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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Boundaries Crossed
#7 - Gold Potion
Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 8, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 4.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Gold Potion (Boundaries Crossed)
Coming in at #7 on our top 10 countdown
is a representative of a brand new card
type which was introduced with this set.
ACE SPEC Trainers are just like any
other Trainer-Item in that you can play
as many as you like during your turn.
The big difference is that you are
restricted to playing only one ACE SPEC
Trainer in your deck.
With a restriction like that, you would
expect the ACE SPEC Trainers to be
extremely powerful and, by and large,
you would be right to do so. Gold
Potion, for example, has the effect of
healing a massive 90 damage from your
active Pokémon. That amount of damage is
pretty much a magic number in the
current format. Most EX Pokémon require
two 90 damage attacks to KO them, and
there are a
ton of commonly played Pokémon who hit
for that amount (Darkrai-EX’s
Night Spear,
Terrakion NVI’s Land Crush,
Shred etc). Wiping out that damage at a
stroke means your opponent just wasted
an attack and will not get to take the
KO they have been planning for.
But . . . you have probably noticed that
we already have a card that can do the
same job: Max Potion. True, you have to
discard all attached Energies, but then,
unlike Gold Potion, you can also use it
on Benched Pokémon (very useful if your
opponent is trying to accumulate damage
on a Bench-sitter like Eelektrik NVI).
With Max Potion, you are not restricted
to a single copy and, most important of
all, it isn’t keeping another, better
ACE SPEC Trainer out of your deck (and,
no, I’m not talking about Crystal Edge).
if you didn’t happen to have a copy of
that other, better ACE SPEC, then there
would be no harm at all in putting this
in your deck: it does have a really good
effect. Looked at in isolation, Gold
Potion is a very nice card indeed, but
when you consider the opportunity cost
of not playing a certain other ACE SPEC
card (Crystal Wall Computer
Search!), then it doesn’t seem like such
a great idea to be playing it.
Especially when
other healing cards are also available.
Modified: 3 (it’s good, but you can and
will use something better)
Limited: 4.5 (use it wisely and it could
set your opponent back a few turns)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we've reached
#7 on our countdown of Pojo's Top 10 Boundaries Crossed
cards, and we're going to start off by reviewing a card
of a new template. Today's Card of the Day is Gold
Gold Potion is an ACE SPEC Trainer Item, which has two
meanings. As an Item card, you can play as many Gold
Potions as you want during your turn, and the card is
blocked by things like Gothitelle EP's Magic Room.
Second, as an ACE SPEC, you are only allowed one ACE
SPEC card per deck, so you can only run a single copy of
Gold Potion in your deck, and if you do, you can't run
cards like Computer Search, Crystal Edge, or Crystal
Wall. Therefore, with this major restriction in mind,
it's important that if you're going to use Gold Potion,
that it can do a better job than the other ACE SPEC
cards currently available.
Gold Potion's effect, while somewhat simple, is quite
good in many decks. Gold Potion simply heals 90 damage
for your Active Pokemon. While 90 damage isn't as much
as Max Potion can heal, Gold Potion also lacks the
drawback of having to discard all of the Energy attached
when used. Likewise, Gold Potion works better than Super
Scoop Up in most of these cases since you can heal the
Active without giving up Energy or board position,
making it a great choice for walling and tank decks. On
the flip side, 90 damage is about the average attack
damage in Modified right now (with some obvious
exceptions dealing more), so Gold Potion will often buy
you a single turn, which may not always be enough to
determine the outcome of a game. Additionally, with the
lack of viable Trainer recursion in the format (right
now), you'll have to make that 90 HP bonus count.
Overall, Gold Potion is a stronger card than it looks on
first appearance, but you also have to know when to use
it to maximize its effects.
Modified: 3/5 As previously stated, Gold Potion will
pretty much buy your attacker of choice one more turn,
which will work well in tank and stall decks (such as
Terrakion variants that still pop up on occasion), but
given the relatively fast pace of the format, most decks
will usually be better off running Computer Search,
especially if their attackers are weak to a
commonly-played type, as Gold Potion can only work when
the Active isn't being OHKO'd. Again, Gold Potion can
work well in any deck, but make sure that you'll get
more mileage out of it than you would with Computer
Search before adding it to your list.
Limited: 5/5 Free, significant healing with no drawback.
The only time I would consider not running Gold Potion
here is if you pull Computer Search in your Limited pool
as well, and even then, it's much more of a toss-up in
this format. Amazing card here.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Gold Potion
Gold Potion is an item that heals 90 damage from your
Active Pokemon. It is also an ACE SPEC, so only 1 of
those per deck. My thoughts on Gold Potion... It's the
second best ACE SPEC, and even then I don't feel the
need to rush and get one. Healing 90 damage for free is
really good. That makes a 'Night Spear' almost mull
(minus the 30 spread). Max Potion is what is being run
to get rid of big damage, and that requires energy
discards (unless worked around). Super Scoop Up is
another alternative, that that rests on a coin flip.
Now, I just read it carefully and it said 'from your
Active'... That makes this card not as good as I
thought it was. I thought that because it was an ACE
SPEC that it would heal the 90 from any of your Pokemon.
That restriction can hurt, for example, an EX (with
Energy, but not enough to attack) on your Bench is 30
damage away from a KO. They have a Darkrai EX ready to
attack. You have a Gold Potion. That means you have to
retreat to the EX or you lose it (and possibly the
match) next turn. I know it's a scenario that might not
happen too often, but you get the idea. Healing on the
Bench is important in a format that one of the biggest
attackers hits the bench.
