ‘using
their very hot, flame-covered tongues, they burn through
Durant’s steel bodies and consume their insides’.
Yes, I used the word ‘attractive’ ironically.
What this means is that Heatmor’s
first attack, Hot Lick (*ahem*) is rubbish against
almost all Pokémon, doing just 10 damage for a single
Energy of any Colour, but absolutely devastating against
Durant. This is because its effect is to increase the
damage to 60 whenever the Defending Pokémon is one of
those annoying bugs. Factor in their Fire Weakness, and
it means that Heatmor
utterly destroys the ant, regardless of any Special
Metal or Eviolite it may be
So, does this make Heatmor
an effective Durant counter? Oh yes. Thanks to the
Colourless cost of Hot Lick (really, translators?) it’s
splashable in any deck as an
easily searched-out Basic that OHKOs
Durants turn after turn.
It’s not bothered much by Energy Removal cards, and
Rotom struggles to KO it,
thanks to the low Energy needs. Unless they can mill it
(and any recovery cards) early,
Heatmor will single-handedly slaughter a Durant
If this card had come out prior to Dark Explorers, it
would have seen a lot of play as Durant was an extremely
viable deck that could win tournaments without the need
for the player to go spending money on expensive
Mewtwos. Now though? Well,
most of the top decks won’t have as many problems
dealing with Durant. Darkrai-EX
OHKOs ants all day, Zekrom/Eelektrik
has always had at least a 50-50 match up against it, and
things like Zoroark DEX,
Empoleon DEX and
Tornadus-EX are fast and
efficient enough to cope. All of this means that
Heatmor is unlikely to be
needed as much in the future as it was in the past and
players are likely to prefer using the space to make
their deck more consistent over including a tech card
that counters a deck in decline.
I guess the thing I like most about
Heatmor is how on-theme it is.
Heatmor and Durant are
natural enemies in the world of Pokémon, and the card
designers have translated this into the TCG. If you are
traumatised by bad experiences in the past when facing
Durant decks, if you fear that they will still be
popular in your area, or even if you are concerned that
your deck has a terrible match up against it, then you
may well want to make space for a tech
Heatmor in what you play. In
general, however, I think it missed the boat by one set.
The biggest impact Heatmor
may have is to keep Durant out of the
metagame purely through fear
of a card that not many people will actually play.
2.75 (one-trick pony . . . but it’s a pretty good trick)
Limited: 2.5 (lack of Durant in the set means this is
just another mediocre Basic)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
the #8 card on our countdown, and it's a card that's
been receiving a fair bit of hype, as it's thought to be
a very powerful tech against one of the most common
decks in Modified right now. Today's Card of the Day is
Heatmor is a Basic Fire Pokemon. Reshiram and Reshiram-EX
are the most common Fire-types right now, although
Heatmor is probably going to see some play in a variety
of decks, for good reason. 90 HP is great for a
non-evolving Basic, although sadly it falls within the
range of being Knocked Out by most of the metagame's
premier threats. Water Weakness isn't too big of a deal
right now, with only Kyurem being an uncommon threat;
Heatmor also has no Resistance and a single Retreat Cost
that's easy to pay.
This flaming anteater has two attacks. The first, Hot
Lick, is why this card has received so much hype. For a
single Colorless Energy, Hot Lick deals 10 damage to
start, but deals 50 more if the Defending Pokemon is
Durant. Since Durant is weak to Fire, this attack will
do 120 damage (before any other factors), which should
be enough to KO even the hardiest of Durants. This is
very significant given the popularity of the mill deck
focused around Durant NV, and Heatmor's presence is
likely to see the deck's usage drop slightly. If Durant
is common in your area, running one or two Heatmor
should suffice, as you won't want to get it any other
time except in the Durant matchup. However, it's also
important to realize that if you run a low number of
Heatmor, Durant can easily mill them, restricting you
easy access to your counter. This attack is mediocre
aside from its anti-Durant effects, so you'll only
really want to use it if Durant is huge in your meta, or
if you're out of other options.
Firebreathing, the second attack, starts at 50 damage
for a Fire and two Colorless, but can do 20 more damage
if you flip heads. You won't even use this attack most
of the time in Modified since Heatmor will be in most
decks as a Durant counter; however, you can use it in a
pinch if you give Heatmor a Prism and a Double
Colorless. 70 damage for 3 Energy is very mediocre, and
50 is even worse. In Limited, however, this attack is
very playable.
Modified: 3.25/5 Heatmor does one thing very well in
Modified, but that's also all that it needs to do.
Countering Durant is a huge factor in today's Modified
metagame, and Heatmor can do the job quite nicely. Aside
from that, however, Heatmor is about as mediocre as you
can get. Therefore, you should only consider running
Heatmor for as long as Durant stays around.
Limited: 3/5 Although there isn't a Durant in Dark
Explorers, Heatmor is surprisingly useful. Hot Lick will
act as a standard weak 10 damage attack here, but
Firebreathing can be good with its two Colorless Energy
requirements and decent damage output. Overall, even if
you're just splashing Fire, Heatmor can be a productive
member of a Limited deck with its nice HP score and
passable attacks.

Otaku |
We continue our Top 10 Promising Picks
of Dark Explorers with card
number seven,
More like “hate more”, am I right
is a Basic Pokémon, which is great for
the current format; minimal deck space,
easy to drop into play, and quite a bit
of support in the current card pool.
Being a Fire-Type is important
due to it’s first attack and main reason
for being – it is about hitting Metal
Pokémon (one in particular) for double
damage via Weakness.
