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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Golurk #59
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 30, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
Today’s Pokémon is one of the
handful in
Generation V created by James Turner, a
British artist who became the first (and
so far only) Westerner to design
Pokémon. That’s pretty awesome, and
seeing as I’m from the UK myself, it
makes me like
Golurk just a little bit more
than I probably should.
That’s not the only thing this
Golurk has
in its favour though. For a start it has
130 HP, which is massive for a Stage 1
and makes it quite hard to OHKO.
Unfortunately, it also has Dark
Weakness, so that will not be a problem
for Darkrai-EX
(which isn’t going away any time soon).
The Retreat cost of four is also
stupidly huge, but then there’s always
Switch and at least you can search out
Golurk with
Heavy Ball.
also has two pretty good attacks. Well,
at least they are good in terms of what
they can do. The first, Devolution
Punch, costs one Psychic and
two Colourless.
For this you get 60
damage, which isn’t at all great for the
price, but this is balanced by the
effect: you get to devolve the
Defending Pokémon and send the highest
Stage Evolution back to the opponent’s
hand. This is good because it means
a OHKO on
more or less any playable Stage 1 (Eelektrik)
or any Stage 2 that has evolved with
Rare Candy (Hydreigon,
Empoleon) as
it leaves the Basic with enough damage
counters on it to knock it out. The
trouble is though that, aside from the
examples I gave, Evolved Pokémon are
just not that common right now.
Devolution Punch won’t do anything much
against Darkrai,
or any other high HP Basic. So I guess
we should take a look at the second
attack and see if that is any help.
Ghost Hammer costs two Psychic and two
Colourless Energy and hits
for 90 damage.
That’s a nice number right now as it
will get a two-hit KO on anything
playable unless they have an
attached (which is why decks run Tool
Scrapper, of course). The attack also
has the useful effect of removing
Weakness during the next turn so,
provided it attacks first, it is
actually capable of trading with a
As I’m sure you have noticed though,
nice as they are, there is a big problem
with both of
Golurk’s attacks: the cost. Even
with Double Colourless Energy, you are
looking at two or three turns of
attachment minimum before it can attack,
and that’s just not good enough. One
possible solution is to pair it with
NEX, whose Psychic Mirage Ability makes
Psychic Energy count double. The trouble
with this though is that relying getting
out a Stage 2 to attack with
Golurk is
less than ideal, and
Gardevoir is
a low HP Stage 2 which becomes an
instant target for Pokémon Catcher.
isn’t a bad Pokémon – it has relatively
high HP and its attacks do good things –
it is just a bit too slow and a bit too
support dependant to really make it as a
competitive deck. Being
Weak to the
most powerful Pokémon in the game
doesn’t help its cause either. If you’re
looking for something a bit different to
play casually then
Golurk has a lot to offer, but if
you are trying to win a premier
tournament, he really isn’t up to the
task right now.
Modified: 2.25 (if only those attacks
were a bit cheaper)
Limited: 3.5 (good HP and this format is
more forgiving on slow cards)
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Golurk is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon with 130 HP.
It is weak to Dark and has a retreat of 4. It is
searchable by Heavy Ball.
'Devolution Punch' costs 1 Psychic and 2 Colorless
energy. It does 60 damage and then it devolves the
Defending Pokemon. When I saw it I wanted to use
it so bad. The only problem is the top decks of
the meta aren't running a lot of evolutions. Eels
run Eelektrik, when hit by this attack, would be KOed.
Unfortunately, pretty much anything can KO an Eel, so
why would I spend time setting this up? Hydreigon
when hit by this would still survive, unless it was Rare
Looking at smaller decks, Empoleon and Zorark would both
survive after the attack (minus Rare candy). The
problem is that all of the decks run big Basics, and
smart players would play around evolutions until they
knock this card out. Which, by the way, won't be
too hard since it has a weakness to one of the most
played types. If there were decks that ran
all/mostly evolution lines, this card would be more
'Ghost Hammer' costs 2 Psychic and 2 Colorless energy.
It does 90 damage and removes this card's weakness
during your opponent's next turn. This is pretty
much a Mewtwo EX killer. Mewtwo EX knocks out
something of yours, then you return KO it. Your
opponent can't return KO it easily since it doesn't have
a weakness. This would be great had Cresselia EX
not been made. That card does the same, has a
healing ability, and is a Basic.
Probably reading my review makes it sound like I think
this cad sucks.
It doesn't. It's just that the type of format
right now doesn't really allow this guy to shine.
Maybe someone has gotten it to work, I don't know.
I just know I haven't tried yet (I actually don't have a
copy of this card). But I do know he has a shining
version in Boundaries Crossed, so I might go after a
copy of that.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
another card from Dragons Exalted with quite a bit of
potential, but is probably just a little too slow to see
some Modified play. Today's Card of the Day is Golurk.
Golurk is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Mewtwo-EX is still
probably the most common Psychic-type played right now,
and as such, is probably the gold standard for what a
Psychic type should be going into most decks, meaning
that Golurk has some heavy competition. 130 HP is simply
amazing for a Stage 1, as Golurk should be able to take
at least one unboosted hit from heavy hitters in the
format. Darkness Weakness is a problem with the
popularity of Darkrai, as Night Spear will always OHKO.
