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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Golduck #34
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
January 17, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.0
Limited: 1.9
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#34 (Boundaries Crossed)
We already reviewed a Golduck
from this set and found it to be somewhat short of being
tournament-worthy. As you know, whenever two cards
featuring the same Pokémon appear, one is always
considerably better than the other. The bad news is that
the previous Golduck was the
‘good’ one.
Today’s offering is a Stage 1 with a low, low 80 HP. The
Lightning Weakness isn’t much of an issue right now
(though with that HP it hardly matters). The free
Retreat is of course excellent and by far the best thing
about this card.
When it comes to the attacks I had to do a double take
on this card. It seems like they really belong on a
Basic rather than something that you have taken the
trouble to evolve. The first, Confuse Ray, inflicts
Confusion. That’s it. No damage, but then it only costs
a single Colourless Energy. Now Confusion is nice enough
as it will likely force an opponent to Retreat, but it’s
not really worth setting up a Stage 1 just to attempt an
easily-thwarted lock. This would only make sense as
something to do while waiting for a super powerful
second attack.
But we don’t get that. In fact we get quite the
opposite. Water Gun needs one Water
and one Colourless Energy to use, but why would you ever
want to use it? All you get is a mere 30 points of
vanilla damage. Honestly, if these attacks were on a
Psyduck it wouldn’t be
terribly impressive, but to see them on a Stage 1? The
designers weren’t even
trying to
make this a decent card.
Modified: 1 (mediocre Basic . . . oh, wait . .
. )
Limited: 1.75 (eh, Confusion is ok, but you would only
play this out of desperation)
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Golduck is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon with 80 HP. It is
weak to Lightning and has free retreat. It is
searchable by Level Ball.
'Confuse Ray' costs 1 colorless energy and confuses the
Defending Pokemon. Really now. Even Sableye does 10
damage. They could have at least made this attack do
some damage (and I don't think auto confusion is a fair
trade for damage).
'Water Gun' costs 1 Water and 1 colorless energy. It
does 30 damage. Really not that great.
So this is a bad card. Both attacks aren't worth using
and the HP is low (the card must be worth it to run a
low HP Pokemon competitively). The best thing about
this card is the free retreat, though you'll only use it
like you would Emolga (promote it when something else is
Knocked out). So why not just run Emolga?
It's a decent card, but still not competitive.
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 1/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
an Uncommon from Boundaries Crossed that could end up
being decent in Limited. Today's Card of the Day is
Golduck is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Blastoise and Keldeo-EX
dominate the Water-type presence in Modified right now,
so Golduck is really going to have to do something to
distinguish itself from those two Pokemon in the
competitive scene. 80 HP is just about average for a
Stage 1, and is unfortunately quite low, meaning that
most commonly played Modified attackers will sadly OHKO.
Lightning Weakness is a problem against the likes of
Zekrom-EX and Thundurus, but Lightning doesn't see much
play anymore. Golduck additionally has no Resistance, as
well as no Retreat, meaning you can freely switch
Golduck from your Active spot without having to burn
Energy or a Switch.
Golduck has two attacks. Confuse Ray confuses the
Defending Pokemon for a single Colorless Energy, which
is potentially great in Limited but doesn't do nearly
enough in Modified. Water Gun is Golduck's form of
offense, dealing 30 damage for a Water and a Colorless.
30 damage is definitely not enough to compete in
Modified, but once again can be decent in Limited, as
the attack deals solid (if not unspectacular) damage for
its cost.
Modified: 1/5 Golduck is greatly outclassed here by many
other attackers, so you should look into using some of
them instead. Free retreat is nice, but not enough to
make up for Golduck's weak attacking prowess and
terrible HP.
Limited: 3/5 Golduck is decent in Limited. Free retreat
is always great in this format, and while unspectacular,
both attacks can be useful. Confuse Ray's automatic
Confusion can swing games, and although Water Gun is
somewhat weak, it can be used in a pinch. Overall,
Golduck can be a solid secondary attacker in your
Limited deck if you are running Water.