The 90 HP on the other hand is
less important; in the current format
that’s only about 10 damage shy of what
seems to be sort of the going rate.
Top decks will regularly hit
harder and thus OHKO
Heatmor and most just need the
simplest of combos (e.g.
PlusPower) to do it.
Water Weakness is expected, and unless
this set finally disrupts the dominance
of Lightning-Type Pokémon Water isn’t
expected to be a huge presence; it isn’t
entirely absent and this set contains an
Empoleon that has many excited.
No Resistance is a bit annoying
but not a huge deal.
A single Energy Retreat Cost is a
great deal, though: on it’s own it is
easy to pay and with
Skyarrow Bridge this Pokémon can
retreat for free!
Hot Lick just needs one of any Energy to
use, and does base damage of 10… which
would be poor except for the additional
effect: if the Defending Pokémon
Heatmor is wailing on is named
Durant, Hot Lick does an extra 50
points of damage!
So that’s 60 points of damage
before Weakness, which would double it
to 120.
That’s enough to blow through
and three Special Energy
Metal Energy cards’ worth of
protection for the Iron Ant Pokémon and
still score a OHKO.
There is only one
Durant currently printed, so this is
apparently a direct counter to
Durant (BW: Noble Victories
For (RCC)
Heatmor can use a second attack
called Firebreathing, which does 50
points of damage, plus another 20 points
if you get “heads” on a coin flip.
For the Energy going into it,
Firebreathing isn’t bad, but as a three
Energy big attack on a Basic Pokémon
that can’t Evolve, it is pretty average.
I think I’d rather it did a
reliable 60.
It mostly exists so that this
card could theoretically be irritating
to something Fire Weak other than
Durant, since for something like a
Prism Energy and Energy
acceleration, you can slap such a
Pokémon for 100 to 140 points of damage
in one hit (after Weakness and with no
other effects).
Since there are so many excellent Fire
Pokémon that a few
Prism Energy and Energy acceleration
(even as simple as running
Double Colorless Energy as well) can
enable this format, you’ll only see this
run to counter
So how well does it counter
I’m flying blind here, to be honest, and
haven’t been able to see two decks using
them square off.
If you’re running several
Heatmor it’d be a slaughter, but who
wants to run several
Running just one or two, you have
to worry about them being Prized or
discarded by
Durant using Devour.
Durant is not fun for
Durant decks, but my general
understanding of them is that most do
expect an opponent to at least
eventually set-up.
I believe if you can get
Heatmor out your first turn and
start swinging, counter
Durant it will.
If you’re a little slow, it might
still save you, but a
Durant deck that sets up quickly and
even just “goes with it” is likely to
recycle five
Durant before you take your sixth
If they managed to get all four
into play first turn, that’s 20 card’s
lost to Devour.
After subtracting out your
opening hand, Prizes, and your draw for
the turn, you don’t have a huge margin
to expend on setting up.
I don’t think you can afford to
dedicate space to more than one
Heatmor; unless that is the deck
you’ll be facing the most
Heatmor is just a warm body or
discard fodder in almost all non-Durant
As a warm body it can at least do
a token 10 damage without any additional
support (and if you can power-up Fire
Breathing a decent chunk of damage), but
that makes for a poor return on
investment even then and a probable OHKO
the next turn.
I honestly think
Heatmor may ultimately make
Durant deck’s stronger.
How so?
It may be a big “if”, but
Durant decks may simply update into
something where they still go about
discarding like mad, but are backed up
by a more substantial attacker.
Already a quickly readied
Cobalion (BW: Noble Victories
84/101, 100/101) is a common back-up
attacker for the deck… and just throwing
it up front to weakly attack is still
going to force an opponent to invest
more heavily in
Heatmor or see said
Cobalion power up to KO it in three
So without even breaking new
ground, we’ve got potential trouble for
a lone
We might get something seemingly
crazy like a
Durant deck backed by an
Empoleon (BW: Dark Explorers
I doubt we’ll see something as
crazy as backing
Durant with
Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND, but I
really wish we would (or that I could
make it work myself), but as is it looks
like both minor tweaks to
Durant and really thinking outside
the box can combat
Perhaps that is the point;
Heatmor may only be meant to combat
lazily designed/played
Durant decks.
If it is, then it is designed
reasonably well.
I don’t believe
Durant is played except “for fun” in
Unlimited, though I could be wrong.
I would think there would be
better ways to deal with it there,
anyway, since
Focus Band basically wrecks
Heatmor as a counter.
In Limited play,
Heatmor can’t function as a
Durant counter unless you are
pulling from two different sets, and
even then your opponent would have to
have pulled and run multiple
Durant for Heat Lick to matter.
Fortunately it’s “okay” HP for
the current Modified Format is great in
Limited play, and its single Energy
Retreat Cost remains wonderful.
Firebreathing also becomes great
due to lower-than-Modified average HP
scores, and its Energy cost makes it
reasonably easy to run
Heatmor in multi-Type deck so long
as it has at least a handful of
Fire Energy available.
As stated, if we view
Heatmor as an easy counter to overly
Durant deck, it succeeds admirably.
In a format without some of the
great, easy to splash Fire Pokémon we’ve
seen lately, it would have more use as a
general Fire splash as well, even though
it needs one Energy providing Fire for
I actually had
Heatmor in the 10th place
slot of my own list, and I still would
rate it there.
My opinion of it is better now
that I realize it isn’t meant to end all
Durant decks, just shake them up.