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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Articuno EX
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
February 25, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.33
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
Hello and welcome to a second week of reviewing the
cards that didn’t quite make it into our top 10 of
Plasma Storm. At least one reviewer thought enough of
them to include them in their list, so they definitely
deserve a look. Were they rightfully excluded, or were
any massive injustices done? Let’s find out.
We kick off the week with Articuno-EX
which is by far
the best of the Legendary Birds to get the EX treatment
in Plasma Storm and (not a coincidence, I suspect) the
only one to receive the honour of being made into a Full
Art card. The stats are pretty much what you would
expect: 170 HP is just shy of the EX maximum but still
very good; the Weakness to Metal is only likely to count
against a Klinklang deck
that uses the Stage 2 or a Cobalion
NVI to attack, and the Resistance to Fighting might come
in handy, even though Terrakion
NVI isn’t the force he once was and
Landorus-EX is seeing less play, thanks to
decks. One thing that is definitely worth noting about
Articuno is that it is a
Plasma Pokémon and therefore can benefit from Energy
acceleration via Plasma Energy and
Colress Machine.
This last point is important because
Articuno’s attacks are both
on the wrong side of expensive. Blizzard costs one Water
and two Colourless Energy to do 60
to the Defending Pokémon and 10 to everything on their
Bench. That’s decent enough, and the spread
damage may make subsequent KOs a bit easier. The real
attraction here though is Frost Prison. It’s very
pricey, costing tow Water and two Colourless for just 80
damage, meaning that you will need
Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbak
in effect to even two-shot an EX. The huge bonus is
that, if you have Plasma Energy attached to
Articuno, it will
automatically Paralyse the
defending Pokémon.
Ever since they nerfed
Confusion years
ago, Paralyse has been the best Status Condition because
it completely locks the Defending Pokémon, leaving it
unable to attack or retreat for a turn. For this reason,
Paralysis attacks almost always come with a drawback
that makes it difficult to use on successive turns:
usually either coin flips (Raikou-EX),
serious Energy discard (Magnezone
LV X) or something similarly tough to keep up (Accelgor
DEX). Articuno does none of
these things, all it needs is
a Special Energy (which it doesn’t even have to
discard). Must be great, right?
. . . maybe not quite great. Even if we ignore
the four Energy attack cost, two big problems remain.
Firstly, Articuno is
vulnerable after
it has taken a KO and the opponent can send up a new
attacker to get rid of it. Secondly, the release of
Hypnotoxic Laser has meant
that every
deck will be prepared for Status Conditions and run some
way of switching out of them (Escape Rope, Switch, or
Keldeo-EX with its Rush In
It is possible to address some of these problems: tricky
damage calculation maths and careful use of
Hypnotoxic Laser could mean
that you are sometimes able to KO Pokémon coming into
your own turn, while Garbodor
DRX will shut off Keldeo-EX’s
Ability (though there is nothing you can do about
Switch). I can see an Articuno/Lasers/Garbodor
deck being very frustrating to play against, if not
exactly at the top competitive level. The lack of speed
and the fact that you cannot guarantee that the
Paralysis will stick will both hold this Pokémon back.
If you like playing with something a little off-beat, or
if you enjoy really annoying people at League (and who
doesn’t?), then this card is well worth trying out.
Modified: 3.25 (auto Paralysis would be downright unfair
in some formats. Not in this one though)
Limited: 4.5 (even if you don’t pull any Plasma Energy,
it’s still a big Basic that can spread a lot of
damage around before it gets
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We're continuing our
reviews of interesting cards from Plasma Storm this
week, so be sure to check back for more updates. Today
we'll kick things off by reviewing one of the new
Pokemon-EX, Articuno-EX.
Articuno-EX is a Basic Water Pokemon-EX. The Water-type
is well supported right now in the Pokemon TCG, with
Blastoise/Keldeo decks still running rampant; therefore,
if Articuno expects to see any play, it needs to be able
to differentiate itself from the pack by fulfilling a
different niche. As a Pokemon-EX, Articuno needs to have
impressive statistics and attacks in order to justify
your opponent taking two Prizes upon Knocking it Out.
For starters, 170 HP is just about average (though still
very good) for a Pokemon-EX, meaning that Articuno
should be able to take at least one powerful unboosted
hit before going down. Metal Weakness is unfortunately a
problem these days, as Klinklang decks are very hyped
and should be seeing quite a bit of play at the upcoming
State/Provincial/Territory Championships. Fighting
Resistance is notable against the likes of Terrakion and
Landorus, both of which are still pretty popular.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of one is easy to pay, and
shouldn't set you back too much.
Articuno-EX has two attacks. Blizzard does 60 damage and
10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon for
a Water and two Colorless Energy, which is somewhat
expensive for the cost. However, the attack's spread
damage is pretty good (since it hits everything), and
Articuno can be easily powered up with a Double
Colorless Energy. Frost Prison is where things get very
interesting: the attack does a very expensive 80 damage
for two Water and two Colorless, but automatically
Paralyzes the Defending Pokemon if Articuno has a Plasma
Energy attached! Automatic Paralysis is something that
we don't see very often in the Pokemon TCG, since it is
generally an incredibly powerful status condition, as it
stops the ability to attack and forces the opponent to
use a Switch/Escape Rope/Scramble Switch instead of just
retreating. Of course, this effect does require a Plasma
Energy to use, but even still, the potential payoff is
quite awesome in comparison to other Plasma Energy-using
Modified: 3.25/5 I think Articuno has a chance to be
pretty good in Modified, if not great. However, there
are a few things currently holding it back. First of
all, Articuno doesn't fit nicely into any current deck
archetype, as Blastoise/Keldeo/Black Kyurem can just hit
things really hard without any need for status effects,
and Articuno will be too slow for many dedicated Plasma
builds, requiring four Energy for Frost Prison.
Additionally, the presence of Crushing Hammer and
Enhanced Hammer greatly diminish Frost Prison's
effectiveness, especially as Enhanced Hammer is seeing a
bit more play again to counter Plasma (and
Blend)-related strategies. However, once you look past
these potential problems, Articuno is a very solid
attacker for more controlling/tank builds, and will
definitely be a lot of fun to build a deck around.
Limited: 5/5 Articuno is really good in Limited. As a
basic with high HP, Articuno will already warrant a deck
slot in most cases, and both Blizzard and Frost Prison
are excellent here, even if you don't run that many
Plasma Energy (and the attack is insane if you do).
Overall, you should feel pretty good about playing
Articuno in this format, as not many things can hold
their own against it.
Jebulous |
Articuno EX
Articuno EX is a Basic Water Pokemon with 170 HP. It is
weak to Meatl, resistant to Fighting, and has a retreat
of 1. When Knocked Out it gives 2 Prizes.
'Blizzard' costs 1 Water and 2 colorless. It does 60
and 10 to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. The
damage output doesn't seem like much since at best it
3HKOs EX Pokemon. The damage spread is nice, but only
when they have a large Bench. With Colress out people
will be more cautious with their bench.
'Frozen Prison' costs 2 Water and 2 Colorless. It does
80 and if it has a Plasma Energy on it, it automatically
Paralyzes. The damage isn't great as well, still being
a 3HKO on EXs. The great part is the auto-paralysis.
Well, it would have been great. Ever since the Tynamo
paralysis scare (I should give SOME credit to Accelgor),
people now run ways to get rid of paralysis lock. That
mostly includes Keldeo and Switch. So right now the
effect of this attack is okay, not spectacular.
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: