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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Boundaries Crossed
#3 - Blastoise #31
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
Nov. xx, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.95
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#3 Blastoise (Boundaries
So, today we move into the top 3 of our countdown of the
best cards from Boundaries Crossed and . . . wait . . .
what’s this? A
Stage 2! Surely some mistake? Well, at least you now
know that this card will do something pretty amazing,
unless all the reviewers have gone insane. (I don’t
think I have
– the others will have to answer for themselves).
Like I said, Blastoise is a
Stage 2 Pokémon. It’s a Water Type with the now-standard
140 HP, a very heavy Retreat cost of four, and a nice
obscure Weakness. We seriously lack good Grass Type
attackers right now (ummmm .
. . Shaymin-EX?) and this is
one of the major advantages that
Blastoise has going for it: it’s almost
impossible to tech something to OHKO this thing once it
But durability isn’t much use unless
Blastoise can justify its
stay on your side of the Field. Luckily, the Shellfish
Pokémon (huh? How is
that a fish?)
comes with a very nice
Ability. Deluge is basically Rain Dance under a new name
(y’know, the thing we saw on
Base Set Blastoise and more
recently Feraligatr Prime).
It states that as often as you like during your turn,
you can attach a Water Energy from your hand to one of
your Pokémon. As we all know, Energy acceleration
basically rules this format. Eelektrik NVI and Dark
Patch have been fuelling the most powerful decks for a
year now. Blastoise offers
potentially massive acceleration, but I know what some
people may be thinking: isn’t this just a Water version
of Inferno Fandango Emboar,
a card that isn’t really used anymore?
Well, yes. Yes it is. But it isn’t the Ability itself
that’s important, it’s what
you can do with it. Blastoise
is very fortunate to have a terrific partner in the
shape of Keldeo-EX which
does more and more damage for each Water Energy attached
to it. What’s more, it doesn’t have to keep discarding
Energy in order to attack, so providing you can keep
your Pokémon on the Field, you don’t have to constantly
be retrieving Energy from your deck or discard pile
(which is basically the main issue with
Blastoise isn’t limited to
just working with Keldeo
though: any of the Energy-intensive Water Pokémon can
benefit from Deluge (Kyurem
NVI, Kyurem-EX,
Kyogre-EX), as well as
Pokémon who aren’t fussy about Energy Types (basically,
Mewtwo-EX). You could even
attack with Blastoise itself
if you had to, even though Hydro Pump is a grossly
inferior version of Keldeo-EX’s
Secret Sword.
As a nice bonus, Blastoise
evolves from a pretty good Basic:
Squirtle has an Ability which prevents it from
being damaged on the Bench, giving it protection from
the sniping attacks of Darkrai-EX
and Landorus-EX. This means
you have a reasonable chance of being able to set up
Blastoise. The really key
thing though, is the fact that we now have a Pokémon to
really exploit the tremendous acceleration potential of
Deluge (which is more than poor old
Feraligatr Prime could say). It’s not perfect by
any means: Stage 2 support is still vulnerable against
fast decks running Pokémon Catcher, and it’s not easy to
recover if your opponent plays N and then KO’s a
Keldeo with six or seven
Energy on it. Nevertheless,
Blastoise is the engine of a powerful new
archetype, and you are going to have to get used to
seeing it a lot in upcoming tournaments.
Modified: 3.75 (Ability is great, but it will only ever
be as good as the Pokémon it has to work with)
Limited: 2 (Not really suited to this format . . .
unless you pull a Keldeo or
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Blastoise is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon with 140 HP. It is
weak to Water and has a retreat of 4. It is searchable
by Heavy Ball.
'Deluge' is an ability that allows you to attach as many
Water energy from your hand per turn. It is pretty much
'Rain Dance'. This ability is what is going to make
Blastoise see play.
'Hydropump' costs 4 colorless energy and does 60 damage.
For each Water attached to Blastoise, it does 40 more.
So in most cases it will do 100. The cost is a little
steep (Keldeo EX has a similar, but stronger, attack
that costs less). Just paying the cost in Water is
enough to OHKO anything with weakness. Anything else is
a 2HKO.
