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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Garchomp #90
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 18, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.90
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#91 (Dragon’s Exalted)
We finish the week by looking
at two Dragon
Pokémon that we missed out when
reviewing Dragons Exalted (there really
isn’t anything else in Dragon Vault
worth writing about). They are both
Pokémon which are given two cards in the
set and, yes, whenever that happens one
is significantly better than the other.
So let’s take a look at the card that
sometimes gets called ‘Badchomp’.
Actually, it’s not all that bad. Like
the other version, it’s a Stage 2 with a
solid 140 HP and Dragon Typing. This
means Weakness to its own Type, and that
it gets some support in the shape of
Altaria (for
attack boosting) and its own
Gabite (for searching). The free
retreat (which the other
doesn’t have) is great too.
The attacks are kind of similar to the
other Garchomp
too. Just . . . not
quite as good. Jet
Headbutt may
represent good value, doing 40 for a
single Colourless Energy, which is great
for an early attacking Basic, but a
Stage 2 needs a bit more:
Garchomp #90
offers 60 for one Fighting Energy, plus
you get to discard a Special Energy from
the Defending Pokémon. It’s the same
story with Sand Tomb. 80 damage and
retreat lock for Water/Fighting/Colourless
isn’t terrible and retreat lock plus
Pokémon Catcher can be a very effective
combo against decks which don’t play
Switch (most
Darkrai decks don’t). However,
the other Garchomp
does 100 damage
and doesn’t need the Colourless Energy
to do it.
If the other
Garchomp didn’t exist, we would
be looking at today’s card and thinking
‘hmmmmm . .
. it’s not completely horrible, but it
doesn’t really do enough to be worth
playing a Stage 2 for’. Truth is that if
you want to do 40 for 1, then you have
the non-EX Rayquaza,
and if you wanted Retreat lock, there’s
always Stunfisk
DRX. Both of these cards are Basics, and
therefore much easier to get in play
than Garchomp.
Fact is though, that even the superior
version of this Pokémon has really
struggled (and mostly failed) to fulfil
the expectation that it would be a top
tier card. That’s reason enough in
itself to conclude that the one we are
looking at today falls short of being
Modified: 2.25 (It’s better than
mediocre . . . but Stage 2s need to be
amazing these days)
Limited: 3.25 (Using Stage 2s isn’t
easy, but with
Gabite Support and the cheap
attack, this isn’t a bad option)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're
taking a break from Dragon Vault to review another
Dragon from Dragons Exalted. Today's Card of the Day is
Garchomp (#91).
Garchomp is a Stage 2 Dragon Pokemon. As a Dragon,
Garchomp has competition with the other Garchomp,
Hydreigon, Rayquaza, and Rayquaza-EX to see play in
Modified, so it will have to do something that those
other Dragons can't to warrant a deck slot. 140 HP is
fairly standard for a Stage 2 these days, with Garchomp
being able to take a solid hit before going down. Dragon
Weakness is a major problem, as Dragonblade Garchomp and
Hydreigon will easily OHKO, and Garchomp will also take
major damage from Rayquaza's Dragon Pulse. Like the
other Dragons we've reviewed this week, Garchomp has no
Resistance. However, it has free Retreat, which is quite
This version of the Mach Pokemon has two attacks. Jet
Headbutt does 40 damage for a single Colorless Energy,
which is good in Limited and outclassed by the other
Garchomp's Mach Cut in Modified, as a vanilla 40 damage
attack won't cut it on a Stage 2 in the latter format.
Sand Tomb is Garchomp's second form of offense, dealing
80 damage for a Water, a Fighting, and a Colorless,
while also preventing the opponent from retreating
during your opponent's next turn. Once again, the other
Garchomp's attack tends to be better, as if you opponent
wants to Retreat, they'll probably just use Switch,
since most decks seem to be running high numbers of that
card anyway. However, Sand Tomb is quite solid in
Limited, as you're able to trap and KO an enemy quite
Modified: 1.5/5 Free retreat and a cheap attack are
nice, but this Garchomp is greatly outclassed by the
other one from the set. If you really want to use a
Garchomp, use that one.
Limited: 4/5 Garchomp is great in Limited. Jet Headbutt
does great damage for its very low cost, and while Sand
Tomb has crazy Energy requirements, Garchomp can make
great use of Blend WLFM. Overall, Garchomp is incredibly
solid in Limited, and will give your opponent a very
difficult time if you manage to get it out.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Garchomp (DRX 91/124)
Garchomp is a Stage 2 Dragon Pokemon with 140 HP.
It is weak to Dragon and has a free retreat cost...
really? I didn't know that.
'Jet Headbutt' costs 1 colorless energy and does 40.
Not too bad for an energy of any type. Though it
is nothing spectacular (I would think this attack would
be on the Stage 1).
'Sand Tomb' costs 1 Water, 1 Fighting, and 1 Colorless.
It does 80 damage and makes the Defending Pokemon unable
to retreat. I never liked the effect (I think I
wrote about how it could be a better mechanic).
Anyway, it's another one of those specific energy cost
attacks, so that makes it much less playable (no
acceleration for either, except Terrakion EX).
So this is really just a comparison with the other
Garchomp (tends to happen when the same Pokemon gets 2
different cards). This one isn't as good.
The free retreat is nice, but the other has a 1 retreat
cost, which isn't a hefty price to pay. Also, the
other does 20 more for each attack and has better
effects. Unfortunately the other Garchomp hasn't
been successful, so I would expect this on to be.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combos With: ...
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