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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Silcoon #7
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 10, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.58
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
Every so often on CotD we
have to review a card because . . .
ummm . . . well we just
do ok?
Silcoon is one of those
It’s an evolving Stage 1 in the
Beautifly line. 80 HP (ok for what it is, I
guess), Weakness to Fire (like it matters), and Retreat
cost of three (Heavy Ball searchable, to look on the
bright side). Like most evolving Stage 1’s we can’t
really expect anything from it. (They can’t all be
Gabites and
Eelektriks, can they?). All
we ask is that they hang around long enough to evolve on
those occasions where we don’t just skip them altogether
with Rare Candy. And to be fair,
tries to do this, it really does. For one Colourless
Energy, Harden will prevent any damage done to
Silcoon . . . as long as
that damage is 60 or less.
Wait, what?
Yeah, I had to read that again too.
Silcoon won’t stop the opponent from knocking him
out in one hit, but he won’t let them put a few damage
counters on him. I suppose that would mean you get an
undamaged Beautifly out of
the deal but . . . really? Most decks are not going to
have a hard time doing 70+ damage,
making Harden pretty much a waste of an attack a lot of
the time. Could be worse though, I mean it’s better than
using Bug Bite: [G][C][C] for
40 points of effect-free damage. That’s unacceptable.
It looks like the card designers have tried to come up
with a way for Silcoon to be
a useful Stage 1, but more often than not, it just isn’t
going to work and you would still much prefer just to
Rare Candy into Beautifly.
Is that something you would be likely to do in a
tournament though? Tune in tomorrow to find out!
Modified: 1.5 (bless him for trying)
Limited: 2 (I guess he could stall quite effectively . .
. if your opponent is dead drawing)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today
we're reviewing a Stage 1 that originally debuted in
Ruby/Sapphire. Today's Card of the Day is Silcoon from
Dragons Exalted.
Silcoon is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon.
Grass Pokemon are virtually non-existent in Modified,
with only Virizion NVI rarely seeing play; of course,
this also means that if a Grass-type is powerful enough,
there may be a niche in the metagame. 80 HP is average
for a Stage 1 that evolves further, allowing Silcoon to
stand up to a weak hit as well as being searchable by
Level Ball. Fire Weakness is bad against Ho-Oh; no
Resistance is unfortunate but expected; and a Retreat
Cost of 3 is huge, so be sure to use Switch to move
Silcoon from the Active spot.
This Cocoon Pokemon has two
attacks. Harden prevents your opponent's attack damage
if the attack does 60 damage or less for a single
Colorless Energy, which works as a decent stall tactic
in Limited, but won't go very far in Modified, where
many attacks do more than 60 damage, and will likely get
through this attack's effect. Bug Bite is Silcoon's form
of offense, dealing a vanilla 40 damage for a Grass and
two Colorless. This attack is somewhat unimpressive, as
40 damage for three Energy is quite underwhelming.
Unsurprisingly, you'll likely have more success with
this attack in Limited than you would in Modified.
Modified: 1.25/5 Silcoon's stats
and attacks are all unimpressive, so you'll likely want
to steer clear. If for some reason you're running
Beautifly in your Modified deck, Silcoon is a necessary
evil, but otherwise, there are much better options.
Limited: 2.75/5 Silcoon is slightly
more useful in Limited than it is in Modified, but not
by much. 80 HP isn't all that much, but Harden will
easily stave off most of your opponent's attacks, buying
you time to set up other attackers. Bug Bite is still
unimpressive here, but can deal solid damage in a pinch.
Overall, Silcoon is an average Pokemon to use in
Modified, and should probably only be used if you're
running Beautifly or are in need of a staller.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Silcoon is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon with 80 HP. It has
a weakness to Fire and a retreat cost of 3. It is
searchable by both Level and Heavy Ball.
'Harden' costs 1 Colorless energy prevents damage
from attacks that do
60 or less. I'm reluctant to complain, because it could
be a lot worse. Usually I see attacks that reduce damage
by 20-30. This is better than that (because the
reduction rarely matters; if damage is low, then it
survives, if damage is high, it doesn't). What would
make it better, in my opinion, is if it was reducing
damage by 60.
That way it could survive those 90-120 attacks.
'Bug Bite’ costs 1 Grass and 2 Colorless energy and
does 40 damage.
This attack is just filler in my opinion. I would be
using 'Harden' to protect myself while trying to get
this thing to evolve. But I can see why it has an
attack, in case you a up against an opponent that does
70+ damage and you can't evolve/retreat. Sort of a last
line of defense (which is actually an attack).
This is an okay card; better than what I expected
from it. Though it is the middle of the evolution line,
so Rare Candy will hop over this guy. I don't see this
being too competitive, though in Limited it could be a
I would like to know if people have tested this with
Ho-oh EX. Right now I haven't seen any decks with the
two, so there must be a reason for it.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: