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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 2, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.15
Limited: 2.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragon’s Exalted)
We end this week of reviews with
Bibarel, who
(along with the Basic,
Bidoof) has
always been the subject of in-jokes to
do with being the standard useless
rodent Pokémon that you always see in
the first area of the video games (just
like Rattata,
and Patrat).
Will the card itself turn out to be a
joke, or do we need to take it
seriously? Let’s find out.
is a Colourless Type Stage 1 with a 100
HP that is not especially impressive.
Colourless Types don’t hit anything much
for Weakness these days, and they are
Weak to the popular Fighting Type, so
that’s not good either. Neither is the
Retreat cost of two, which is the worst
of both worlds because it’s a bit much
to pay, but not enough to make
searchable with Heavy Ball. On the plus
side, Colourless Typing means Colourless
attack costs, so
Bibarel can be slotted into
virtually any deck (if you really wanted
to), and take full advantage of Double
Colourless Energy.
first attack, Amnesia, is something we
have seen a number of times before
(including on the
Bibarel from
Stormfront). In this version, it
costs three Energy
and does 40 damage. That’s really very
poor, but it’s all about the effect: you
choose one of the Defending Pokémon’s
attacks, and they can’t use that next
turn. This sounds a lot more useful than
it actually is. You think it would be a
sure-fire way of stopping single attack
Pokémon like
Darkrai-EX or
or Pokemon
with only one
usuable attack like
(if they don’t run Psychic Energy), or
Unfortunately, Amnesia is most often no
more than a minor inconvenience, as your
opponent will just switch in another
attacker, or play Switch for a free
retreater and then retreat that for the
first Pokémon. Because it’s a Stage 1
that requires at least two Energy
attachments, your opponent will see
Amnesia coming a mile off. Even if they
don’t, the low damage output gives them
plenty of time to develop a strategy to
deal with it. Tumbling Tackle isn’t a
great alternative attack either: four
Energy for 60 damage
and both Bibarel
and the Defending Pokémon are Asleep.
Very poor value
damage, and you are relying on
the sleep flips going just the way you
want them for this attack to be even the
slightest bit good.
Fact is, we
already have a much better attack
locking Pokémon in the format.
Cobalion NVI
is a Basic with 120 HP and Iron Breaker
all the Defending Pokémon’s attacks
while doing 90
damage. However,
hasn’t seen much play for a while now:
decks these days just find it too easy
to switch around their attackers and
break the lock. Amnesia certainly looks
appealing at first glance, but it’s just
not going to stick in today’s format,
leaving Bibarel
as just another vulnerable, low damage
Modified: 1.75 (Derpy
Pokémon, derpy
Limited: 3.5 (Colourless is always good,
and he’s not so easy to play around
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we're ending our
Card of the Day week by reviewing a Colorless Pokemon
from Dragons Exalted. Today's Card of the Day is Bibarel.
Bibarel is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon are great because they fit into any deck due to
their relaxed Energy requirements, making them excellent
choices for support Pokemon (or supplementary attackers
in Limited). 100 HP is decent for a Stage 1, meaning
that Bibarel will probably (though not always) be able
to take a medium sized hit before going down, although
there are still some commonly used Pokemon that will be
able to land the OHKO. Fighting Weakness is unfortunate
against Terrakion and Landorus, but as a whole,
Fighting-types aren't that common in Modified anymore.
Unsurprisingly, Bibarel has no Resistance, but does have
a Retreat Cost of 2, which is paid without too much
The Beaver Pokemon has two attacks: Amnesia does 40
damage for three Colorless Energy while disabling one of
the Defending Pokemon's attacks during your opponent's
next turn. 40 damage is very lackluster for three
Energy, bu the secondary effect of this attack is quite
powerful, as many commonly played Pokemon (Darkrai-EX,
Sableye, Ho-Oh-EX, Keldeo-EX, Blastoise, Rayquaza-EX,
the list goes on) either only have one attack, or rely
on one attack for the deck to function. Of course, your
opponent can simply switch out their Active Pokemon to
nullify this effect, which greatly hampers its
usefulness in Modified. In Limited, Amnesia can do well
to disable your opponent's strongest attack, giving you
more time to build up an assault of your own.
Tumbling Tackle is Bibarel's second attack, which deals
60 damage or four Colorless Energy and puts both Bibarel
and the Defending Pokemon to sleep. I can't think of
many reasons to use this attack (even in Limited) unless
you're going to get a KO, so you'll likely just want to
stick with Amnesia.
Modified: 1.5/5 Bibarel's combination of low HP and
expensive attacks don't bode well for it in the Modified
format. Amnesia is potentially useful, but with
switching around being so prevalent, Bibarel's niche is
wasted. Maybe in the future if there can be a way to
both increase Retreat Cost (like Jellicent from
Boundaries Crossed) and block Trainers/Items, but even
then, it still probably wouldn't be worth it.
Limited: 4/5 In contrast, Bibarel is a great pick in
Limited. Colorless typing means that you won't have to
worry about Energy requirements, and Amnesia will likely
frustrate your opponents to no end. While Tumbling
Tackle has both an expensive cost and a negative
drawback, there are even times where that attack may be
useful in this format as well. All in all, Bibarel is a
solid addition to any Limited deck.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Bibarel is a Stage 1 Pokemon with 100 HP. It is weak to
Fighting and has a retreat cost of 2.
