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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Gyarados #24
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 23, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
Today we are taking a look at the
‘Atrocious Pokémon’
Gyarados. In what sense will the
card be atrocious though? ‘Horrifyingly
wicked’ (like
Gyarados SF) or ‘very poor
quality’ (like . . .
errr . . .
almost every other
With Gyarados,
you know you will get two things: great
HP for a Stage 1 (in this case 130), and
a horribly weak Basic
which is pretty much a liability from
the moment it hits the table (not to
mention easy prey for an extra Prize
from Darkrai-EX’s
Night Spear). The Water typing isn’t so
great at the moment as it hits nothing
really playable for Weakness (until
makes an appearance), and while
Eelektrik decks seem to have shifted
away from Zekrom
and towards
Rayquaza, being Lightning Weak
still isn’t ideal. Finally that retreat
cost of three is a bit off-putting, but
with most decks running multiple
Switch these
days so it shouldn’t be that big an
All fairly standard for
Gyarados so
far, but what will make or break the
card is the attacks . . . and they are
vanilla. One Water and two Energy
of any Colour means you can use Sharp
Fang for a less than mediocre 60 damage.
Add another Energy
to the cost and Swing Around will do
that same 60, plus give you two coin
flips for another 30 damage each. Even
with the best possible outcome (120 for
4 Energy), Gyarados
does not seem to be worth the trouble of
the Weak Basic and the multiple Energy
attachments (though it can use DCE).
It’s hard to say too much about the card
to be honest. It’s not laughably bad,
but at the same time there nothing there
of any interest, and it falls miles
short of being competitive. It feels
like the typical filler card, designed
without much effort and destined to end
up in the binder without a second look.
I can’t even say its ‘atrocious’ in any
sense . . . it’s just there, being all
average and dull.
Modified: 1.5 (classic set filler)
Limited: 3.5 (solid HP, can fit into
most decks)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're back to
looking at a Dragons Exalted card, and this one is a new
version of a fan favorite. Today's Card of the Day is
Gyarados is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Water Pokemon
aren't so common right now, but that's expected to
change with the release of Blastoise and Keldeo-EX in
Boundaries Crossed: that being said, most Water-types
are going to have to have some way to deal with the
common Lightning-types in the format, as they will
usually pose a problem. 130 HP is very good for a Stage
1, meaning that Gyarados can probably take a
medium-sized hit or two before going down. Lightning
Weakness is a problem against Zekrom and friends,
although admittedly Lightning-types are seeing a bit
less play due to the emergence of Rayquaza-EX. Rounding
out the bottom stats, Gyarados disappointingly has no
Resistance, as well as a very large Retreat Cost of 3.
This version of the Atrocious Pokemon has two attacks.
Sharp Fang does 60 damage for a Water and two Colorless,
which is very mediocre. This attack will deal solid
damage in Limited, but there are generally much better
options in Modified to can deal more than 60 damage for
three Energy. Swing Around is a variation of a flip
attack for a Water and three Colorless, starting off at
60 damage and flipping two coins, dealing 30 more damage
for each heads. Due to the unreliable nature of this
attack, you'll probably average about 90 damage, which
once again will be decent in Limited, but not in
Modified. Overall, Gyarados's attacks are too expensive
for their damage output for Modified, but can be very
solid, if not great, in Limited.
Modified: 1.5/5 Gyarados has decent HP, but everything
else is pretty bad for this format. Lightning Weakness
is definitely a big problem, and neither of Gyarados's
attacks are very good. Be sure to go for other options.
Limited: 4/5 On the other hand, Gyarados is great for
Limited. 130 HP is once again excellent for a Stage 1,
and Lightning Weakness isn't such a huge problem here.
Also, both Sharp Fang and Swing Around are fairly
expensive, but they have very relaxed Energy
requirements, only requiring one Water Energy each. This
allows them to fit easily in any deck running a few
Water Energy without having to be overly reliant. Once
again, Gyarados is a solid addition to any Limited deck
running Water.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Gyarados is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon with 130 HP.
It is weak to Lightning and has a retreat cost of 3.
It is searchable by Heavy Ball.
'Sharp Fang' costs 1 Water and 2 colorless energy.
It does 60 damage.
Once again, the damage output isn't worth it.
There are so many Basics with attacks that do a lot more
for 3 energy (and they have effects). It should
either costs less or do more.
'Swing Around' costs 1 Water and 3 colorless energy.
It does 60 plus
30 more for each heads you flip (2 flips). So you
will be averaging
90 damage with the attack. This is what 'Sharp
Fang' should have been. 4 energies for a flippy 90
is definitely not worth it.
Gyarados just takes way too much energy to do anything.
By the time you power it up, it'll be gone (at least a
smart player would target it). With 130 HP, it
won't last long (2 hits if you are lucky).
Lightning weakness is not something you want to have now
It's a shame this card isn't good, I've always liked
Gyarados. Maybe one day, right?
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combos With: ...
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