To round out Golurk's bottom stats, no Resistance is
unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost of 4 is huge, so be sure
to use Switch or something like it to move Golurk from
the Active position.
This version of the Automaton Pokemon has two attacks.
Devolution Punch does 60 damage for a Psychic and two
Colorless, and as the name implies, returns the highest
Stage Evolution card of the Defending Pokemon to your
opponent's hand. Normally 60 damage wouldn't be very
useful for this cost, but since the opponent is
devolved, chances are 60 damage will deal the Defending
Pokemon a significant blow, if not Knocking it Out
entirely. In Modified, where most main attackers are
Basics, this attack vastly loses its usefulness.
However, it can have a niche against some deck due to
their reliance on evolving support Pokemon, such as
Eelektrik and Blastoise. In Limited, where the format is
much slower and more friendly to Evolutions, Golurk will
really pack a punch (pun intended).
Ghost Hammer, Golurk's second attack, does 90 damage for
two Psychic and two Colorless Energy while removing
Golurk's Weakness during your opponent's next turn. 90
damage is just about average for four Energy, and the
added effect, while useful, likely won't come into play
that much, as Darkrai-EX will probably hit Golurk first
in Modified, and there are very few notable
Darkness-types in Dragons Exalted Limited. Even still,
this attack is better for the Limited format, where a
steady 90 damage will easily dent most of your
opponent's Pokemon.
Modified: 2/5 Golurk's Devolution Punch is really
interesting, but sadly, this is not the format for the
Automaton to see play. Very powerful Basic attackers are
far too prevalent in the format for Golurk to make a
splash. Golurk may become useful with a set rotation in
future years, but until then, Modified is still going to
be dominated by Basics, greatly impacting Golurk's
Limited: 5/5 Like Ampharos yesterday, Golurk does a
fantastic job of punishing the opponent. 130 HP is
fantastic in this format, and Darkness Weakness isn't
quite so bad here, either. Devolution Punch is amazing
here despite its somewhat high Energy cost, as your
opponent won't enjoy Golurk Knocking Out the devolved
Defending Pokemon. Ghost Hammer does its job admirably
in this format as well, dealing a good amount of damage
with a sometimes beneficial effect. If you're running
Psychic in Dragons Exalted Limited, you can't go wrong
with Golurk.

Otaku |
If you’re reading this, then I forgot to
write an actual intro.
is a Stage 1 Psychic-Type Pokémon.
Good news is this isn’t as hard
to work with as a Stage 2, but the bad
news is Basic Pokémon are still far
easier to play and better supported to
Psychic-Types do have some actual
support, but it doesn’t seem to do well
enough at tournaments (Gardevoir
BW: Next Destinies 57/99, BW:
Dark Explorers 109/108).
Psychic Resistance is somewhat
common since many Darkness-Type Pokémon
sport it and
Darkrai EX (BW: Dark Explorers
63/108, 107/108) is one of them.
The good news is this would allow
you to hit Psychic Weakness, which will
likely remain valuable until
Mewtwo EX (BW: Next Destinies
54/99, 98/99) rotates out.
has 130 HP, which is good for a Stage 1
Pokémon; it can take a hit from all but
the biggest attacks, and of course when
it is hit by its Weakness,
As already stated (and frankly
hard to miss),
Darkrai EX and its kin are still
pretty popular and pretty potent.
There is no Resistance to help
compensate for this, but since lacking
Resistance is so common lets not hold it
We finish this section with the Retreat:
Golurk it is four. This is so high
not only does it hurt, but often you
just can’t pay it and so you’ll need to
dedicate some slots to working around
There is also the slight bonus
that this card is
Heavy Ball, and peeking ahead, this
is one of the few Pokémon where that
also applies to its Basic form (Golett)
as well.
has two attacks.
The bad news is the “fast” attack
is Devolution Punch, and it is bad news
because the attack still requires (PCC)
to use.
This makes
Golurk somewhat slow; not impossibly
so with the right combos, but there is
no single form of Energy acceleration
that can power it up in one turn
(multiple forms can, but no single
The attack hits for 60 points of damage
(a bit low for three Energy) but then
follows up with semi-potent effect: it
Devolves the Defending Pokémon, sending
the highest Stage of Evolution back to
your opponent’s hand.
If this was a format dominated by
Evolutions (especially Stage 2 Pokémon
Evolved via
Rare Candy), this would be amazing.
As is, it is useful but requires
building a deck around it that also
handles all the mostly and mono-Basic
Pokémon decks.
Ghost Hammer is the big attack clocking
in at (PPCC).
While only a single (P) more
expensive, most of the time it will be
significant since that is four turns to
power up without Energy acceleration,
and making it highly improbable you can
pull it off in one turn.
Your reward is also less
impressive: 90 points of damage and your
Weakness is temporarily ignored.
