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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 14, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 4.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Beartic (Plasma Storm)
Is it just me, or does the 3D style card art from 5ban
Graphics make that tuft of fur on Beartic’s underbelly
look very weird indeed? I have to say I much prefer
kawayoo’s awesome underwater illustration on the Next
Destinies version of Beartic. Not that any of that is
relevant, of course.
More to the point, Beartic is a Team Plasma Pokémon,
which means he gets some nice support from Colress
Machine and Plasma Energy (more to come in future
sets!). He’s a Stage 1, which isn’t ideal, but he does
have a healthy 130 HP . . . or at least it was healthy
until Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City Gym made their
appearance in the format. Thanks to those two cards,
Beartic is now within OHKO range of Tornadus-EX or a
Darkrai-EX with Dark Claw. Still, it does force your
opponent to spend some resources on knocking him out.
The Metal Weakness might be an issue if you come across
Plasma Klinklang-based decks, though I wouldn’t worry
about it too much as Conalion EX’s most potent attack
actually ignores Weakness. Cobalion NVI will cause
problems though. Meanwhile, the retreat cost of four is
obviously something you will never want to pay, so I
suggest running him with Switch and Heavy Ball for
searching purposes.
But would you want to run him at all? That depends on
the quality of the attacks, and I have to say they are .
. . not bad. For one Water and one Colourless, you get
Powerful Rage, an Outrage style attack that does 20
damage times the number of damage counters on Beartic.
This might well force your opponent to use a weaker,
then a stronger attack to deal with Beartic if they
can’t KO in one hit but, as mentioned previously, a lot
of decks won’t need to take that option. Still, if the
opponent misplays and does 100 damage to Beartic, being
able to reply for 200 at the cost of just two Energy is
brilliant: I just don’t think you would be in a position
to do that very often.
This leaves us with Glacier Drop, and attack that costs
two Water and a Colourless and does 90 damage with the
additional effect of discarding the top card of your
opponent’s deck. That discard is really just a bonus. It
could deny your opponent a crucial card, or it could
help them by thinning out their deck a bit. The real
attraction is that 90 is enough to two-hit KO any EX
Pokémon (barring something like Eviolite or Giant Cape).
It’s a very solid attack, even for the cost.
So, does this make Beartic playable? Eh . . . not quite.
It’s actually a pretty good card by most standards.
Unfortunately, the standards at the moment are being set
by 180 HP EX Pokémon dishing out absurd amounts of
damage. A Stage 1 that, despite relatively high HP, is
vulnerable to OHKOs is going to find it very hard to
keep up with the pace of today’s format. A shame really,
because this is as close an attacking Stage 1 has come
in a while. If only it had some kind of defensive
Ability like Bouffalant DRX’s Bouffer . . . oh well.
Modified: 2.75 (so near, yet so far)
Limited: 4 (very good here: high HP and no-one will want
to attack it)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're
reviewing a new Stage 1 Pokemon from Plasma Storm.
Today's Card of the Day is Beartic.
Beartic is a Stage 1 Water Team Plasma Pokemon.
Water-types are still pretty popular right now, with
Blastoise/Keldeo still seeing a lot of play (though the
amount we saw at my local State tournament this weekend
has been less than in recent weeks). As such, Beartic
will need to do something extraordinary in order to see
play. As a Team Plasma Pokemon, Beartic gets Team Plasma
support, such as Colress Machine (with more to come in
upcoming sets). In terms of stats, 130 HP is fantastic
for a Stage 1, allowing Beartic to take most hits in
Modified and survive, barring a Hypnotoxic Laser or a
high-powered hit from Keldeo-EX or Rayquaza-EX. Metal
Weakness is bad right now against the likes of Klinklang
and Cobalion-EX, no Resistance is what we might expect,
and a Retreat Cost of 4 is gigantic, so you'll
definitely want to use Switch or Escape Rope to move
Beartic from the Active Position.
This Plasmafied polar bear has two attacks. Powerful
Rage does 20 damage times the number of damage counters
on Beartic for a Water and a Colorless, which is a very
powerful attack indeed. With a way to reliably build up
damage, Beartic can be quite menacing against the
opponent. Of course, many common attackers in Modified
will OHKO Beartic outright (the aforementioned Keldeo
and Rayquaza, not to mention the common Metal attackers
even boosted Landorus-EX), making this attack a risky
proposition for Modified at best. In Limited, where
attacks do much less damage, Powerful Rage can be a
fantastic offensive move combined with Beartic's huge
HP, and should probably win you some games if you
opponent can't play around it..
Glacier Drop is Beartic's second attack, dealing 90
damage and discarding the top card of your opponent's
deck for two Water and a Colorless Energy. 90 damage for
three Energy isn't too bad nowadays, and the additional
discard, while nice, will rarely be relevant. Even
still, it's nice to be able to potentially disrupt your
opponent, especially if they discard that crucial
Special Energy or last Trainer card that they needed in
order to push the game in their favor.
Modified: 2/5 Beartic is a Pokemon that would likely
see much more play if Pokemon-EX weren't around. Beartic
has good support from both its typing and Team Plasma
status, and its attacks are fairly effective. Of course,
the metagame is relatively unkind to Beartic right now
due to its reliance on being damaged for its most
powerful attack and Metal Weakness. In a different
format, Beartic could be quite effective, but as it
stands, it's not going to make the cut.
Limited: 4.5/5 On the other hand, Beartic is
excellent in Limited. 130 HP is fantastic on a Stage 1,
and should easily survive multiple assaults unless your
opponent is packing a Pokemon-EX. Both attacks are very
good in Limited, with Powerful Rage potentially OHKOing
most opposing threats and Glacier Drop dealing solid
damage while disrupting the opponent. If you're running
Water and pull a Beartic line, it should be an immediate
addition to your Limited build.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Beartic is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon with 130 HP. It is
weak to Metal and has a retreat cost of 4. It is
searchable by Heavy Ball. It is also a Team Plasma
'Powerful Rage' costs 1 Water and 1 Colorless. It does
20 time the number of damage counters on Beartic. I
always thought 'Outrage' was crazy, this is so much
crazier. If it were 'Outrage', it'd max out at 140
(with no Items). This maxs out at 2400. It's
ridiculous. Added that Coloress Machine is out there,
you can power it up in one turn.
'Glacier Drop' costs 2 Water and 1 Colorless energy. It
does 90 and you discard the top card of your opponent's
deck. This is lackluster compared to other attacks. Beartic's
first attack make the damage output of this look like
nothing. The milling is okay (when it doesn't help the
opponent), but there are better milling cards out there.
There's no reason why you would have this Beartic
powered up and you are trying to mill your opponent for
While 'Powerful Rage' is a very, very powerful attack,
it has its flaws. First, you need damage on Beartic.
Any smart opponent would avoid damage on it until they
could OHKO it. Speaking of which, OHKOs are very likely
with the 130 HP. Speed Darkrai decks now can OHKO it
with their combo. Keldeo can take it out with 4 Waters.
Rayquaza does have to spend 1 extra energy to OHKO it,
which I guess is a good thing since Beartic is 10 HP shy
of being OHKOed by 2 energies. Unfortunately it is weak
to Metal, and with the new Klingklang deck, it can see
some trouble (though I haven't seen much Klingklang
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: ...
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