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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Boundaries Crossed
#10 - Flygon
Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 5, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Boundaries Crossed)
Hello and welcome to our top 10 countdown of cards from
Boundaries Crossed. Some significant cards that were in
the equivalent Japanese sets were left out of this set,
and that made compiling a top 10 a bit of a tricky job
(for me anyway). There were no problems picking some
worthy cards for the top spots, but after that it seems
that there was a lot of stuff that was
quite good
without being spectacular. This made it pretty tough to
decide what to include.
. . . the results are in, Pojo
has done the maths-type stuff, and the card that comes
in at #10 is Flygon, a
Dragon Type Stage 2 with a decent 140 HP, Weakness to
its own Type, and a decent Retreat cost of one. Nothing
special about any of that, so just what qualities got it
into our countdown?
It’s safe to say that that would be mostly down to
Flygon’s Ability, Sand
Slammer. This states that, if
Flygon is your Active Pokémon, you get to put a
damage counter on each of your opponent’s Pokémon
between turns. We’ve seen similar stuff from
Flygon in the past (see
Flygon ex δ and
Flygon SW), and it’s a very
nice effect that can really rack up the damage turn
after turn. Low HP Pokémon like Eelektrik and
Sableye are put on a clock
counting down to their KO, high HP Pokémon can be
brought within OHKO range, and the cumulative damage can
be manipulated with the new
Dusknoir from Boundaries Crossed. All of this is
possible if . . .
if . . . you can keep a Flygon
in the active slot.
And that’s the major problem really. It’s a Stage 2, so
it’s not that easy to keep them coming once they are
KO’d. The Dragon Typing does make it a tough KO for a
lot of Pokémon, but it is very vulnerable to other
Dragons (both
Rayquaza, Hydreigon,
Garchomp). It’s not even
going to be able to take advantage of that typing to
score easy OHKOs in return either as
Flygon’s only attack, Flying
Beatdown is incredibly
awkward to use. Yes it does 80 damage (enough for
a OHKO on any Dragon once you
factor in the Ability), but the cost is a Fighting, a
Grass, and two Colourless Energy. Fighting and Grass
aren’t even on the Same Blend Energy, so you are forced
to run two different Types. What’s more, if you want the
very nice bonus effect of auto Paralysis, you have to
discard the Grass and Fighting Energy . . . you might
pull that off once per game if you’re lucky, but don’t
count on Flygon surviving
long enough to attach all that to it – especially as
neither Type has any real access to Energy acceleration.
I can see why people like this
Flygon, and I can certainly see why it made this
top 10. That Ability just begs to be exploited with some
kind of lock or damage manipulation combo. Can such a
strategy really survive in a format of hard hitting high
HP Basics? Let’s just say I have my doubts. The
potential is there, but making the most of it won’t be
Modified: 3 (the format is very unfriendly to Stage 2
Pokémon – even the decent ones)
Limited: 3.25 (I can see the Ability working well here)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Over the next two weeks
we'll be doing Pojo's Top 10 countdown of cards in
Boundaries Crossed. We'll be reviewing quite a few good
cards over the next few weeks, so be sure to check back
to see how these new cards can shape the metagame. We'll
kick things off with #10 on our countdown, which happens
to be the Boundaries Crossed prerelease promo. Today's
Card of the Day is Flygon.
Flygon is a Stage 2 Dragon Pokemon. Dragons are seeing
quite a bit of play right now, as Rayquaza and Rayquaza-EX
are both quite popular, and both Garchomp and Hydreigon
are still seeing some play, as well. 140 HP is average
for a Stage 2, and Flygon should be able to take most
unboosted hits without any problems. Dragon Weakness
means that all of the popular Dragons will OHKO, which
is a major problem against both Rayquaza and Rayquaza-EX,
as they are very common in the metagame. To round out
the bottom stats, Flygon has no Resistance, as well as a
Retreat Cost of 1, which is pretty good if you need to
pay it.
