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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
White Kyurem EX
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 27, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
White Kyurem-EX
(Boundaries Crossed)
The rest of this week’s reviews are
going to follow a
Kyurem-related theme. As the star
of the latest movie, and a focus of the
most recent video game,
Kyurem was
always going to be a big part of the TCG
releases during this time. There are now
so many versions of the card that you
can actually construct a legal deck with
24 copies of Kyurem
in it. I have no idea why you would want
to, but that’s a different matter
Up for review today, we have the White
It’s a Dragon Type, boasting the (so
far) maximum EX HP of 180. Those facts
alone make it a pretty tough KO for any
non-Dragon Pokémon because they can’t
hit it for Weakness. Mind you, it is
within OHKO range for both EX and non-EX
and they are still a considerable force
in the current format, even if they are
not quite as common as they were. The
Retreat cost of three means you are
either leaving this Pokémon active, or
you are using some method of retreating
that doesn’t involve paying the cost (Darkrai-EX’s
Dark Cloak Ability, or Switch).
White Kyurem-EX’s
first attack, Dragon Stream, costs a not
inconsiderable [R][C][C],
and for that you get a very mediocre
return of just 60 damage. Yes, you could
use Double Colourless Energy to get it
going in two turns, but that isn’t
really the wisest move as White
second attack is not compatible with it.
On the plus side, you do get a coin flip
chance of being able to attach a Basic
Energy from your discard pile to this
Pokémon. That is certainly something you
will want to do, as the attraction of
White Kyurem-EX
(such as it is) lies in Ice Burn, which
costs a very hefty two Fire, one Water,
and one Colourless Energy. For that
massive investment, you do get massive
damage: 150 plus automatic Burn on the
Defending Pokémon. If the Burn flip goes
your way, that
will be 170 damage: enough to OHKO a
or any Stage 2. Throw in a
and you could one-shot anything (except
Wailord, as
per usual). The downside is that you
must discard two
Fire Energy in order to use the
So, with the huge attack costs and the
discarding, it’s clear that you need to
run some kind of Energy acceleration to
give this Pokémon any chance at all. At
the moment, the only real option is
Emboar BLW
(with the Inferno Fandango Ability).
It’s a nice enough combo, but it suffers
from having to set up a Stage 2 in order
to work and (more importantly) having to
get two Fire Energy
in hand every single turn just to be
able to launch a meaningful attack.
Basically, the same
issues that stopped
from ever being a real tournament
White Kyurem-EX
is a real ‘headline’ card. It makes a
great set mascot, looks extremely
impressive, and has those high numbers
that lure kids into getting their
parents to spend money on product. When
it comes to actually playing the game
though, I’d put it firmly in the
league/fun category. When it works, it
smashes faces in a very satisfying way,
but it just isn’t going to do that
consistently enough to win tournaments.
Modified: 2 (big numbers don’t
necessarily make a playable card: ask
Limited: 3.5 (any huge Basic can be good
here, but this is by no means the best)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! I hope that all of
you had a great Thanksgiving holiday if you were
celebrating it, and that you all did well at the City
Championships that are now starting to heat up! Today
we're going to review a new Pokemon-EX from Boundaries
Crossed that I've seen a few people try to play already.
Today's Card of the Day is White Kyurem-EX.
White Kyurem-EX is a Basic Dragon Pokemon-EX. As a
Dragon, White Kyurem has to compete with the likes of
Rayquaza-EX, and therefore should be able to deal with
the Sky High Pokemon if it wants to have a shot at
Modified supremacy. 180 HP is the standard for a Pokemon-EX,
and White Kyurem should easily take a strong hit or two
before being Knocked Out. Unfortunately, Dragon Weakness
means that Rayquaza, Rayquaza-EX, and Hydreigon will all
OHKO, so you'll need to take great care if any of those
are common sights in your metagame. Sadly, White Kyurem
has no Resistance, and it also has a rather huge Retreat
Cost of 3, meaning that it's searchable with Heavy Ball
in addition to probably requiring Switch to move from
the Active slot.
White Kyurem-EX has two attacks. Dragon Steam does 60
damage for a Fire and two Colorless while attaching a
discarded Energy from your discard pile to White Kyurem
if you win a coin flip. This attack is actually pretty
good for a "weak" Pokemon-EX attack, as acceleration is
excellent in any circumstance. Additionally, this
attack's damage output can be raised to 110 damage with
the White Kyurem-specific Crystal Edge ACE SPEC card (if
you decide to run it in your White Kyurem deck), which
is quite excellent for the cost.
Ice Burn is White Kyurem-EX's big attack, dealing a huge
150 damage (200 with Crystal Edge) for the ridiculous
cost of two Fire, a Water, and a Colorless, while also
requiring the discard of two Fire Energy. 150-200 damage
is great and will easily KO many opposing threats, but
the attack's Energy requirements are both very expensive
and irritatingly specific. Therefore, if you're trying
to build around White Kyurem-EX, you'll want to tailor
to its strengths. Since you'll be discarding a lot of
Fire Energy, you'll probably want ways to get the Energy
back from your discard pile, such as Energy Retrieval,
as well as ways to accelerate the Fire Energy, such as
Emboar BW. If you run this type of deck, it wouldn't be
much different than the Reshiram/Emboar variants that we
saw early in this format, just with a much bigger
attacker. Of course, with the popularity of Rayquaza and
Rayquaza-EX, such a deck will probably not be viable as
a top-tier Modified deck.
Modified: 2.5/5 As previously stated, White Kyurem-EX is
an incredibly powerful card with Crystal Edge support,
as 110 damage for three Energy and 200 for four will
easily maul the competition. Of course, White Kyurem is
incredibly slow, requiring two different types of Energy
for its attacks in addition to being easily Knocked Out
by opposing Rayquaza and Rayquaza-EX, two very common
threats in Modified. I won't discount the likes of White
Kyurem entirely due to it having some good synergy with
other cards in the format and personal support with
Crystal Edge, but due to these factors, you're likely
better off running other options.
Limited: 4/5 White Kyurem is good in Limited, but
admittedly not stellar. Dragon Stream will probably be
doing most of the work for you in this format, as it has
relatively relaxed Energy requirements that can be
easily met. While Ice Burn is powerful and will Knock
Out pretty much everything short of opposing undamaged
Pokemon-EX, the very specific Energy requirements and
discard make it an attack that you probably won't use
very often. If you happen to get really lucky and pull a
Crystal Edge as well you'll be in luck, but aside from
that, White Kyurem is a decent beater with a big body
that will simply be good, but not great in the format.
Combos With: Crystal Edge (obviously), Emboar BW