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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
January 8, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 3.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Boundaries Crossed)
In the competitive video game scene,
Whimsicott is a
techy little thing full of
annoying tricks. They do seem to make an effort to
translate this into the TCG by giving it some
interesting attack effects, but so far it hasn’t really
worked. Hasn’t worked at all, in
fact. Let’s see if they can pull it off this
Well, they are going to have to come up with something
good to counter the fact that
Whimsicott is a very low HP Stage 1 (albeit with
a nice Resistance to Water). At least the first attack
is cheap (one Colourless Energy) has an amusing name:
Fluffy Tag. It doesn’t do any damage, but it has the
effect of switching Whimsicott
with something on your Bench and increasing the attack
of the new active by 40 on your next turn. The only
practical benefit of this attack is to get
Whimsicott out of the active
slot: the attack boost is rarely going to be significant
(even assuming you have something ready to use it) and
your opponent can work around it by using Pokémon
Catcher, or simply KOing the
new Pokémon. Stun Spore is a little better I guess: one
Grass Energy for 20 damage
and a flip for Paralysis is good value. Paralyse lock is
diminishingly effective these days though, thanks to
Keldeo and its Rush
In Ability, and the fact that
most non-Keldeo decks run
plenty of Switch. Meanwhile, 20 damage is nothing to an
EX . . . they could easily just sit back and wait for
the flip to fail.
So, this Whimsicott is
really no different to the others. It has a unique
attack effect that isn’t really very good in the TCG.
Cute, but ultimately useless.
Modified: 1.5 (adorable, but not cut out for competitive
Limited: 2.75 (easy to use, and Paralyse works a little
better here)
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Whisicott is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon with 80 HP. It
is weak to Fire, resistant to Water, and has a retreat
cost of 1. It is searchable by Level Ball.
'Fluffy Tag' costs 1 colorless energy and switches
Whimsicott with a Pokemon on your Bench. On your next
turn, that Pokemon's attacks does 40 more damage. In
theory, this could be a good attack. The main problem is
that Whimsicott is a Stage 1. So that means itll be at
least turn 2 before you can do this attack. The way the
game is going now, people have their Pokemon attacking
by turn 2 at the latest. So that means whatever you put
up will most likely get attacked. So that means your
best bet is putting up a high HP Pokemon. If not, it
could be a wasted attack.
I would have like this attack on a Basic Pokemon,
and, I know it'd be asking a lot, that the extra damage
was 50. If a Basic Pokemon had this attack, you could
use it on your first turn to power up your attacker next
turn. Turn 1 now mostly consists of 'Call for Family',
'Junk Hunt', 'Blowthrough', 'X-Ball', or 'Hammerhead'.
Two of those require 2 energy, so you need a DCE.
Another two are setup attacks, like this one would be
considered. Sadly, it isn't as good as those other setup
attacks, but it's better than a lot of attacks out
'Stun Spore' costs 1 Grass and does 20 damage. If
heads, they get Paralyzed. It's a cheap attack, but I'd
expect it to do more damage since it's on a Stage 1
Pokemon (and Landorus puts 60 on the board with 1
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! I hope that all of
you had wonderful New Years and that you all have done
well at your local City Championships and beyond! Today
we're reviewing another card from Boundaries Crossed
that could be pretty interesting if used properly (but
probably wouldn't work on a competitive level). Today's
Card of the Day is Whimsicott.
Whimsicott is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon. The Grass-type
isn't totally dead anymore due to Shaymin-EX and
Virizion seeing some play to counter Blastoise and
Keldeo, 80 HP is slightly below average for a Stage 1,
but even still, Whimsicott won't be able to take a
strong hit before going down, making it somewhat frail.
Therefore, it needs to have fast attacks or disruption
in order to be a viable threat. Fire Weakness isn't too
big of a problem right now (Ho-Oh isn't that popular
anymore), Water Resistance is great (though Blastoise
and Keldeo still probably OHKO), and a single Retreat
Cost is easily paid, but I can't help but think it could
have been free.
Whimsicott has two attacks. Fluffy Tag allows you to
switch Whimsicott with one of your Benched Pokemon, and
gives the new Active the effect of having their attacks
deal 40 more damage during your next turn for a single
Colorless Energy. This is quite an interesting attack,
as 40 damage is a large boost, however your opponent can
easily disrupt Fluffy Tag with a well-timed Pokemon
Catcher or something similar. Even still, Fluffy Tag can
be quite powerful, especially in Limited, where Pokemon
in the slower format will graciously accept the power
Stun Spore is Whimsicott's other attack, dealing 20
damage and Paralyzing on a coin flip for a single Grass
Energy. You probably won't be using this attack outside
of Limited (or even very much at all there), but it does
a serviceable job for its cost there.
Modified: 2/5 Whimsicott probably won't make a huge
splash in Modified, but it seems like it could be a fun
card to build around in a casual deck. Fluffy Tag's
power boost is pretty significant, but is too easily
disrupted and requires an attack to use. While there are
generally better options, it could be fun to play around
Modified: 4/5 Whimsicott is fairly good in Limited,
despite its fairly weak HP stat. Both Fluffy Tag and
Stun Spore are quite usable here, and for cheap. While
you should still pair Whimsicott with a powerful
attacker, Stun Spore can be used in a pinch to
potentially disrupt the opponent. It's not a great
attacker on its own, but it can be great support, for