This Mystic Pokemon has an Ability and an attack. Sand
Slammer puts a damage counter of each of your opponent's
Pokemon between turns if Flygon is Active, and is
definitely something to consider building a deck around
(for those that like stall/spread decks). It is worth
noting that Flygon must be active for Sand Slammer to
work, so you'll need to focus on keeping Flygon healthy
and Active. Celebi-EX is a notable partner, allowing you
to use Trapinch's Energy discard attack as well as
Vibrava's spreading abilities (especially on turns after
Flygon discards Energy to Flying Beatdown, but more on
that in a moment). Of course, keeping Flygon powered up
and without damage is probably the best way to keep the
Ability going.
Flying Beatdown, the Ground/Dragon's form of offense,
does 80 damage for a Grass, a Fighting, and two
Colorless Energy. However, in addition to dealing
damage, you can discard a Grass and a Fighting to
automatically Paralyze the Defending Pokemon. Paralysis
is probably the best Status Condition, and a guarantee
of Paralysis can easily give your opponent major
headaches. Of course, discarding a Grass and a Fighting
Energy turn is really difficult, as neither of those
types are very good at Energy acceleration. That being
said, 80 damage with guaranteed Paralysis is good enough
to stall a game out, and works very well with Sand
Slammer to ensure that your opponent racks up a lot of
passive damage.
Modified: 2.5/5 Some people see a lot of potential for
Flygon in today's Modified metagame, but I'm a little
more skeptical. Dragon typing is both a blessing and a
curse, as Flygon will likely fall to any mainstream
Dragon in a single hit, while OHKOing all of them except
Rayquaza-EX. Therefore, it becomes a matter of who hits
first, which isn't usually a good thing. Sand Slammer's
passive damage, while helpful, probably doesn't actually
do enough damage to build a deck around, as many of the
threats in Modified have huge amounts of HP. Finally,
Flying Beatdown is an excellent attack, but is also very
slow and requires two Energy types that lack
acceleration, making the automatic Paralysis somewhat
difficult to do consistently. Overall, I think Flygon
would be playable in a format with either fewer Pokemon-EX
or fewer Dragons, and until that happens, it
unfortunately won't amount to much in Modified.
Limited: 4/5 Conversely, Flygon is very good in Limited.
Sand Slammer does make a big difference in a format
where Pokemon tend to have lower HP, and Flying
Beatdown's automatic Paralysis will often be trouble for
your opponent. Of course, Flying Beatdown also requires
four Energy (two of different types), making it somewhat
difficult to use in the slower Limited format. Like most
Stage 2 Pokemon in Limited, if you are able to get
Flygon out, you should probably win the game.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Flygon is a Stage 2 Dragon Pokemon with 140 HP. It
is weak to Dragon and has a retreat cost of 1.
'Sand Slammer' is an ability that puts 1 damage counter
on each of your opponent's Pokemon in between turns, if
Flygon is your active Pokemon. So you are guaranteed at
least 1 damage counter on each of them when you send it
out. If you opponent deals with it, then that's it for
the time being. If they don't counter it, you'll
actually get 2 more guaranteed counters (from their turn
to yours, and from yours to theirs if you leave it
'Flying Beatdown' costs 1 Grass, 1 Fighting, and 2
Colorless Energy. It does 80 damage and if you discard
a Grass and Fighting, you Paralyzed the Defending
Pokemon. This can get nasty if they don't have a way to
switch out or heal. Paralysis means a guaranteed 3
damage counters (unless Catchered out).
So there is some potential with this guy. From thinking
about it a bit, there are a few ways to go about making
a deck around him. You could go with massive spread
damage and work in some attackers like Registeel EX.
Pairing with Groudon EX could be a possibility
seeing as how Flygon compliments Groudon EX's second
attack (Tromp?). You could try to pair it with an
attacker that switches itself out after its attack (Accelgor,
Ninjask...). This way you get an attack off, then have
Flygon get extra damage out there. You could also try
to just constantly stream Flygons. If you can get it to
the point where there is always an active Flygon, then
you will be putting out tons of damage. It'll be
interesting to see what people do with it.
Some downfalls of the deck... Flygon is a Stage 2
Dragon. That means you have to set up a Stage 2 and
leave it as the Active. The fact it is Dragon means
other Dragons can take it out quick (and 140 HP isn't a
lot to begin with when things hit for a ton of damage).
