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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Wailord #26
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 24, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.88
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
For a card that has never made much of
an impact on the competitive TCG,
Wailord sure
does get referenced a lot in reviews.
The reason for this is that, ever since
the ex version was printed in Sandstorm,
way back in 2003, it has come to
represent the ultimate in HP. It was the
first (and so far the only)
Pokemon to
hit the magic 200 and has often repeated
that feat (Great Encounters) or come
close (Supreme Victors, Triumphant). As
a result, whenever we want to express
how powerful an attack is, us lazy
reviewers will often say something like
‘will OHKO anything in the format
(except Wailord)’.
The Dragon Vault version does indeed
boast that outrageous 200 HP, but as we
all know, that’s not enough to make a
card playable. Honestly, when did you
last see anyone using this Pokémon
successfully? The old ex
did manage to find its way into a
couple of competitive decks and there
was a gimmicky list featuring the GE
one, but otherwise . . . nothing really.
Of course, Weakness to the
nearly-always-popular Lightning Type
makes that HP somewhat less attractive
and the obligatory massive retreat cost
and expensive attacks doesn’t help
either. Today’s card has all of those
problems, unfortunately. However, the
next set (Boundaries Crossed) comes with
a Rain Dance
Blastoise which could solve the
attack cost problem at least, so . . .
is there any potential for
Wailord to
be a good partner for it? Let’s take a
look at the attacks and see.
The first, Water Cannon, nominally costs
just one Water Energy. However, that
single Energy won’t get you very far
because the text states that you flip a
coin for each Water Energy attached and
do 30 for each heads. Now you could
combine this with
Blastoise to attach as many Water
Energy from your hand as you can, and
you can also use Victory Star
Fliptini to
re-do the flip but . . . why would you?
If you wanted to use a Pokémon that
increased damage based on the number of
Energy, then you have the far more
reliable options of
Keldeo-EX (also in Boundaries
Crossed), or Mewtwo-EX
at your disposal. No need to invest in a
flippy Stage
1 at all.
At least Giant Wave offers you some
reliable damage. It’s just that it a)
costs four Energy,
b) only does a no-effect 80, and c) you
can’t use it during your next turn. Why
the designers thought they needed that
particular drawback is a mystery to me.
Giant Wave would be sub-par even without
it, and now you have to either resort to
the flippy
attack next turn, or find some method of
retreating it. No thanks.
In the end, what you have here is the
typical Wailord.
Yeah, it’s still a byword for high HP,
but that’s pretty much all that it’s
good for.
Modified: 1.75 (big, fat . . . and
mostly useless)
Limited: 3.25 (walling is more of a
viable strategy here, but the attacks
are still very slow and lame)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
one of the largest Pokemon (in terms of HP) that has
been released in recent memory, and is something that
many players have been trying to break since its
release. Today's Card of the Day is Wailord.
Wailord is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Water-types aren't
so common right now, but that will likely change with
the release of Boundaries Crossed with Blastoise and
Keldeo-EX. 200 HP is absolutely massive, and should make
it so that Wailord can take nearly any hit with ease,
provided it doesn't hit for Weakness. Unfortunately,
Wailord's Lightning Weakness is a major problem, as
Zekrom and Zekrom-EX will both OHKO. Unsurprisingly,
Wailord has no Resistance as well as a Retreat Cost of
4, which probably shouldn't ever be paid in any normal
circumstance. Definitely use Switch instead!
This huge whale has two attacks. Water Cannon is the
more interesting of the two, which allows you to flip a
coin, and if heads, deal 30 damage to the Defending
Pokemon for each Water Energy attached to Wailord. This
is an interesting take on the normal flip attack, and is
notable because it works quite well with Victory Star
Victini to potentially dish out a ton of damage. Of
course, even with the Victory Pokemon, you're looking at
a 75% chance of the attack working, which means that it
can often fail in critical moments. Giant Wave, the
Float Whale Pokemon's second attack, does 80 damage for
a Water and three Colorless, with the additional side
effect of not being able to be used during your next
turn. 80 damage for four Energy is below average these
days, and an additional drawback makes this attack even
worse. It can be useful if you KO your opponent (as you
won't have to rely on a Water Cannon flip), but even
then, you'll have to settle for Water Cannon (or
switching) during your next turn anyway.
Modified: 2/5 Wailord won't see much play right now due
to the relative popularity of Lightning Pokemon, but
that isn't to say that it won't in the future. Wailord
has great synergy with Boundaries Crossed Blastoise, and
these two Pokemon combined with Victini NVI (Victory
Star) can lead to a lot of fun...just probably not at a
major tournament.
Limited: 4/5 Wailord is great in Limited in decks that
focus around Water. 200 HP is absolutely monstrous, and
should easily survive many of the assaults your
opponents throw at it. In terms of attacks, Water Cannon
has the capability to do a ton of damage here, and even
Giant Wave's drawback isn't so bad. Of course, while
Giant Wave does have pretty favorable Energy
requirements, Water Cannon needs a lot of Water Energy
in order to maximize its potential. Overall, Wailord is
quite a solid choice in Limited, especially if Water is
going to be the main focus of your deck.
Combos With: Victini NVI (Victory Star), Blastoise BDC
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Wailord is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon with... 200 HP!
That's the most out there right now. It is weak to
Lightning and has a retreat cost of 4. It is
searchable by Heavy Ball and so far away from being
searchable by Level Ball.
'Water Cannon' costs 1 Water energy. You flip a
coin, and if heads, it does 30 times the number of Water
energy attached to Wailord. So
30 if you do it right away, the next attack is 4, so if
4, it will do 120. I think it's a fair attack.
The more you invest in it the more it can do.
Sadly it's on a coin flip, and I hate those.
Fliptini could help it out though.
'Giant Wave' costs 1 Water and 3 colorless energy.
It does 80 and you can use it next turn... Well that
kind of killed the mood. The effect is horrible,
but it makes the attack even worse since it only does
Sure it's a guaranteed 80, but you will have to Switch
or flip next turn. I would have liked to seen the
damage increase, or the effect have some splash damage.
The 200 HP is impressive, had Fisherman still been
around I'm sure someone would try Wailord + Blastoise +
Max Potion for some crazy tanking shenanigans. The
weakness is unfortunate with so much Lightning running
around right now.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3/5
Combos With: ...
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