virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing a
Pokemon from Generation I that we've never reviewed
before! Today's Card of the Day is Eevee (#90) from
Plasma Freeze.
Eevee is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Colorless-types go
well into any deck as secondary attackers and support
Pokemon, but the primary reason you'll be playing Eevee
is to play one of its myriad of evolutions. 60 HP is the
new standard for evolving Basics, so Eevee should be
able to do some work for you in the early-game...if your
opponent doesn't get an awesome setup with a Pokemon-EX.
Fighting Weakness isn't a huge deal (Landorus will OHKO
anyway), no Resistance is what we've come to expect, and
a Retreat Cost of one is very manageable.
The Evolution Pokemon has two attacks. Signs of
Evolution allows you to search for three different
Pokemon of three different types that evolve from Eevee
and put them into your hand for a Colorless Energy. This
is a great setup attack in both Modified and Limited,
and even if you only grab one Eeveelution, you'll still
be able to evolve next turn and continue with your game
plan. There's not much more to be said about this, other
than noting that the attack specifies "of different
types", so no grabbing three Flareons. Bite is Eevee's
form of offense, dealing 30 damage for three Colorless
Energy. You'll almost never use this attack except in
Limited, and even then, it's not great. Of course, since
Eevee's primary job is to evolve (and that's covered by
Signs of Evolution), you probably won't have to worry
about it.
Modified: 2.5/5 This Eevee is good if you're running a
build containing an Eeveelution (Flareon/Cofagrigus
comes to mind), as it has a way of getting Flareon out
fairly easily. You'll never use Bite here, but as stated
above, Eevee does what it needs to do.
Limited: 3.5/5 Eevee does its work here, as well. If you
manage to pull any Eeveelutions, Signs of Evolution can
bring consistency to your deck as well as allowing you
to plan against your opponent's threats, whatever they
may be. Once again, you'll rarely use Bite here (it's
really expensive), but it's passable in a bind.

Jason Klaczynski
Two-Time World Champion
Check out The Klaczynski Open. August 31, 2013 |
Signs of Evolution is a powerful
attack, and the only shame is that you may not even run
play three different types of Eevee evolutions in your
deck. It's particularly strong in limited, where cards
that search evolutions are difficult to come by.
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 4.5/5