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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Freeze
Date Reviewed:
June 10, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.60
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Freeze)
Hello and welcome to a short and interrupted week here
on Pojo’s
CotD. Our fearless leader is
taking some time off midweek to sort out some family,
stuff so we have just three days of reviews to do.
We kick off the week with Flareon,
one of the new Eeveelutions
from Plasma Freeze. It’s a Stage 1 with some pretty
unpromising features at first glance: just 100 HP, an
awkward retreat cost of two, and an inconvenient
Weakness to Water which Kyurem
PLF and Keldeo-EX will be
eager to exploit. However, this card does have something
to offer, and John Kettler,
one of the games most respected long-time players is
pioneering a deck at the moment which seeks to
capitalise on what Flareon
brings to the table.
The focus of his concept is
Flareon’s first attack,
Vengence. For a Double Colourless Energy, this
does 20 damage, plus 10 more
for each Pokémon in your discard pile. Now with a lot of
playable Pokémon boasting incredibly high HP in the
170-180 range, it obviously isn’t easy to get Vengeance
hitting for OHKOs without some careful and dedicated
deck construction. Fortunately, this format has some
options for getting cards in the discard besides the
usual Juniper/Ultra Ball methods. For a start there is
Cofagrigus PLF with the Six
Feet Under Ability which
allows you to KO it and place three damage counters on
your opponent’s Pokémon how you like. Then there is
Audino BCR which may be
discarded from the hand to remove Status Conditions
(very handy against Hypnotoxic
Laser and Gothitelle/Accelgor
Paralyze Lock decks). Throw in some
Deoxys-EX to boost the damage output still
further (remember, Flareon
is a Team
Plasma Pokémon), and you have an interesting deck.
I would be lying if I said I was
convinced by it though. Cofagrigus
gives away Prizes (unless you use Life Dew), the main
attacker is weak, and Double Colourless Energy
are not always easy to draw
into. It’s a very creative deck for sure, and will
likely have a considerable surprise factor though. It
could well be fun to try out but I’m not sure I would
take a risk on it for a big, important tournament.
Modified: 3 (some creative
deckbuilding has made this card a lot better than
it seems)
Limited: 2.5 (nothing special here without the combos)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing a
new Eeveelution from Plasma Freeze. Today's Card of the
Day is Flareon.
Flareon is a Stage 1 Fire Team Plasma Pokemon.
Fire-types see little play these days, because many of
the biggest attackers in the Modified format are Water,
namely Kyurem and Keldeo-EX. Therefore, Flareon will
have to do something very exciting in order to see play.
As a Team Plasma Pokemon, Flareon gets Plasma support,
such as the ability to be searched out by Team Plasma
Ball, as well as taken from the discard with Shadow
Triad. 100 HP is decent for a Stage 1, but still
probably not enough to survive more than one hit in a
metagame populated with Hypnotoxic Laser. As for bottom
stats, Water Weakness is expected and bad; no Resistance
is equally unfortunate; and a Retreat Cost of two is
payable if you have to, but you're still better off
using Switch, Float Stone, or Scramble Switch.
Flareon has two attacks. Vengeance does 20 damage plus
10 more damage for each Pokemon in your discard pile.
This is potentially quite powerful, and some people are
building decks with Flareon and Six Feet Under
Cofagrigus in order to maximize the number of Pokemon in
the discard. That being said, having an additional 10
damage for each Pokemon is very weak, and therefore
requires a ton of Pokemon in order to work effectively,
so this attack is probably best saved for Limited rather
than a serious Modified deck.
The Fire Eeveelution's other attack, Heat Tackle, does
90 damage for a Fire and two Colorless, while also
dealing 10 damage to itself. 90 damage for three is the
bare minimum that is acceptable for Modified these days,
but the self-damage is never good, regardless of format.
Once again, you're likely using Flareon in Limited and
casual play, as it won't get very far in the
high-powered Modified format.
