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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
April 1, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
I guess it’s somewhat appropriate that the ‘Hoodlum
Pokémon’ appears to be a favourite of Team Plasma. All
the Grunts seem to have one, so it’s no surprise that
Scraggy turns up on a card with the Team Plasma
mechanic. Right now, that means it gets a little bit of
support (Colress Machine),
with a lot more to come. Speaking of support,
Scrafty is also a Dark Type,
so it can also make use of Dark Patch and Dark Claw . .
. the question is, is it worthy of all these good
In a word, no.
Being a 90 HP Stage 1 doesn’t help for a start: it’s
just too easy for anything to KO it one hit and for very
little Energy investment. This is especially true for a
Fighting Type, thanks to Scrafty’s
Weakness – Landorus-EX with
Lasers and Virbank can OHKO
it for a single Energy . . . oh and the Basics will all
suffer an even quicker death – if you must play it at
least go for the NEX Scraggy which has 70 HP.
The real problem though is that
Scrafty’s attacks don’t really do anything to
make you want to play the card. The first, Kick Away
does 30 for two Energy and
forces the opponent into making a switch of their
choice: sometimes this is mildly annoying, other times
the opponent will positively welcome it. Either way, the
damage output is too low for the attack to have much
significance. Reinforced Headbutt
at least does some good damage for its cost of two Dark
and one Colourless Energy . . . if it has a Pokémon Tool
attached that is. Without it, it will only hit for 50,
but with the help of
. . . uh, Rocky Helmet, I guess, it can do 100 –
enough to exchange two-hit KOs with an EX, if only
Scrafty was likely to stay on the Field that long (which
it isn’t).
To be fair, I’m probably being a bit harsh on this card
(I’m not the biggest fan of Scraggy). There’s a lot
worse out there, if I’m honest. Really, this is just
pretty average . . . which is the same as saying that it
won’t be troubling the competitive scene any time soon.
Modified: 1.75 (effectively just filler)
Limited: 3 (Disruption is useful, and could hit big if
you pull an Eviolite to go
with it)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pokemon TCG fans! Today we're
reviewing a new Team Plasma Pokemon from Plasma Storm.
Today's Card of the Day is Scrafty.
Scrafty is a Stage 1 Darkness Team Plasma Pokemon.
Darkrai-EX is by far the most commonly played
Darkness-type in Modified these days with its friend
Sableye in tow; therefore, if Scrafty is going to see
some play, it will either have to help this dynamic duo
or do something completely different. As a Team Plasma
Pokemon, Scrafty gets support from things like Colress
Machine, with more to come in later sets. 90 HP is
standard for a Stage 1 these days, and sadly, Scrafty
won't be surviving many hits in today's high powered
metagame with such a low HP score. Fighting Weakness is
equally bad, as Landorus-EX and even Terrakion will
easily take out the Hoodlum Pokemon. Fortunately,
Psychic Resistance is still decent against Mewtwo-EX
(though the genetic cat still shouldn't have a problem
getting rid of Scrafty). Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is
good, and easily paid for if the necessity arises.
Scrafty has two attacks. Kick Away does 30 damage and
forces the opponent to switch out after dealing damage
for a Darkness and a Colorless, which is only really
good in Limited, as you're better off using Pokemon
Catcher in Modified (and 30 damage really isn't good for
a primary attack in that format). Reinforced Headbutt is
slightly better, starting off at an awful 50 damage for
two Darkness and a Colorless, but also dealing 50 more
damage if Scrafty has a Pokemon Tool attached. 100
damage for three Energy is pretty good, and Scrafty can
also take advantage of Dark Claw to deal even more
damage. Unfortunately for Scrafty, Darkrai-EX is a much
better user of Dark Claw and has a significantly better
Night Spear for the same Energy cost as Reinforced
Headbutt, relegating Scrafty to Limited.
Modified: 1.5/5 Scrafty is outclassed by Darkrai-EX
here, so you should use that instead.
Limited: 3.5/5 Scrafty is still quite good in Limited,
though. Kick Away's disruption can be helpful for the
price, and 30 damage here isn't so bad, even though it's
still not optimal. Reinforced Headbutt is particularly
nice, as a potential 100 damage for three Energy is not
to be overlooked in this format. It is important to
note, however, that the only Pokemon Tools available in
Plasma Storm are Eviolite and Victory Piece, and neither
will have any effect on Scrafty aside from boosting
Reinforced Headbutt's damage output. Unfortunately, not
everything is great for Scrafty, as it has low HP and
attacks requiring a lot of Darkness Energy, but overall,
if you're running Darkness, Scrafty is a good choice. |