Though the HP is out of a lot of things OHKO range, I
will give it credit for that. The Paralyzing ability of
its attack is nice, but the discard hurts it. There
isn't any real Grass or Fighting Acceleration, so the
discard can make it hard to stream.
It seems like a fun concept, just have to test it
against the big decks to see if it survives.
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: Groudon EX
Questions, comments, concerns:

Otaku |
Welcome readers, as we count down the
Pojo Crew’s Top 10 picks from BW:
Boundaries Crossed!
We begin with the #10 pick,
Flygon (BW: Boundaries Crossed
99/149, BW Promo BW53)!
is a Stage 2 Pokémon, making it slower
than everything else unless you use
Rare Candy, in which case it is
still slower than the Basic Pokémon (and
Pokémon-EX) that dominate this format.
It also will eat up a lot of deck
space, and the two together will make it
very hard to combo it with several
otherwise ideal candidates.
Being a Dragon-Type is still popular,
and some of that may be justified since
the best counter to one Dragon-Type is
your own, as all are Dragon Weak…
Flygon so watch yourself against
other Dragon-Types.
Since it sports a fairly good 140
HP, being hit by another Dragon-Type is
one of the few ways for
Flygon to be easily OHKOed; the rest
of the time it should be able to take
the hit.
Sadly there is no Resistance to provide
an extra strong match-up, but since so
few cards sport Resistance it isn’t
really likely to hurt
It does manage a near perfect
single Energy Retreat; this can still be
too much if you’re really tight, but for
the most part is easy to pay… unless
your deck runs no Energy or you have
complicated attacks costs, which may
hold true for this card.
has a great Ability, Sand Slammer, which
places a damage counter on each of your
opponent’s Pokémon while
Flygon is Active.
If your opponent doesn’t take
Flygon out as soon as possible, it
could easily rack up three damage
counters worth of spread damage without
even attacking.
So what attack does
Flygon have to go with this?
Flying Beatdown, and attack with
a massive four Energy cost, specifically
Fighting and Grass Energy aren’t
on the same
Blend Energy, so you’ll have to run
Fighting Energy and
Grass Energy.
You could use most forms of
Energy acceleration to fill the (CC)
cost, at least.
80 points of damage for that much is
pretty weak, but you do have an optional
effect; if you discard one (F) and one
(G) Energy,
Flygon scores automatic Paralysis.
This effect may actually be worth
it; remember Sand Slammer is going on
this whole time and if you being an
Flygon, even if you can’t afford to
use Flying Beatdown again and your
opponent OHKOs
Flygon the turn after Paralysis
ends, you’ve hit the Defending Pokémon
for 80 points of damage and Sand Slammer
triggered three times.
It is shaky, and dependent on much. Your
opponent must shake Paralysis or OHKO
Also, you must make sure you
aren’t doing enough damage to the
Defending Pokémon to KO it with Flying
Beatdown or Sand Slammer when it would
spoil the Paralysis.
If you do these, you might have
enough manual Energy attachments to
reload Flying Beatdown for a second
That would be two 80 point shots
to the Defending Pokémon (again,
come from Sand Slammer damage on turns
you aren’t Paralyzing it) plus Sand
Slammer triggering seven times.
Seven times!
Quite unrealistic, but worth
noting, and I believe it explains why
this card was designed how it was; any
better and it might be broken… if it
wasn’t so easy to beat Special
Other Stages/Versions
Evolves from
Vibrava which Evolves from
Currently only a single Modified
legal version of all three, so I’ll just
cover the lower Stages to give a better
measure of
Flygon itself.
(BW: Boundaries Crossed 83/149)
is a Basic Fighting-Type Pokémon with 60
HP, Water Weakness, Lightning
Resistance, and requires a single Energy
to retreat.
The HP is low enough most decks
should OHKO it with little trouble, and
the fastest can do it first turn.
Water Weakness makes that feat
easier for a few decks, but most fully
Evolved attackers will score a OHKO
The Lightning Resistance will be
mostly useless for the same reason.