So this is the main component of the Blastoise/Keldeo
deck. The goal is to use Blastoise's ability to get
Water energy on Keldeo EX and have it hit hard and fast.
It's great against Landorus EX, which has weakness to
Water. Not really sure how it'll do against everything
else. Both of the main guys in the deck are weak to
Grass, which is great because the only Grass seeing any
real play is Shaymin EX.
Like all decks that rely on Stage 2's, this deck suffers
the same weakness. You have to get set up AND keep
energy streaming to your hand. Skyla and Computer
Search are here now, so they will help set things up
faster. I want to see it against Garbodor, since this
deck heavily relies on abilities.
Well, with Cities coming up this weekend, we will see if
Blastoise/Keldeo will be seeing play.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
one of the most hyped non-Pokemon-EX in the new
Boundaries Crossed expansion, and through testing I've
done with others, I'd have to say that I think this card
definitely lives up to all of the hype. This card also
happens to be #3 on our Top 10 countdown! Without
further ado, today's Card of the Day is Blastoise from
Boundaries Crossed.
Blastoise is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon. Water-types are
basically right now defined as Blastoise and Keldeo, as
that deck has been hyped (for very good reason), but
Blastoise works very well with other Pokemon, too. 140
HP is standard for a Stage 2, and allows Blastoise to
usually take one major hit before going down, if not
more. Grass Weakness is once again great, as there are
very few Grass-type threats in Modified right now (Accelgor
and Virizion are the only two that come to mind), and
even then, they aren't played very often. Sadly,
Blastoise has no Resistance, and it also has a large
Retreat Cost of 4, so be sure to have a Switch (or a
Keldeo ready to Rush In) to get Blastoise back onto the
The first-gen Water starter has an Ability and one
attack. Deluge is Blastoise's newest form of Rain Dance
variant, allowing you to attach a Water Energy from your
hand to one of your Pokemon as many times as you like
during your turn. Unlike previous Rain Dance iterations,
Deluge can attach Water Energy to non-Water-type Pokemon,
which can be significant in some cases (such as with
Dragons that use Water Energy, for example). Rain Dance
and its brethren have always been key players in many
formats they have existed in, as powerful Energy
acceleration is often difficult for most decks to stop.
In this case, Boundaries Crossed gave us the powerful
Keldeo-EX to go along with Blastoise, and the two are
natural partners. That being said, Blastoise works
incredibly well with most other Water-types, especially
if they have scaling damage attacks dependent on Energy
(like Keldeo and Wailord).
Hydro Pump is your standard scaling damage attack,
starting off at 60 damage for a huge four Colorless
Energy, but doing 10 more for each Water Energy attached
to Blastoise. While Keldeo's attack does more damage,
Blastoise can be ferocious in its own right, as 100
damage for four Energy is still very good. Be sure to
look out for Blastoise and Keldeo at Cities, as it will
likely be a hot deck.
Modified: 4/5 Blastoise is an excellent support card
that brings Water back into contention, especially with
Keldeo. As previously said, Blastoise and Keldeo are
great partners, but if you can't get a hold of the
fairly expensive EX, you can always use something like
Wailord or other damage-scalers along with Blastoise
instead. With Grass Weakness and a powerful attack on
its own, Water Weak Pokemon (such as Landorus-EX) should
be very careful. Believe the hype.
Limited: 4/5 Blastoise works very well in dedicated
Water decks in Limited. Deluge makes a slow format that
much faster for you, which will give your opponents
fits. Hydro Pump is also very solid, especially if you
are running mostly Water Energy and can power it up
quickly, as 100 damage every turn will put tons of
pressure on your opponents. Of course, Blastoise also
has a Grass Weakness and huge Retreat Cost and is fairly
slow outside of Deluge's acceleration, so be sure to be
able to power it up quickly if you can get it out. If
you do, you won't be disappointed.
Combos With: Keldeo-EX, Wailord, any Water-type with a
slow attack dependent on Energy
Otaku |
Had this at #4 |