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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
April 23, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
I think everyone knows a person who is a
bit like Exploud:
big mouth, very noisy, and extremely
weird-looking. I won’t name names though
what we have here is a Stage 2 Pokémon,
which are
just not that playable in a format where
they are outsped,
out-hit, and out-tanked by a bunch of
Legendary Basics. The Colourless Typing
is nice for abusing DCE and it does mean
this card could fit into just about any
deck (assuming you wanted it there). The
downside is that absolutely nothing is
hit for Weakness by Colourless Pokémon.
The 140 HP is only average these days
for a Stage 2, unlike the Retreat cost
which is a massively un-payable four.
Fighting Weakness isn’t the best either.
first attack, Destructive Sound, is
interesting, but it sure makes you pay
for it. For the cost
of three Energy, you get to look
at your opponent’s hand (always
a good thing) and discard any Item cards
you find there. Honestly, this sounds a
whole lot better than it actually is. On
a Stage 2, and with that kind of cost,
you aren’t exactly going to be
surprising your opponent, who will have
ample opportunity to play out their
Items in preparation. Ok, so you might
hit the occasional Laser or Catcher that
your opponent can’t make use of that
turn, but this kind of situational
effect is not worth such a large
If you actually want to do some damage
with Exploud,
you are going to need to invest even
more Energy. Four of
them to be precise. For that, you
get the infamous Round attack, which
does damage according to the number of
Pokémon with Round that you have in
play. Right now, that means
and Seismitoad
from NVI and/or
Wigglytuff NEX. It’s not an
impossible set up, and
Exploud does
offer you a fair reward for it:
with three Round
Pokémon Benched, it will do
enough to OHKO just about anything that
is played (yes, there are some highly
unusual exceptions). It’s just a shame
that we don’t have a
Loudred with
Round to make the job a bit easier,
because the trouble with Round decks is
that if they make a single
mis-step in
their set up and can’t get the support
out fast enough, they tend to get
completely dismantled by the many
leaner, faster decks out there.
Basically, that’s why Round has stayed
as a novelty deck rather than made any
real impact.
Apparently, we could soon see a
which, alongside hilariously low HP, has
a Round attack of its own. Maybe having
a Basic to swarm will make this deck
just a little more playable? I have my
doubts, but Exploud
will remain a fun card to play casually.
Modified: 2.5 (nice addition to one of
the most gimmicky decks around)
Limited: 1.25 (your opponent probably
doesn’t have Items, and you probably
have no way of boosting Round)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're
reviewing another Colorless Pokemon from Plasma Storm.
Today's Card of the Day is Exploud.
Exploud is a Stage 2 Colorless Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon can fit well into any deck due to their relaxed
Energy requirements, but as Exploud is a Stage 2, it's
going to have to do something truly special to see play
in Modified. 140 HP is average for a Stage 2, and
Exploud should be able to take at least one big hit
before going down. Fighting Weakness is an issue against
the likes of Landorus-EX; no Resistance is unfortunate;
and a Retreat Cost of four is gigantic, so be sure to
use Switch or Escape Rope to maximize your Energy and
your switching potential.
Exploud has two attacks. Destructive Sound allows you
to look at your opponent's hand and discard all Items in
it for three Colorless Energy. This is certainly a
pretty powerful effect, but it's really a shame that
this attack doesn't do any damage, because then it would
be much more usable. In Limited, your opponent will
rarely have many Items, but even still, it could come in
handy in some situations. Round is Exploud's form of
offense, dealing 50 damage times the number of your
Pokemon in play that have this move for the very
expensive price of four Colorless Energy. Therefore,
Exploud works best in a deck with other Round Pokemon,
such as Wigglytuff and Seismitoad. Of course, running
two Stage 2s and a Stage 1 with little Energy isn't good
in Modified at all, but it could make for a fun casual
Modified: 1.5/5 Exploud's attacks are both pretty
interesting, but neither are very effective in this
format. Destructive Sound is great in theory, but
Darkrai players don't care about it at all and it's at
worst a small distraction to other deck types. That
being said, Round is also not very effective in this
format. There are better options available.
Limited: 3.5/5 Unlike many other Colorless Pokemon,
Exploud doesn't play particularly well in Limited.
