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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Black Kyurem EX
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 29, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Black Kyurem-EX
(Boundaries Crossed)
Observant readers will have already
picked up on the trend the reviews are
taking this week, and there are
absolutely no prizes for guessing what
tomorrow’s card is. Today though, we are
stuck with Black
Kyurem-EX, which looks every bit
as awkward and intimidating as you would
expect a forced fusion between an Ice
and an Electric Dragon to look. I
applaud Pokémon for coming up with this
new concept, but I’m still not 100% sure
how much I actually like it.
Anyhoo . . .
time to review the card itself.
Black Kyurem-EX
is a Dragon Type EX Basic with 180 HP.
Being a Dragon means that it is Weak to
its own Type, which is fine against
non-Dragon decks, but means that this
Pokémon will be in a world of trouble
against the faster, better, and still
pretty popular
Rayquaza(s). The Retreat cost of
three can be pretty nasty as well, as we
shall see.
When it comes to attacks, Black
offers the big numbers that we love
(well, the second attack does), but not
the practicality that we need. The
first, Dragon Fang, costs one Lightning
and two Colourless,
and for that you get just 60 damage and
a coin flip for Paralysis. Paired with
Fliptini, it
would make the Status Condition more
reliable, but if that’s what you are
going for, then Thunder Wave
Tynamo and
get the job done for less. Freeze Shock
is at least capable of doing a lot of
damage (150), but for the fairly
ridiculous cost of
one Water, two Lightning, and one
Colourless Energy. Unfortunately, this
still leaves you short of the OHKO
on a fresh EX, and that’s a pretty
serious position to be in with Black
because the attack also has a crippling
drawback: after using Freeze Shock,
Black Kyurem-EX
cannot attack on your next turn, not
even with Dragon Fang. This is blatantly
horrible, and made much worse by the
card’s Retreat cost. This means that,
after doing 150 to an opponent’s EX you
are going to need a Switch
and another powered up attacker to
finish the job. Seriously, why would you
even bother?
Obviously, with those high attack costs,
you are going to need to run Eelektrik
to help out with Energy acceleration,
but then that raises the question of why
you would pair Eelektrik with this
instead of Rayquaza-EX,
which does not cap its damage at the
point below an EX OHKO and is much
easier to stream attacks with? The card
designers have tried to provide an
answer to that question with the card
that is up for review tomorrow, but it
is going to have to be nothing short of
stellar to save a card which pretty much
seems to sabotage itself with its high
attack costs and horrible drawbacks.
Modified: 1.5 (worse than White
Kyurem-EX .
. . much worse)
Limited: 3.5 (eh, it’s a big
tanky thing,
and you would probably play it for that
reason alone)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo! Today we're reviewing the
counterpart to Tuesday's Card of the Day, as well as a
version mascot of the relatively newer Black 2 video
game. Today's Card of the Day is Black Kyurem-EX.
Black Kyurem-EX is a Basic Dragon Pokemon-EX. Dragons
are very popular these days, as they have a combination
of powerful moves and Abilities with the slight drawback
of requiring multiple Energy types. As a Pokemon-EX,
Black Kyurem-EX will really have to be both powerful and
effective in order to see play, as the opponent takes
two Prizes for Knocking it Out. 180 HP is standard for
most Pokemon-EX, and ensures that Black Kyurem will
survive at least one powerful unboosted hit before being
Knocked Out, usually two. Unfortunately, Black Kyurem-EX's
Dragon Weakness means that the commonly played Rayquaza,
Rayquaza-EX, and Hydreigon will all OHKO, but Eviolite
and careful planning can at least temporariily keep
these threats at bay. Equally unfortunate is Black
Kyurem-EX's lack of Resistance, as well as its rather
large Retreat Cost of 3, although the latter means that
it is searchable with Heavy Ball.
Like White Kyurem, Black Kyurem-EX has two attacks.
Dragon Fang does 60 damage and Paralyzes on a coin flip
for a Lightning and two Colorless Energy, which is
somewhat below average for a Pokemon-EX's attack. Even
still, the attack can pull its weight if you're waiting
to power up Freeze Shock, and also works quite nicely in
Limited, where it has favorable Energy requirements.
Speaking of Freeze Shock, it does 150 damage for a
Water, two Lightning, and a Colorless, with the effect
of Black Kyurem-EX not being able to attack during your
next turn. 150 damage for four Energy is pretty good
regardless of the crazy requirements, but negating Black
Kyurem's ability to attack during your next turn is
really bad, especially on a Pokemon-EX with a huge
Retreat Cost.
It is worth noting that like White Kyurem-EX, Black
Kyurem-EX also has a dedicated ACE SPEC Pokemon Tool.
Crystal Wall raises Black Kyurem-EX's maximum HP to 300,
and while this HP score is unprecedented in the Pokemon
TCG, Black Kyurem's subpar attacks (for an EX) will
likely relegate the point moot. However, if you really
want to run Black Kyurem-EX, it's a strong option for
making it survive a little better.
Modified: 1.5/5 While I'm admittedly being somewhat
harsh, I can't seem to find a playable circumstance for
Black Kyurem-EX in the current Modified environment.
Neither of its attacks are very good for a Pokemon-EX,
and while Crystal Wall gives it tons of HP, the attacks
and typing negate this advantage. Black Kyurem-EX can be
potentially paired with Eelektrik to power it up faster,
but even still, Rayquaza-EX, Zekrom-EX, and Raikou-EX
are usually better options.
Limited: 4/5 Black Kyurem-EX is good in Limited. Dragon
Fang is a relatively powerful attack with a great effect
for flexible Energy requirements, and Freeze Shock
obliterates nearly every opposing Pokemon in Boundaries
Crossed Limited regardless of the no attacking drawback.
Therefore, if you pull a Black Kyurem-EX, you should
probably use it. If you get a Crystal Wall to go with
it, even better.
Combos With: Eelektrik NV