'Amnesia' costs 3 colorless energy and does 40 damage.
You then choose an attack of the Defending Pokemon and
they forget how to use it next turn. The damage is not
worth the cost. So many more attacks do more damage for
3 energy. The amnesia effect isn't that great (right
now) either. You can get around it by either retreating
or using another attack. It would be better if you
could get a lock going, like the trainer lock Vileplume.
But even then the lock isn't tight enough to be
'Tumbling Attack' costs 4 colorless energy and does 60
damage. Both Active Pokemon become Asleep. Still, the
cost isn't worth the damage output. Especially putting
4 energy on a Pokemon with 100 HP. If (when) it gets
Knocked out, you lose 4 energy off your board (and the
loss can only be minimized if you run energy
acceleration). Putting both Pokemon to sleep isn't that
great either. Now that Musharna (I can't remember the
name) has an attack that lets it Attack while Asleep.
That's probably the best reason to put yourself to
sleep (other than the Baby Pokemon that prevent damage
while Asleep).
I just don't have an urge to try to play with this card.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:

Otaku |
Time to review
Bibarel (BW: Dragons Exalted
107/124)… typed on a laptop that is not
my own!
So please pardon extra typos, errors,
and formatting issues.
is a Colorless-Type Pokémon.
This allows it to tap into the
Aspertia City Gym for a solid +20
HP, and nothing still legal is Colorless
Weak or Resistant to my recollection
(Pokepedia.net is down as of my writing
So this isn’t as snazzy as being
say a Darkness-Type, but it is somewhat
Bibarel is also a Stage 1 Pokémon,
and this hurts it a little; definitely
slower than a Basic Pokémon and it
requires at least one extra slot to run,
and unfortunately Basic Pokémon are the
standard right now.
has 100 HP; this should allow it to
absorb a hit outside of Weakness, though
I wish it were a bit higher.
Said Weakness is Fighting, so
most Fighting-Types can OHKO it except
with their weakest attacks, which may
still 2HKO it.
It is an obvious concern, so as a
player you’d better be ready to handle
The lack of Resistance makes me
sad, but since this state is so common
it isn’t really a drawback.
This just leaves the two Energy
needed to Retreat, which is functionally
average in that it is small enough you
can pay, but high enough to set you
back… but I prefer having an alternative
has two attacks.
Unfortunately the least expensive
still requires (CCC), making it fairly
The fact that all requirements
are Colorless at least allows most forms
of Energy acceleration to work for it.
Said first attack is Amnesia, and
it only hits for 40 points of damage.
That is about half of what a
competitive three Energy attack usually
All is not lost, however; the
effect o the attack allows you to pick
an attack on the Defending Pokémon, and
said Pokémon can’t use that attack on
the next turn… unless they do a trick
(like Evolving) that removes the effect
of Amnesia.
Tumbling Tackle requires (CCCC) and hits
for 60 points of damage, plus puts both
Bibarel and the Defending Pokémon to
This is way too low of a return,
but if you’re going for the KO, it might
be necessary.
So both attacks don’t hit as hard
as they should; why did I suggest this
card for review?
I’ll tell you as soon as I point out we
only have a single
Bidoof (BW: Dragons Exalted
106/124) to pick and besides having a
decent 70 HP and being a Basic, it has
the same Stats as
It also has a single attack that
does 20 for (CC) and Confuses both
itself and the Defending Pokémon.
Nothing brilliant, but we’ve seen
If you are very lucky, then the
Confusion might even protect
Bidoof for a turn (and ideally you
would then Evolve to cure yourself of
So the
Bidoof isn’t totally useless, but it
isn’t going to make you use this card.
Why did I pick it?
Besides just finding
Bidoof and
Bibarel humorous, this is a metagame
where some of the best attacks only have
a single attack.
This allows you to soft-lock them
with Amnesia; constantly hitting for 40
points of damage until your opponent can
change out the Defending Pokémon.
Can that win a game, however?
Maybe, if backed up correctly.
I did a little testing with Lock,
Stock & Bibarel, a deck built to
soft-lock the opponent.
The versions I tested were all
backed by
Garbodor (BW: Dragons Exalted
54/124), since the same Pokémon relying
on a single attack often have or are
backed by an Ability.
The big hurdle is powering
Bidoof up quickly and of course that
the biggest Pokémon can survive four
hits from Amnesia even without
Eviolite, giving more time for the
opposing player to draw into something
to break the lock.
You also have to break the lock anytime
you score a KO unless you create some
really kooky combos.
Fortunately, the metagame shows
one more favor to
Bibarel: Pokémon-EX are worth two
Prizes to its own single Prize, so while
you’ll expend a lot of resources, you’ll
come out ahead trading Prizes with a
Pokémon-EX and if you aren’t OHKOed, you
might be able to Amnesia a second
Unlimited features better lock decks and
various effects that make the soft-lock
even softer, so I can’t recommend it
For Unlimited, the lower average
HP and greater average damage combined
with requiring no specific Energy make
it a great pull!
Combos with:
Garbodor (BW: Dragons Exalted
makes for a very fun deck (well, less so
for your opponent) but I was unable to
make it competitive enough to take it to
a tournament.
Give the Beaver Pokémon a shot,
at least for laughs.