Destructive Sound will often get one or two cards from
the hand, and Round will often be a very expensive 50
damage. However, in the case that you draft an Exploud
line, its Colorless typing is also one of its greatest
strengths, as it can go into your deck as a secondary
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Sorry I've been off the grid for so long Bill, here's
my take on Tuesday's card.
Exploud (Plasma Storm)
Hello there Pojo Readers, I hope you're all ready for
the new release coming up. Sorry I've been missing in
action for so long, but today I make up for my long
neglect with a short review of the walking grand organ.
Exploud has never enjoyed much success in the TCG,
mainly because Colourless Poke'mon tend to have their
attacks nerfed to compensate for their easy-to-abuse
energy costs. Still, I was a big fan of the Supreme
Victors version, and I've always liked the idea of
keeping a walking, talking sound system that can be
mistaken for a jet engine with a grudge against your
So, what does this Exploud do? With 140 HP, what it does
is sit comfortably outside the 1HKO range of most decks,
hoping you can stuff a pair of Double Colourless Energy
down its throat before your opponent can swing for a
second time (or play down a Landorus EX). Unlike with
most Stage 2 Poke'mon, that makes it conceivable that
you could draw the cards you need to both evolve and
energise Exploud in time to do some reliable damage. I’m
not saying you’ll get away with doing it twice under
tournament conditions, so the usual card massive card
disadvantage from an untimely KO still applies, but
Exploud is not quite the sitting duck you would expect,
a healthy change of pace in this format.
The reason any of the competitive players will care
about Exploud’s stats? Destructive Sound. The dream of
forcing an opponent to discard an entire handful of Item
cards is almost certainly bogus (high-level Tropical
Beach abuse may make a liar out of me there), but the
advantage of removing any temporarily unplayable Items
is huge. Are they holding an Escape Rope or Poke’mon
Catcher? Gone. Is Sableye ruining your day with his
constant stream of Junk Hunting? Not anymore. Is your
opponent waiting on a next-turn draw to fuel a Poke’mon
Communication or Ultra Ball? Too late. Exploud is loud
and in charge against deck that needs to hold their Item
cards in hand for the best advantage, and niche Items
like Enhanced Hammer and Tool Scrapper will no longer
trouble you when Destructive Sound is online.
Of course, that reactive nature is what will probably
stop Exploud from being anything more than a rogue tech
in competitive decks. The popular Supporters used to
draw cards remain unaffected, and any Items your
opponent can play immediately will also slip by without
trouble. As always, we also return to the accursed fates
of all attacking Stage 2 Poke’mon in a world of Poke’mon
EX titans, which says that not being able to hit until
Turn 3 at the earliest is far too slow for most players
to even attempt playtesting.
It’s fun to dream, but after 3 energy are played we move
on to 4, which brings Round online. You may remember
this attack from Seismitoed EP and Wigglytuff ND, which
means that you can now power it up to the full 300
damage if your bench is full of Poke’mon with Round. As
scary as that number is, it is unrealistic to expect
that any player is going to take you seriously using
this strategy, as the constantly rehashed argument of
multiple Evolution Cards + Manual Energy attachments =
wayyyyyy too slow has proven time and time again. As
above with Destructive Sound, It’s still fun to dream
and you can now build a casual Round deck with enough
Poke’mon to have a fun match, but unless we get a slew
of powerful Basics packing Round, you can forget about
seeing it played in the upper echelons of the
competitive scene.
That’s it in a nutshell folks. If you rogue builders can
find enough reliable hand-denial cards to support the
discard/control strategy, Exploud provides a centerpiece
to hold your deck together, but purely as a counter card
to the niche Items of the format it takes too much deck
space and setup time to be playable. I sincerely hope
I’m wrong about Exploud’s likely future in competitive
Poke’mon, and I will be trying to squeeze this into my
Hammertime deck ASAP.
Modified: 3.5 (an above average Stage 2, it still
doesn’t cut the mustard as an outright attacker, but I
hope to crack the combination for making Destructive
Sound an attack to be feared)
Limited: 2 (A maximum output of 50 damage for three
energy is not what excites you at a prerelease,
especially when you have to go to the trouble of
evolving said overpriced attacker. But discarding even a
single Item over the course of the day would be worth
it, and Colourless is always good at the Prerelease)
Combos with: Crushing Hammer, Poke’mon Catcher and
opponents relying on Switch.