The second attack requires (FC), which
means it also is mostly useless; if you
are able to attach to Energy and attack
Trapinch, something is wrong since
you should have Evolved.
Said attack only does 20 points
of damage, anyway.
If you are desperate, its first
attack is “tails fails” but otherwise,
for (C) discards an Energy attached to
the Defending Pokémon.
Unreliable, but it might buy you
the turn you need to Evolve.
is a Stage 1 Dragon-Type Pokémon with 80
HP, Dragon Weakness, no Resistance, and
a single Energy Retreat, like
For (G) its first attack allows
you to flip two coins and score 20
points of damage per “heads”.
For (FCC) it can hit for 50 and
do 10 points of damage to each of your
opponent’s Benched Pokémon.
These aren’t bad attacks; I
wouldn’t call them good either, but if
the HP wasn’t so low I would consider
using the second one as more than a
desperate act or finisher.
For Modified, I’ve heard three proposed
First you can try the no/low
Energy deck, where you’re just throwing
Flygon up front and trying to
capitalize on the spread damage.
Possible partners are
Dusknoir (BW: Boundaries Crossed
63/149) to move those accumulated damage
around and
Max Potion/Rescue
Scoop Up to keep throwing
Flygon up over and over again.
The big risk is several decks may
be too durable for this to result in you
taking six Prizes before your opponent.
The low Energy version uses
Accelgor (BW: Dark Explorers
11/108) and
Mew EX (BW: Dragons Exalted
46/124, 120/124) to Paralyze the
Defending Pokémon with Deck And Cover
then bring up
Constantly setting up something
to Deck And Cover can be unreliable, and
odds are against having room to combine
this with
Dusknoir, let alone combining it
into something that sets up quickly and
If you don’t mind an Energy heavy deck,
finding a way to accelerate Energy onto
Flygon could allow repeated uses of
Flying Beatdown with Paralysis.
You’re still vulnerable to your
opponent finding a way to change out the
Defending Pokémon anyway, but the best
option on paper for this looks to be
Terrakion EX (BW: Dragons Exalted
71/124, 121/124).
I may be completely wrong; I was
really counting on getting
Ether and am now scrambling to find
an alternative.
If it does work,
Terrakion EX can probably take an
early Prize or three, and failing to
shake Paralysis or OHKO
Flygon could then become game.
The last option, and it isn’t impossible
to work into some of the other builds,
is to use the new
Celebi EX (BW: Boundaries Crossed
9/149, 141/149); its Time Recall Ability
would allow you to tap the attacks on
Vibrava, which included that spread
The big concerns here are that
Celebi EX has just 110 HP and you
can’t use
Rare Candy to speed up
Flygon, plus like I said that attack
is just “okay”.
If your opponent just focuses on
repeatedly OHKOing
Celebi EX, you would just hit for 50
to the Defending Pokémon twice, 10
points of spread damage to the Bench
twice, and about five activations of
Sand Slammer (if I counted correctly).
In Unlimited, this card might have a
With the official reprint of
Computer Search debut this set as an
Ace Spec card (short version: you may
only run one Ace Spec card per deck),
Unlimited should get a bit of a
I don’t think this will kill most
top decks, just make them less efficient
having only one copy of
Computer Search.
While this will also make a
hypothetical deck built around
Flygon less efficient, you can make
a no Energy, low Energy, or even high
Energy deck but it would be able to go
off first turn.
You might even manage a lock deck
with it.
As for Limited, provided you get the
lower Stages this is a great pull.
The Energy requirements for the
line aren’t too terrible, and even if
you can’t run both Types of Energy, here
you can easily use it with no Energy
since your opponent will likely struggle
to 2HKO
Just remember this set has a few
cards that can help shake Special
Conditions, so even Paralysis may not be
appears to be an interesting card that
yields at least one fun deck, maybe more
than one.
I think it has a small chance of
being competitive, but I wouldn’t mind
someone proving me wrong and piloting
something built around this to some big
victories. If you do encounter it in a
tournament, don’t think it is “safe”;
Abilities like Sand Slammer can turn
sound strategy into a major misplay.
