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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Moltres EX
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 19, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 4.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
Remember the Zapdos-EX
that we reviewed last Friday? Remember
how it was a typical ‘released in a
Japanese Structure Deck’ EX (i.e.:
pretty mediocre and uninteresting)? Well
today we get to look at its virtual
twin, Moltres-EX.
For some reason, the card designers
decided that only
Articuno was worthy of a set
release and an interesting card.
is a 170 HP Fire Type Basic EX. Fire is
only really good for dealing with
decks at the moment and, as they have
protection from EX attacks, that doesn’t
do much for this card’s chances of
seeing play. Being a Plasma Pokémon, you
can accelerate the Energy a bit with
Machine, which is nice I guess. The
retreat cost of one is very acceptable
and, although the Fighting Resistance is
handy, that Water Weakness will be
causing problems as long as
Keldeo-EX is
still a thing.
For one Fire and one Colourless Energy,
you get Destructive Flame. It does a
poor 30 damage and gives you a coin flip
to discard an Energy
from the Defending Pokémon. The effect
is ok as a bonus, but is too luck-based
to form part of a strategy. If the flip
goes your way, it might just buy you a
turn. Moltres’
other attack, Power Flame, is the exact
same thing we saw on
only with a different name and a Fire
Energy cost instead of a Lightning one.
It does a very mediocre 80 damage, or a
barely adequate 120 if it has a Plasma
Energy attached. Either way, it’s not
enough to make this card a contender.
If I’m rushing through this review, it’s
because I have a massive sense of déjà
vu right now. Pretty much everything I
said about Zapdos-EX
can be applied to this card (except
Zapdos has
better Typing). It’s not just me who is
being lazy . . . the card designers
could have put a bit more effort in
Modified: 1.75 (very forgettable
compared to what else the EX mechanic
Limited: 4.25 (Any big EX is going to be
highly effective here)
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Moltres EX
Moltres EX is a Basic Fire Pokemon with 170 HP. It is
weak to Water, resistant to Fighting, and has a retreat
cost of 1. It gives up 2 Prizes.
'Destructive Flame' costs 1 Fire and 1 Colorless
energy. It does 30, and if heads, you discard and energy
off the defending Pokemon. The damage is low, but the
effect potentially can be good. Against anything the
doesn't accelerate energy from the discard, it is good.
However, the big decks accelerate from the discard...
Any other matchup and its very good.
'Power Flame' costs 2 Fire and 2 Colorless energy. It
does 80, and if a Plasma energy is on it, it does 120.
Not that great of an attack, especially with the
requirement to do more damage.
So the first attack is the best attack. Sadly that
doesn't cut it in this format. Not being able to hit big
is a big disadvantage, and plus you give up 2 Prizes for
this Pokemon. It had potential, but it fell short.
Although this can intimidate Klingklang decks.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
yet another new Pokemon-EX from Plasma Storm that has
been seeing some play as a tech. Today's Card of the Day
is Moltres-EX.
Moltres-EX is a Basic Fire Team Plasma Pokemon-EX.
Fire-types aren't really all that common anymore in
Modified due to the prevalence of Blastoise/Keldeo,
although with the ascent of Klinklang/Cobalion and
Blastoise's slight fall from grace, the type is starting
to make a resurgence. As a Pokemon-EX, you'll need to
make sure you get your money's worth out of Moltres-EX
before it goes down, as your opponent will take two
Prizes. Moltres has 170 HP, which is about average for a
Pokemon-EX, and will allow the firebird to take at least
one huge unboosted hit before going down. Of course,
Moltres' Water Weakness is a major problem against
Keldeo, who will easily Secret Sword for two prizes.
Fighting Resistance is good against the likes of the
common Landorus-EX, and the uncommon-but-still-played
Terrakion. Moltres also has a single Retreat Cost which
is easily paid.
This version of the Flame Pokemon has two attacks.
Destructive Flame does 30 damage and can discard an
Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon for a Fire and
a Colorless, which is just about the standard "weak"
attack we'd expect from a Pokemon-EX these days. Of
course, the attack is rarely worth using in Modified
(although discarding an Energy can be good) since the
damage output is so low. In Limited, Destructive Flame
will do a lot of early-game work for you, and discarding
Energy is always good if the opponent is trying to power
up a large attack. Power Flame is Moltres' big attack,
starting off at 80 damage but dealing 40 more if you
have a Plasma Energy attached for two Fire and two
Colorless. 120 damage for four Energy is a bit expensive
in Modified, although this attack does have the added
bonus of being able to power up with help from Colress
Machine. Of course, in a metagame filled with powerful
effects, Energy acceleration, and even more powerful
hits, Moltres may be left on the sidelines while other
Pokemon with more devastating abilities take the center
Modified: 2.25/5 Moltres-EX has a possibility of
being decent in Modified, but probably not right now.
Team Plasma support isn't quite where it should be yet,
and Moltres does little except dealing heavy hits. Of
course, Pokemon like Rayquaza-EX, Landorus-EX, or even
Keldeo-EX can do more damage consistently without
restrictive Energy requirements, meaning that Moltres is
likely outclassed by these Pokemon. However, Moltres has
been seeing some play as an anti-Metal-type Pokemon
(though it sadly doesn't get through Klinklang's Plasma
Steel). Overall, Moltres is an interesting Team Plasma
Pokemon that may see more play in the future, but right
now, the metagame isn't very kind to it.
Limited: 5/5 It's a Basic Pokemon-EX with damaging
attacks. Of course you want to use it!