And now my other reason to not care about this card.
Computer Search. We can only have 1 ACE SPEC per deck,
and I choose Computer Search. That'll let me get
anything for that situation. Gold Potion just heals.
What if I have no damage on the field? They could be
OHKOing everything of mine. I prefer Computer Search.
Though I do give Gold Potion some credit. It isn't
Crystal Edge or Crystal Wall. A one-of card that is an
item? Especially when a card last set was made to ruin
it's day? I know I'm going to have the bad luck of
pulling one of those two...
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 4.5/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:

Otaku |
Today we look our what, according to the
aggregate list created from the staff’s
individual lists, is the seventh most
anticipated card of BW: Boundaries
Gold Potion (140/149).
Once again, I’ll forgo most of my
normal formatting.
Gold Potion
is an Item, which is one of the three
main forms of Trainers.
What is special is that it is the
first Ace Spec card we are officially
reviewing. “Ace Spec” is a new but
familiar mechanic; you are allowed one
Ace Spec card per deck.
Because of this, the effects on
the Ace Spec cards are very, very
Three other Ace Spec cards were released
in this set, with all three being Items
and two of those other three also being
Pokémon Tools.
Still, nothing about the mechanic
flatly requires it apply only to Items
or even Trainers. In the past we had
other cards with a similar built-in
restriction mechanic, but they haven’t
stuck around.
I have to say, for certain
Pokémon, Stadiums, and Supporters (since
the latter represents people); it fits
the flavor for them not to be allowed in
The effect of
Gold Potion heals 90 points of
damage off your Active Pokémon,
basically erasing your opponent’s last
attack, provided your Active Pokémon
survived said attack.
As we have a format of OHKOs and
2HKOs this is either useless or golden
(pardon the pun).
If your Pokémon is OHKOed, you
obviously can’t heal it.
If your Pokémon is going to be
2HKOed, it only matters if this extends
it to a 3HKO… but given the output of
most decks an extra turn is a huge, huge
As a Trainer, you can snag this card
Skyla, and even recycle it with a
few attacks; the most effect one is Junk
Hunt, made famous by
Sableye (BW: Dark Explorers
So, should you use it?
Depends on what you’re running
and what you own.
One of the other Ace Spec cards is
Computer Search, and we’ll be
reviewing it sooner or later.
It is another Ace Spec Item, and
for the cost of discarding two cards
from your hand, you can add any one card
you want from your deck to said hand.
For most decks,
Computer Search is a strong
candidate, and since healing has almost
always required a “combo” to make it
worthwhile in the TCG, the card most
decks will be using.
The two Pokémon Tool Ace Spec
cards are for specific Pokémon, and
we’ll be getting to those sometime as
If you don’t have
Computer Search, definitely run
Gold Potion; essentially all decks
have an “Ace Spec” slot now, and while
not vital you should rarely fail to
utilize it.
If your deck is a “tank” deck,
especially one that can’t utilize
Max Potion or
Super Scoop Up well, this is a
godsend; if your attacker already soaks
Gold Potion might be nullifying two
or more attacks!
I am considering it for a deck
I’ve been testing using
Excadrill (BW: Dark Explorers
56/108), since it would basically allow
me to heal 90 points of damage every
For Unlimited, you’re going to want to
Computer Search; here it is still
quite the shake-up to not have access to
Computer Search, and I don’t know
the specifics of how the game plays out
here now.
Perhaps if enough suitable
replacements are found for
Computer Search,
Gold Potion will have a chance to
For Limited play,
Gold Potion is a must run unless you
pull another Ace Spec.
If you pull
Computer Search alongside something
worth searching out, run it instead; if
not, go with
Gold Potion.
The two Pokémon Tool Ace Spec
cards only worth with specific
Pokémon-EX, but may be worth running
Gold Potion if you get the correct
Since all of these cards on from
higher rarities, this will almost never,
ever come up.
Now for some words of warning: first, I
am leery of the Ace Spec mechanic.
Since it is another card in your
deck but usually not in a quantity to
reliably build upon, this feels very
“luck based”, feeding Yu-Gi-Oh
style “powah playz!” where the main
reason you won is you drew your Ace Spec
at the right time… and yes that timing
is important.
Too late is obvious, but in a format
Professor Juniper is one of the
primary draw cards, you don’t want to
Gold Potion too soon.
That some decks will already have
reason to run the right search (Skyla)
and recursion (Sableye)
in large quantities doesn’t make me
comfortable with this either.
The second involves a spoiler of a
future card, so skip to the Ratings
section if you don’t want to hear about
For those still reading, the card
in question is an upcoming Ace Spec,
which will likely be known as
Scramble Switch.
If the sets aren’t shuffled
around, it will likely be in our next
It is another Item, and its
effect is that it switches out your
Active Pokémon with one on your Bench,
but also transfers all Energy from the
former Active to the new.
Combine this with
Max Potion and you simply have a
superior form of healing, and
Gold Potion likely becomes an even
more niche usage card.
Gold Potion
is a surprisingly appropriate Ace Spec
card, because like
Potion it seems very suited for
those still learning how to handle the
I expect its usage to mostly be
until a player has a
Computer Search handy, with the
exception of decks that can’t handle
discarding from the hand or really need
the healing.
For my own Top 10 list,
Gold Potion actually just missed out
and clocked in at #11.
However I think I sold it a
little short or was thinking ahead too
much to what is to come and not what is,
and probably should have placed it at
about this spot.