In my own Top 10 list,
Flygon actually clocked in at number
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Flygon (Boundaries Crossed)
It's been quite some time since I posted a review (I've
missed all of Dragons Exalted), so I'm glad to be back
for the Top 10 Pojo Picks for Boundaries Crossed. I
didn't vote this time around, but I've found a few
precious seconds to write these words.
A new set release means 3 things: Prerelease Events
(always a blast), new toys for old decks, and fresh
cards just waiting to be broken. Flygon is the third
category with an Ability that should be familiar to
anyone who played with Dark Tyranitar RR or Flygon SW.
Those ancestors of this modern card also placed damage
counters on Poke'mon in between turns if they were
Active, but they had restrictions (Tyranitar hurt all
Basics and Flygon missed opposing Fighting types).
Today's card just pours the hurt on your opponent's
entire team, one damage counter at a time.
So, you have Sand Slammer doing exactly what is says on
the tin, and I imagine that many deckbuilders are
salivating at the thought of Flygon tearing down high HP
Poke'mon EX without even attacking. But why shouldn't
you attack? Flygon's Flying Beatdown is certainly flashy
enough to warrant use.
For [g][f][c][c] you get 80 damage (severely weak for a
4 energy attack) and an optional discard. Losing the
Grass ad Fighting energies every turn is painful (no
acceleration or shared colours on the various Rainbow
Energy variants) but the automatic Paralysis is
definitely going to come in handy. I can't think of any
way to manage it consistently turn after turn but as a
once-per-game effect, it can buy you a crucial turn.
Now we get to the less than fun part of the review where
reality kicks in. Flygon BC is a Stage 2 spreading
disabler in a format dominated by Poke'mon EX beatsticks.
You'll need lots of card space dedicated to finding both
Rare Candy and the evolution line if you want to have
any chance of getting into play in time to matter, and
will by extension have less room for the common tools of
the trade like Poke'mon Catcher.
The Dragon Weakness is another limiting factor, since
Flygon is unlikely to do much attacking of it's own to
exploit the mirror match and Rayquaza (in both its
forms) has found a comfortable home at the top of the
Dragon slaying pile.
Some comfort can be taken from the low retreat cost
(it's easy to move at least) and the 140 HP will resist
almost anything you can throw at it (Max Potions will be
essential). But with the currently unworkable energy
costs, Flygon is a poor choice for fighting a regular
What Flygon needs is a cunning player who can somehow
combine a fast evolution engine with the correct tools
to stop your opponent bringing the fight to you. Discard
is your friend, with Crushing Hammer locking out an
opponent's energy and Hooligans Jim and Cass relieving
your opponent's hand of options. Add Dusknoir BC to
shift the opposing damage counters onto the weaker
utility techs (that means Eelektrik NV, Sableye DEX and
Dragon Call Gabite) and you might just have a way of
closing out the game.
I don't have high hopes for Flygon, simply because the
card has been intentionally dropped in an environment
hostile to building on small advantages (today's
discerning player prefers giant plays that make your
opponent flip the table). But if you can find a way to
cripple your opponent's engine while also keeping Flygon
Active (no Sableye recycling, no Gothitelle Item locking
and no Energy acceleration from the discard just to make
things extra difficult) then I can't think of a more
imposing Poke'mon. Wiping out an entire opposing team
regardless of damage reduction is something that gives
me the shivers, no matter how many hoops I have to jump
Modified: 3 (an inevitable win condition in Sand Slammer
is held back by pretty much every other facet of the
card and the metagame will not be kind. Pick up a copy
or two for your rogue deck building pleasure and see if
you can succeed where I have failed)
Limited: 4 (not needing to attack is a funny way to win,
but if your opponent has nothing better happening then
that's exactly what you'll do. If you can manage the
energy costs, then go for it because Boundaries Crossed
has enough draw/search to make Stage 2 Poke'mon playable
and auto Paralysis wins Limited games. Just be careful
of Audino who will ruin your fun)
Combos with: Dusknoir BC, an as yet undiscovered way to
make attacking with Flying Beatdown less painful than
dental surgery without anaesthetic.