Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Mr Mime (Plasma Freeze)
Hello, and welcome to a new week of reviews here on
CotD. I hope American readers enjoyed their
holiday weekend, and that all those who attended US
Nationals had a great time. Congratulations to all the
winners and also to anyone who took part . . . that’s
what the game is all about.
We kick off the week with a look at Mr Mime, which has
already started to prove its worth as a single copy in
some decks. Why? Well it certainly isn’t anything to do
with Psy Bolt attack, which
is just a standard 20 damage
and Paralysis flip for two Energy. Not the worst thing
I’ve ever seen, but hardly a reason to use this card.
The 70 HP seems low, but is actually nice for this sort
of Basic, as it avoids the OHKO from all those cheap 30
damage attacks, backed up by the
Hypnotioxic Laser/Virbak
City Gym combo (Landorus-EX,
Kyurem PLF etc).
The big attraction here though is Mr Mime’s Ability,
Bench Barrier. This pretty much does exactly what it
says on the tin: prevents all damage done to your
Benched Pokémon by attacks. Historically, Pokémon with
that kind of function have always been at least playable
(Dugtrio CG,
Manectric PL) and Mr Mime is
actually better than any of them as it is a Basic and is
therefore faster and takes fewer resources and deck
space to play.
The reason Mr Mime is good right now is because,
although there aren’t really any top tier decks that
have snipe or spread as their main strategy, there are
some very common Pokémon which make good use of bonus
Bench damage in order to either set up crucial KOs for
later on or two-hit KO weak evolving Basics like
Tynamo or
Gothita: I’m thinking of
Kyurem PLF’s Frost Spear,
Landorus-EX’s Hammerhead,
and Darkrai-EX’s Night Spear
here. Mr Mime prevents this from happening, and if he is
enough of an annoyance for the opponent to waste a
Pokémon Catcher and an attack on . . . well, then he’s
done a good job there too.
At the moment, Mr Mime is practically a staple in
Eelektrik-based decks and a very solid play in
Darkrai to help with the
mirror and Plasma match ups. In the future, who knows?
But as long as we have Pokémon that can spread damage or
snipe the Bench, then it’s good to know that Mr Mime is
in the format.
Modified: 3.5 (a useful little card to have around)
Limited: 2 (Bench damage shouldn’t be so much of an
issue here, but the flippy
Paralysis attack isn’t too bad)

Two-Time World Champion
Check out The Klaczynski Open. August 31, 2013 |
Monday, Mr. Mime
Mr. Mime is one of my favorite cards to not see much
play. A nuisance to decks that attack with Darkrai EX,
Team Plasma Kyurem and Landorus EX, this one-of is easy
to fit into your decks. It fits particularly well into
Eelektrik or Empoleon decks, which play Level Ball and
other convenient ways to search out basics. Perhaps the
greatest reason it doesn't see more play is because few
decks have extra spaces on their bench to dedicate to a
Mr. Mime.
In limited, however, few attacks hit the bench, and
Mr. Mime will probably be a waste of a spot.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 2/5