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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Zapdos EX
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 15, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 4.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
is part of the
original Legendary Trio, from back in the day when
each Generation didn’t include 10 different Legendaries.
This makes him a pretty popular Pokémon and I’m sure a
lot of players were very happy when they found out he
was getting the EX treatment.
So, what we have here is a Lightning Type Team Plasma EX
Basic. Team Plasma means that it already has a bit of
support, with more on the horizon. Lightning Typing
means that it could cause problems for
Tornadus-EX, but there isn’t
a whole lot of playable Pokémon out there that it will
be hitting for Weakness. The Resistance to Fighting is
very nice in a format that still contains its share of
Landorus-EX and
Terrakion, while the retreat
cost of one is very manageable. The 170 HP is obviously
good, though these days it does work out as inferior to
180 due to some maths involving
Darkrai-EX, Dark Claw, and
Virbank City Gym (with a previous Night Spear
snipe for 30). Those stats then are pretty average when
taken as a whole. They don’t scream playability, but
they don’t condemn Zapdos to
the binder either. Everything is going to depend on
those attacks.
The first, Agility, costs one Lightning and one
Colourless, so there is the potential to use it on the
first turn with Colress
Machine/Plasma Energy. It does 30
damage and has a coin flip which can prevent all
damage and effects done to Zapdos
on the next turn if it comes up heads. The damage is
fairly lame, but the flip could do a job in protecting
Zapdos early game, or if you
needed to buy a turn later (assuming your opponent can’t
just use Pokémon Catcher and KO something else). It’s
not a terrible option to have, but it does need to be
backed up by something very good to make
Zapdos worthwhile.
And this is where Zapdos is
a bit of a let-down. For two Lightning and
two Colourless Energy,
Powervolt does a base damage
of just 80. However, this is increased to 120 if Zapdos
has a Plasma Energy attached. Even at 120, though, the
attack fails to hit any magic OHKO numbers. It doesn’t
one-shot Stage 2s like Blastoise
or Hydreigon and, even with
Hypnotoxic Laser and
it won’t take down a clean EX Pokémon. Basically, you
are two-shotting anything
that isn’t a non-EX Basic or Stage 1 for a massive four
Energy (one of which has to be Plasma), and that just
isn’t special enough when we compare it to the kind of
power that we see on other EX Pokémon. If you wanted to
attach 4 Energy to an EX, then why not use
Lugia-EX? Same damage
output, but it will take an extra Prize; or how about
Rayquaza-EX which will OHKO
anything in the format for that cost?
In Japan, Zapdos-EX was
released in one of the Battle Strength structure decks.
This is a big clue that it’s going to be pretty mediocre
(just like Reshiram-EX and
Zekrom-EX that were released
the same way). It’s not that Zapdos
is particularly weak or horrible, it’s just that he
offers a lot less than some of his fellow EXs and gives
you no reason to play him over them (unless you really,
really like
the Legendary Birds).
Modified: 2 (outclassed to the point of being almost
Limited: 4.25 (Huge HP and Agility can be super annoying
for the opponent)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we end our Card of
the Day Week by reviewing one of the new Pokemon-EX from
Plasma Storm. Today's Card of the Day is Zapdos-EX.
Zapdos-EX is a Basic Lightning Team Plasma Pokemon-EX.
Lightning Pokemon aren't all that common right now due
to the prevalence of Landorus-EX in today's Modified
metagame, but Zapdos fills a unique niche due to its
secondary video-game typing (which carries over into the
TCG through Resistance). As a Pokemon-EX, however,
Zapdos is going to have to really pull its weight in a
deck, as the opponent takes two Prize cards for Knocking
it Out. Finally, Zapdos is also a Team Plasma Pokemon,
meaning that it gets all of the Team Plasma support,
such as Colress Machine, as well as taking advantage of
Plasma Energy for additional effects. 170 HP is average
for a Pokemon-EX, and Zapdos should be able to easily
take at least one unboosted hit with ease. Lightning
Weakness is not terribly relevant right now, but very
well could be upon the release of the next set, Fighting
Resistance is great against Landorus-EX and Terrakion,
and a Retreat Cost of 1 is easily paid.
Zapdos-EX has two attacks. Agility does 30 damage for
a Lightning and a Colorless while also granting the
Agility effect if you flip heads: prevent all effects of
attacks, including damage, done to Zapdos during your
opponent's next turn. The damage output for this attack
is somewhat lackluster since Zapdos is a Pokemon-EX, but
even still, the Agility effect is usually very good
(albeit unreliable) wherever it shows up, so Zapdos can
work quite well as a staller in Limited with this attack
(though your opponent will likely have ways around it in
Modified). Powervolt starts off at 80 damage for two
Lightning and two Colorless, but does 40 more damage if
Zapdos has a Plasma Energy attached. 80 damage for four
Energy is terrible, but 120 damage for four Energy is
decent. This attack works wonders in Limited, where 120
damage will likely 2HKO the entire format, but is vastly
outclassed in Modified by other main attackers. Overall,
Zapdos-EX is a powerful Pokemon in the Limited format,
but ultimately falls short of making a major impact in
Modified: 2/5 Zapdos-EX could see some play upon the
release of newer Plasma sets with more Plasma support,
however, right now it is badly outclassed by other
attackers. Even the rarely played Zekrom-EX generally
does a better job of attacking than Zapdos, which shows
how truly outclassed the legendary thunderbird is in
today's very fast Modified.
Limited: 5/5 Most Pokemon-EX are a slam dunk in
Limited, where they are rarely opposed easily by your
opponent. Zapdos-EX is no exception to this rule, as
both of its attacks are great for the format. Agility
works wonders in the early game, where even one flip can
stall your opponent out long enough until you get
Powervolt running, after which Zapdos should easily 2HKO
the entire format (of course, you miss out on the 2HKO
for Pokemon-EX if it doesn't have a Plasma Energy
attached). Combining this with high HP and favorable
bottom stats, Zapdos-EX will be a star in your Plasma
Storm Limited builds.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Zapdos EX
Zapdos EX is a Basic Lightning Pokemon with 170 HP. It
is weak to Lightning, resistant to Fighting, and has a
retreat cost of 1. It gives up two prizes and is a Team
Plasma Pokemon.
'Agility' costs 1 Lightning and 1 colorless energy. It
does 30 damage, and if you flip heads, prevents all
effects of attacks done to Zapdos EX on your opponent's
next turn. Kind of sub par compared to other EXs. Only
30 damage... that's really nothing when you have some
that put 60 damage on the field with 1-2 energy.
'Powervolt' costs 2 Lightning and 2 colorless energy.
It does 80 damage, and if there is a Plasma Energy
attached to it, 40 more. Still, not that great of an
attack. There are so many other attackers that put out
as much damage for less (cost and effect).
Unfortunately Zapdos didn't get that great of a card.
It's one of my favorite Pokemon, so of course I was
hoping it would get treated better.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3/5
Combos With: ...
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