Otaku |
Today we are looking at
Golduck (BW:
Boundaries Crossed 34/149).
I have very little time to write this review, so
I’ll try to do what so many have requested of me, and be
is a Stage 1 Water-Type Pokémon; which is not that good.
Being an Evolution is slow and cumbersome this
format and nothing about this card changes that.
The Water-Typing is nice for hitting some key
Pokémon for Weakness, and most things that are Resistant
just don’t see play. There
isn’t any true Pokémon-Type support for water, though as
an Energy-Type is enjoys the support of
Blastoise (BW:
Boundaries Crossed 31/149).
80 HP is bad; this is within OHKO range for almost every
major attacker in the game right now, though at least it
will usually require their “big” attack so it isn’t
In fact, it makes the Lightning-Type Weakness almost
negligible; other than perhaps a marauding
Emolga (BW:
Dragons Exalted 45/124) potentially scoring an
embarrassing 2HKO, every other serious Lightning-Type
attacker was already taking
Golduck down
in one hit.
The lack of Resistance is irritating, but no worse;
Resistance is uncommon in the TCG and seems to be more
of a “bonus” than a requirement.
To be fair, the nature of the game (being a
simplified adaptation of the video games) skews Type
relationships making it fairly difficult to find one
that doesn’t “clash” (that is, forces the card to also
Resist something it is neutral or even should even have
as a Weakness).
So we come to the last Stat, a perfect free Retreat; you
can send Golduck
back to the Bench as the cost of your Retreat for the
turn and no more.
Sadly, this is possibly the best Stat, rivaled
only by its Typing.
has two attacks.
For (C) it can use Confuse Ray, afflicting the
Defending Pokémon with Confusion on a successful coin
toss. This
would be bad for a Basic Pokémon capable of Evolving, so
it is especially disappointing on something fully
Ever since the (now quite old) rules revision that
altered Confusion to its current state, it has become
pretty much the weakest Special Condition.
At the very least, the attack should
automatically succeed instead of requiring a flip.
The second attack is Water Gun, which for (WC) does a
flat 30 points of damage.
Historically, Water Gun has had a clause that
increased the damage it did according to how many Water
Energy were attached to the Pokémon in question, with a
cap on how much extra damage could be added.
Recently, it has become a “vanilla” attack with
no effect.
This would be poor as the supporting attack for this
card, but as the apparent main attack?
Again, it is abysmal.
This is one of the many Pokémon shoehorned into BW:
Boundaries Crossed that was from the Japanese
National Pokédex Beginning Set, according to
It apparently is meant as an introduction to the
TCG, but if that is the case, cards like this are a
pretty bad way to get started.
Simple does not have to be “bad” in the Pokémon TCG.
In fact, strong, simple cards have often done
quite well in the game’s past, and only in recent years
have we had the questionable decision to allow “complex”
cards the “benefits” normally reserved for the “plain”
cards (top Stats and reliable damage output).
When it comes to creating stuff for “new” players, I
have a lot of concerns like “What if really simple?” and
“If you don’t want to put the effort into new cards, why
not just release a special version of pre-existing cards
that are suitable for new players?”
The latter would also benefit those who don’t
receive that kind of product, since in short, our set
got filler at all rarity levels due to the need to
release something
had received but that we didn’t have a separate market
In this particular case, simple doesn’t just equal “bad”
it equals “awful”.
Avoid this card for Modified and for Unlimited,
and only run it in Limited if you have room, pulled (and
are running) multiple
Psyduck, and
legitimately have nothing better.
Limited makes the Stats less sad (and the free
Retreat even more important), but the attacks are only
marginally better.
This also assumes you are already running some
basic Water
The Stats and Effects of
Golduck, if
placed on a Basic Pokémon that Evolved once or twice
more, would be adequate (though only just), unless all
other versions had the HP.
I mean, a free Retreat on such a card is rare and
useful, and Confuse Ray might buy it time to Evolve.
On an Evolving Stage 1, it would be pretty bad.
As a Stage 1 that does not further Evolve, this
card is simply a “no”.