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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
February 27, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.65
Limited: 3.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
Today we look at another Stage 2 Pokémon that has
received a little hype recently. One of the complaints
that some players have about the current format is that
Evolutions are not really playable as main attackers
(except maybe Empoleon DEX).
This means that when one comes along that
might just
possibly maybe be quite good, they tend to pounce on
it and begin theorising potential decks.
Crobat is one card that has
got this treatment, but were players just wasting their
Being a Stage 2 is certainly a big drawback to overcome.
It takes a couple of turns to fully evolve now, even
with Rare Candy, and most evolving Basics are low HP
sitting ducks in a format where every deck runs four
copies of Pokémon Catcher. Then there is the problem of
keeping the Stage 2 in play for more than a turn.
Crobat does have a decent
Weakness right now (Lightning Type attackers are fairly
rare), and a handy Resistance to Fighting, but that 130
HP makes it an easy one-shot KO for most commonly played
EX Pokémon now that we have Hypnotic Laser and
Virbank City Gym to help out
Tornadus-EX and
Darkrai with Dark Claw
attached. Still, the free Retreat is nice, I suppose.
has a useful Ability too, with Night Sight allowing you
to draw a card once per turn. Any extra draw is
obviously great and helps with deck consistency, so I’ll
never have anything bad to say about that. You wouldn’t
run Crobat for Night Sight
alone, but it’s sure nice to have it there as a bonus.
The attack, Ultra-Toxic Fang, costs one Psychic and
two Colourless Energy.
Luckily you can speed things up a bit by using Double
Colourless or the Colress
Machine/Plasma Energy combo, seeing as
Crobat is one of Team
Plasma’s Pokémon. For that you get a very mediocre 40
points of damage, but you also Poison the Defending
Pokémon and get to put four damage counters on it
between turns. In effect then, you get an attack that
does 80 for three Energy or,
with Virbank City Gym in
play, 100 for three. Yes, the Defending Pokémon is
Poisoned and will take more
damage if they stay active but . . . that won’t be
happening very often. Hypnotoxic
Laser has made it mandatory for any deck to be able to
retreat or heal when Poisoned,
so expect to see Crobat’s
attempts to pile on the Poison damage thwarted by
Keldeo-EX or Switch on a
regular basis.
The upshot of all this is that
Crobat is yet another Stage 2 that can two-hit KO
an EX at best. This would be fine if a) it could trade
two-shots by not getting OHKO’d
itself and b) it was easy to keep streaming
Crobats when they are KO’d.
Neither of those things apply
though. Your opponent will retreat out of Poison and one
shot your Crobat while you
frantically search for the Rare Candy/DCE/Colress
Machine you need to replace it. Remember when people
thought that Crobat Prime
would be competitive? Well it wasn’t, and this
incredibly similar Crobat
will suffer the same fate.
Modified: 2.25 (this is not the Stage 2 you were looking
Limited: 3.25 (if you can get it set up, it will be very
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're
reviewing the prerelease promo from
Plasma Storm, which also shows up in the
main set. Today's Card of the Day is
Crobat is a Stage 2 Psychic Team Plasma
Pokemon. Psychic Pokemon aren't widely
seen outside of Mewtwo-EX these days,
but Crobat may be able to find its way
into Plasma decks as an interesting
tech. As a Team Plasma Pokemon, Crobat
gets Team Plasma support like Colress
Machine, and as a Stage 2, it will
likely require some resources to get out
(like Rare Candy). 130 HP is once again
slightly below average for a Stage 2,
but will still likely be able to take at
least one major hit before going down.
Lightning Weakness is not so bad right
now in Modified, as the popularity of
Lightning-types has really plummeted.
Fighting Resistance is great against the
likes of Terrakion and Landorus-EX, both
of whom are still fairly common threats.
Finally, a free Retreat Cost is great,
and will be useful no matter where you
find yourself playing Crobat.
Crobat has an Ability and an attack.
Night Sight allows you to draw a card
once per turn, much like Noctowl from
HGSS. Card advantage is always a good
thing, even in a search-heavy game like
the Pokemon TCG, but Crobat should be
able to do something else to warrant the
bench space, too. Ultra-Toxic Fang is
Crobat's form of offense, dealing 40
damage for a Psychic and two Colorless
Energy, while also inflicting the
Defending Pokemon with a Poison status
that places FOUR damage counters in
between turns! When combined with
Virbank City Gym, your opponent will be
taking 60 damage between turns, and
Ultra-Toxic Fang will effectively be
dealing 100 damage! Of course, much like
Infernape yesterday, attacking with
Stage 2s is difficult in a format in
which they can easily be KOed (therefore
wasting resources) with a slower setup
time than their Basic counterparts. Even
still, Crobat is likely to find its way
into rogue builds for both its
card-drawing and Poison-inflicting
Modified: 2.5/5 Crobat is a fairly
interesting card, that much like many
other Stage 2s, is held back by the
nature of the format. Night Sight's card
draw is useful everywhere (though
probably not useful enough to warrant
building around), and Ultra-Toxic Fang
is nice, but faster builds will still be
using Hypnotoxic Laser anyway. Overall,
Crobat is currently a rogue card at
best, though I wouldn't be surprised to
see it turn up at your local upcoming
State Championships.
Limited: 5/5: Crobat draws you cards and
inflicts your opponent with crippling
status conditions that are made even
better by Virbank City Gym, another card
in the set. If you manage to get Zubats
and Golbats, playing Crobat is
definitely a great idea, even if
Ultra-Toxic Fang is a bit expensive.
Combos With: Virbank City Gym
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Crobat is a Stage 2 Psychic Pokemon with 130 HP. It is
weak to Lightning and resistant to Fighting. It has
free retreat.
'Night Sight' is an ability that lets you draw a card.
Not great, not horrible, at least it's some kind of
draw. Empoleon requires a discard, but you get two new
cards. This just gets you one new card (though both net
your hand a card). An extra doesn't hurt when you are
trying to stream Stage 2 attackers.
'Ultra-Toxic Fang' costs 1 Psychic and 2 Colorless
energy. It does 40 damage and does quadruple poison.
That effect is so tempting to abuse, but there isn't
really much of a way to abuse it. So right after you
attack, they have 80 damage on them. You then need a
way to keep them active, but there is nothing out that
can combo with Crobat being active (Hypnotoxic does
combo, but you need to flip heads for sleep). Even
then, people should have counters to status effects i.
e. Switch and Keldeo.
So you could do some sort of Poison deck, with Crobat,
Hypnotoxic, and Virbank. Have the gym out would make
Crobat's attack do 40 + 60 in Poison. The biggest
problem with Crobat is the fact that you do all that
work to attack, and at best you put 100 on the Defending
Pokemon. It's so much easier to build up an EX and do
more damage. That's probably why Crobat won't see
competitive play.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: Virbank City Gym
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