That effect is valuable, but for
four Energy I expect triple digit
damage, plus your opponent always has
the option of using
Pokémon Catcher to get around it
(and two copies would allow said
opponent to still take down an energized
can evolve from
Golett, and there are two versions:
BW: Noble Victories 71/101 and
BW: Dragons Exalted 58/124.
The former is a Fighting-Type
Basic Pokémon with 80 HP, Water
Weakness, Lightning Resistance, and a
Retreat of three.
It has a single attack for (FC)
that does 20 points of damage plus (if
you get “heads” on a mandatory coin
toss) another 20 with Confusion to the
Defending Pokémon (so total 40).
If you get “tails”, it still does
The latter is a Psychic-Type
Basic Pokémon that has 90 HP, Darkness
Weakness, no Resistance, a Retreat of
three and two attacks.
The first attack requires (CC)
and heals 40 from
Golett while the second requires
(PCC) and does 40 damage to the
Defending Pokémon.
Golett have pros and cons: I like
the idea of running the Fighting-Type
since its significantly different stats
allow better Type-matching (both
offensively and defensively) than
sticking with Psychic-Type.
Unfortunately the attack is slow
for an Evolving Basic Pokémon; if costs
more than (CC) it usually isn’t going to
happen, especially without losing said
Basic Pokémon.
Plus you’ll need to include a
source of (F) Energy and the best option
here is actual
Fighting Energy.
The second
Golett has better HP, and easier to
pay for attacks.
The healing attack is pretty
worthless; most decks will OHKO or 2HKO
Golett, so if you have a chance to
heal that means you’re almost certainly
getting OHKOed next turn.
The second attack doesn’t have a
good damage return, but it isn’t so
awful as to be completely useless… at
least if your deck is capable of
powering up
Golurk itself quickly since this
cost is the same as for Devolution
Punch. If you can power-up one fast, you
can power-up the other.
If not, you have the same issue
of being too slow as the other
Golett has.
There is also one other version of
Golurk: BW: Noble Victories
It is a Stage 1 Fighting-Type
with the same HP and Retreat Cost as
today’s version, but Water Weakness and
Lightning Resistance instead of Darkness
Weakness and no Resistance.
Unfortunately its attacks require
significant amounts of Fighting Energy:
(FFC) for Hammer In and (FFCC) for
Hurricane Punch.
Both attacks are also overpriced
with the Hammer In just doing 60 and
discarding the top card of your
opponent’s deck and Hurricane Punch
giving your four coin flips good for 50
points of damage per “heads” result.
Sadly the expense and poor return
makes combining the two unlikely, which
also means one might as well stick with
the Psychic-Type
So, how do we run
Golurk in Modified? I wish I had a
clear answer.
For now I am thinking you don’t:
Evolutions are doing something in the
current metagame, but not enough.
Almost every supporting strategy
I can think of suffers against the best
Pokémon-EX beatsticks.
I’ve considered the
Gardevoir mentioned earlier, since
it would allow you to access both
attacks with just two actual basic
Psychic Energy cards, but the first
attack would still require a second
Energy attachment.
Gardevoir is very vulnerable.
I thought about using
Garbodor (BW: Dragons Exalted
54/124) to shut down Abilities, since
without them most Evolved Pokémon (who
are played mostly for Abilities) are
easier pickings, but this does nothing
to protect against the mostly and
mono-Basic Pokémon decks that barely use
I would end up with two Stage 1
lines, one which is nearly worthless as
an attack and the other which is weak
unless smashing Evolutions.
Lastly I considered backing
Golurk with Restored Pokémon.
Aerodactyl (BW: Dark Explorers
53/108) can pump up your attacks while
Archen (BW: Noble Victories
66/101) can lead to
Archeops (BW: Noble Victories
67/101, BW: Dark Explorers
110/108) which allows you to block
Evolving from hand.
The latter is good because it
means something Devolution Punch doesn’t
OHKO isn’t able to re-Evolve next turn,
and smaller Basic Pokémon would be more
vulnerable, but you really want your
opponent to use
Rare Candy to Evolve into a Stage 2
and hopefully waste some resources so a
Devolution Punch KO is really worth
something… and again we aren’t really
doing much with this painful to manage
concept against big Basic Pokémon.
For Unlimited, even ignoring the “lock”
and decks that flat out win first turn,
we have
Ancient Technical Machine [Rock] (EX:
Hidden Legends (85/101) is simply
the better Devolution option.
Limited is where this card
shines, as Darkness Weakness isn’t as
painful and Ghost Hammer is better
protection here, and the usual benefits
of Limited apply: the HP goes further
and the damage becomes more significant.
On top of that, the Energy costs
shouldn’t be too hard to work into a
deck built around other Types, even if
Golurk and
Golett are the only ones
Psychic Energy.
is another card to keep in mind for the
future; if other Evolutions become more
widespread or we get a dance partner for
Golurk that can help it against
Basic Pokémon, I believe we could get a
solid, competitive deck from it.
For now though, it is best saved
for Pokémon League.
Since I actually do enjoy
Devolution strategies, I actually
encourage experimenting it with an eye
towards fun.