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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Jumpluff #3
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 17, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
Hello and welcome to another week of
Dragon’s Exalted reviews here on
CotD. We
seem to have covered most of the ‘big’
cards by now, but let’s see if we can
unearth some hidden gems.
We kick off the week with
Jumpluff, a
Pokémon that will always have a special
place in my heart because I won my
Nationals with it back in 2010. I will
do my best to love this version, but it
doesn’t make things easy for me . . .
the free Retreat is nice, the Fire
Weakness irrelevant, and the Water
Resistance an ok bonus, I suppose . .
.but that 90
HP on a Stage 2 . . . that’s terrifying
in the current format where hitting that
kind of output is a matter of routine
for virtually any competitive deck.
does have a
interesting Ability though – Leave It to
the Wind. This states that once per turn
you can return
Jumpluff and all cards attached
to it to your hand. So . . . why would
you want to do this? To save
from a KO is one
reason, another might be because
you wish to promote another attacker. A
third reason is to re-use any resources
attached to
Jumpluff (such as Energy or a
Tool card). All
useful in theory, no doubt, but just how
practical? As mentioned before,
Jumpluff is
easy OHKO material, so saving a damaged
one isn’t very likely. As for promoting
another attacker, well, the card has
free Retreat anyway. Moving resources?
attack only needs a single Energy, so
you won’t be conserving much.
Speaking of
Jumpluff’s attack, Acrobatics is
pretty poor stuff. Yes it’s cheap, but
it’s also flippy
and the damage output is a long way from
being great, especially considering it’s
a Stage 2. For a single Grass Energy, it
will do 20 damage
and then you get to flip two coins and
get an extra 30 for each heads. Even
with maximum luck (and/or Victory Star
this will still only do 80: good value,
yes, but not much of a threat to a big
EX or a even
a 140 HP Stage 2.
Leave It to the Wind is a fantastically
named Ability that screams ‘combo me!!!’.
The trouble is that I really can’t think
of any combo that would be effective.
With the BLW-on Rare Candy errata and
the lack of Broken Time-Space in the
format, it’s not even as if you could
instantly replace the ‘Pluff
anyway: you are going to have at least a
turn with a 30 HP
Hoppip on the Bench just asking
for Darkrai
to Night Spear it straight into the
Discard pile. Maybe if ‘Pluff
was a better attacker, he could do a job
and then get the heck out of there while
you promote another Pokémon to tank for
a bit while you got your next one ready
to roll. But no . . . Acrobatics is a
low damage attack and you would be
relying on double heads even to KO one
of the few playable Pokémon that have
Grass Weakness (Terrakion
NVI). Sorry
Jumpluff, I do still love you,
but you just aren’t doing it for me
Modified: 1.5 (exploitable Ability that
cannot be exploited)
Limited: 2 (low damage isn’t such a
problem, but the effort required to get
a Stage 2 into play will not be repaid)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We're continuing our
Dragons Exalted reviews, and this week we're looking at
some of the Grass-types the set has to offer. We'll kick
things off by reviewing Jumpluff.
Jumpluff is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon. Grass Pokemon
are virtually non-existent in the Modified metagame; you
may occasionally see a Virizion NVI, but aside from
that, they type is among the rarest in the format. 90 HP
on a Stage 2 is absolutely awful, and Jumpluff had
better have an amazing attack or Ability, if not both,
in order to justify seeing play. Fire Weakness is a
mixed bag right now, as Ho-Oh-EX is becoming much more
popular, but aside from Ho-Oh, Fire is also a very rare
type. Water Resistance is nice to have but largely
irrelevant right now (but may be more important in the
future). Finally, free Retreat is the best you can have,
and is easily one of the stronger points of the card.
Jumpluff has an Ability and a single attack. Leave It
to the Wind allows you to bounce Jumpluff and all cards
attached to it to your hand once during your turn before
you attack. This Ability will occasionally see some use
in Limited, as you can bounce a heavily damaged Jumpluff
to avoid getting Knocked Out, but the Ability will
rarely come into play in Modified due to the
hard-hitting nature of the format (mostly due to the
fact that most common decks should be able to easily
OHKO a 90 HP Stage 2).
Jumpluff's offensive maneuver is Acrobatics, starting
off at 20 damage for a single Grass Energy, as well as
flipping two coins, dealing 30 more damage for each
heads. A maximum of 80 damage for a single Energy is
good in any format, but the flippy nature of the attack,
combined with bad typing and low HP, will keep Jumpluff
relegated to Limited.
Modified: 1.5/5 Jumpluff has a cool Ability and free
Retreat, but terrible HP, lackluster typing, and low
damage output means you should probably steer clear.
Limited: 3.5/5 Leave It to the Wind is pretty cool
here, as are free Retreat and a cheap attack. 90 HP is
still really low for a Stage 2, though, so be sure to
keep Jumpluff away from any of your opponent's major
Jebulous |
Jumpluff is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon with 90 HP. It
has a weakness to Fire, resistance to Water, and a free
retreat cost. It is searchable by Level Ball.
'Leave it to the Wind' is an ability that lets you
return this Pokemon and all cards attached to it back to
your hand. Yeah... So it's like a Super Scoop Up
with no flip and only for this Pokemon. In most
cases you would do this to either get rid a "lot" of
damage or get it out of the active spot if you've used
your retreat already.
'Acrobatics' costs 1 Grass energy and does 20 damage.
Flip 2 coins and it adds 30 more for each heads.
Maximum of 80, minimum of 20, and average of 50.
Not spectacular in the least.
So usually Pokemon with abilities are looked for first
in order to see if that ability is good enough to help
with whatever strategy you are going for. Energy
acceleration and drawing abilities help lots of decks
out, so those see more use. This ability though...
it doesn't seem great to me, let alone good.
Jumpluff is a Stage 2, so when you use the ability, you
have to rebuild it up again. In the current
metagame, this thing will most likely be OHKOed, so the
ability will not be used too often (maybe if someone
spreads some small damage to it...).
If it is active and is asleep or paralyzed, you could
use the ability.
That would help against decks with status lock.
But there is no way I'm going to run a Stage 2 line to
counter a status lock deck that is not being widely
played. I'll take my chances with drawing my
Now if it was a Basic with this ability and some more
HP, it'd be a better card. That way it could tank
(with Eviolite), use the ability, and then be played
down again. "If 'ifs' and 'buts' were candy and
nuts", right?
Modified: 1/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: