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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 20, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.40
Limited: 2.60
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
What is it about Mamoswine
that screams ‘coin flips!’ to the Pokémon card
designers? I have no idea, but the fact remains that out
of the five Mamoswine cards
that have been printed, four have a heavy focus on the
dreaded flip.
This one is no different (in fact it’s pretty extreme,
even for a Mamoswine), but
we’ll get to that later. First we should note that this
is a Stage 2 Pokémon (so it had better be amazing if it
ever wants to leave the binder) with a very nice 150 HP,
putting it out of OHKO range for anything but the
heaviest of hitters (Black Kyurem-EX
and Rayquaza-EX). The Metal
Weakness is . . . ok. Cobalion-EX’s
big attack ignores Weakness, so you would have to run
into a tech Cobalion NVI or
someone attacking with Klinklang
for this to be an issue. The retreat cost of four is all
too predictable and mandates the use of Switch.
Also fairly predictable are the high attack costs. For
one Water and two Colourless (yes,
is Double Colourless compatible!), you get Frost
Stone, giving you a very sub-par return of 50 damage . .
. but wait . . . there’s a coin flip! Hit tails and
there’s a bonus of 20 damage and Paralysis! Paralysis
has lost a bit of its shine recently, what with most
decks running Keldeo-EX or
multiple copies of Switch as a way of Retreating out of
Status Conditions inflicted by
Hypnotoxic Laser. It’s still some handy
disruption though. The trouble is that there are better
ways of doing it: namely with
Accelgor DEX or Articuno-EX
. . . both of which can Paralyse without the need for a
flip. If that’s the strategy you are after, then that’s
the way to go. Still, if you get lucky, you may be able
to buy some time with Frost Stone to set up for
Mamoswine’s mammoth (sorry)
second attack!
Yeah, I probably oversold that just a bit . . .
Continuous Headbutt is in
fact capable of infinite damage, thanks to its ‘flip
until you get tails clause’, but in reality is most
likely to end up doing 90 (or nothing) for four Energy.
Victory Star Victini does
offer a reflip, but you
would have to be desperate to use it unless you did no
damage at all. True, you can OHKO an EX Pokémon with a
run of two heads but . . . come on, are you willing to
take that risk in a tournament? And more importantly,
are you prepared to try and set up a Stage 2
with four Energy to have the
For competitive players, the answer will always be a
resounding ‘no’.
Mamoswine isn’t a
tournament card, it’s a card
to take to league for fun and trolling. Never confuse
those two things.
Modified: 1.5 (too risky and too silly)
Limited: 2 (hard to KO, but even harder to set up)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing a
Stage 2 Pokemon that I always seem to pull whenever I
buy Plasma Storm packs. Today's Card of the Day is
Mamoswine is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon. Water-types are
fairly common right now due to Blastoise/Keldeo, but
since that deck is so powerful, Mamoswine will have to
fill its own niche in order to compete in Modified. 150
HP is great on a Stage 2, allowing Mamoswine to hold up
against some of the metagame's premier threats while
still being able to hit back. Metal Weakness is pretty
bad right now against the likes of Klinklang and
Cobalion, both of which will cause the ice mammoth
problems. Sadly, Mamoswine has no Resistance and a huge
Retreat Cost of 4, so be sure to use Switch or Escape
Rope to get Mamoswine out of the Active Position.
This Twin Tusk Pokemon has two attacks. Frost Stone
starts off at 50 damage for a Water and two Colorless,
but deals 20 more and Paralyzes if you flip heads. 70
damage and Paralysis is pretty good for three Energy,
but is largely too slow for Modified where there are
better options available (Keldeo-EX deals 110 damage for
three Energy, and Articuno-EX can automatically
Paralyze). Continuous Headbutt is a very interesting
move, allowing you to flip a coin until you get tails,
dealing 90 damage for each heads for two Water and two
Colorless Energy. Most of the time you'll either get
nothing or 90 damage, although on occasion you can end
up with 180 damage or more, which will easily OHKO the
entire game. Of course, since this attack is very flippy,
you'll want to have Victory Star Victini or something
like it if you decide to use this attack, but even
still, it likely won't be much good outside of Limited
or in more casual play settings.
Modified: 1.5/5 Keldeo-EX largely outclasses
Mamoswine in terms of consistent damage output, and
Articuno-EX can do a better job with Paralysis. If
you're interested in playing Water in Modified, I'd
stick with Keldeo.
Limited: 3.75/5 Mamoswine is a huge body with
potentially damaging attacks, but requires too many coin
flips in order to be successful. Frost Stone is a very
expensive 50 damage if you flip tails, and a Continuous
Headbutt whiff is even worse. That being said, Mamoswine
has the destructive power to OHKO everything in Plasma
Storm, so you'll have to at least take that into account
when building a deck or facing it in a battle.
Combos With; Victory Star Victini
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Mamoswine is a Stage 2 Water Pokemon with 150 HP. It
is weak to Metal and has a retreat cost of 4.
'Frost Stone' costs 1 Water and 2 Colorless energy.
It does 50 damage, and if heads, 20 more damage and
Paralysis. As we know, status conditions are being
countered now, so the flip heads isn't spectacular.
Neither is the 50/70 from 3 energies.
'Continuous Headbutt' costs 2 Water and 2 Colorless
energy. You flip until you get tails, and it does 90
times the number of heads. The damage output is
definitely good, if you get at least 2 heads. But that
all depends on flipping, and if the attack doesn't at
least have base damage, I tend not to use it.
There is definitely power behind this card, you just
have to invest a lot into it. As for energy costs,
Blastoise could help, but then you have a Stage 2
supporter AND you have to stream Stage 2 attackers.
Hence why it's Keldeo/Blastoise, not Mamoswine/Blastoise...
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 2/5
Combos With: ...
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