Modified: 2/5 Vengeance can be quite abusable and
powerful here, but the amount of work it takes for the
deck to be even somewhat viable isn't generally worth
it. You're better off with other options.
Limited: 3.5/5 Flareon is still quite effective in
Limited. It has decent HP for the format, and both
attacks are usable: Vengeance, while probably not the
strongest, will deal steady damage for Colorless costs,
and Heat Tackle can at least 2HKO almost everything in
the format. Additionally, Flareon fits well into decks
that run multiple Eeveelutions for these reasons, too!
Otaku |
(BW: Plasma Freeze /116) has recently piqued my
interest, after having dismissed it in an article that
most of you probably haven’t seen; it went up, but there
was a miscommunication and a sequel to an earlier
article was mistaken as an update/correction so..
originally I wasn’t too impressed with
That has changed just a little bit due to some
interesting ideas people have suggested to me.
My time is short, so my normal card dissection isn’t
In brief,
Flareon [Plasma] is a Stage 1 Fire-Type Team Plasma
Pokémon with 100 HP, Water Weakness, no Resistance, and
a Retreat Cost of two… which other than being a Plasma
Pokémon is poor to bad.
Its second attack, Heat Tackle, would have been
great in an earlier format but based on what is
competitive today is underwhelming: (RCC) for 90 and 10
points of self-damage.
It is enough to 2HKO most attackers in the
format, but as
Flareon [Plasma] will rarely survive after using it…
and three Energy isn’t easy to furnish without a
somewhat hefty set-up.
Vengeance (other than Eeveelutions being popular) are
why this card will see play.
For (CC),
Flareon [Plasma] hits for 20 points of damage, plus
an additional 10 per Pokémon in your discard pile.
With a serious effort (about 16 Pokémon), you can
get this attack to OHKO range.
Besides commonly used cards like
Juniper and
Ultra Ball, players have been looking for good
options to fill the discard pile.
(BW: Boundaries Crossed 108/149)is perhaps the
simplest; whether discarded as fodder or dropped into
play only to Transform simply for the sake of using
If used directly with
[Plasma], for example, every
Flareon that
goes down adds 30 points of damage instead of 20.
Cofagrigus (BW: Plasma Freeze 56/116) has
also been suggested; you either take advantage of giving
up Prizes to ensure you can quickly
N your
opponent down to a small hand while spreading three
damage counters per successful use of Six Feet Under, or
you use Life Dew
and Recycle
to try and avoid giving up any Prizes (at least from Six
Feet Under).
Both are risky, but I think I would prefer the
former if I
could get a deck to reliably spam Six Feet Under three
or even four times.
There is another option though, and oddly enough it is
one that gets talked about plenty yet for a different
risky deck:
Weavile (BW: Plasma Freeze 66/116).
I haven’t had any chance to test any version of
these decks, so this is pure speculation.
While using two Stage 1 Pokémon is daunting, both
are Team Plasma Pokémon, both can make good use of
Colress Machine/Plasma
Energy to power up in one turn, and
[Plasma] chucks Pokémon from the hand to fuel its Vilify
Ideally, you could use Vilify two or three times while
scoring early Prizes then fall back on Vengeance for
Unlike what I usually see for
[Plasma] decks, you might not need
Exeggcute (BW:
Plasma Freeze 4/116); those are run not for discard
fodder, but for re-usable discard fodder.
If you are using Vilify to fill your discard, you
want to be chucking more Pokémon each time, not the same
few over and over again.
Then again, maybe they are still necessary –
again I am theorizing, not relaying testing results.
I think some of the other Eeveelutions might be
good; mostly as discard fodder since
Eevee (BW:
Plasma Freeze 90/116) could search three out first
turn (so long as each are different) and
Leafeon (BW:
Plasma Freeze 11/116) especially looks good as
another potential attacker.
So for Modified, I believe
[Plasma] has promise.
For Limited, it is a must run unless your deck is
low on Pokémon… like if you are running a Pokémon-EX
plus 39 Energy.