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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 21, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2
Limited: 3,87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
It seems kind of wrong to me that today’s card is a Team
Plasma Pokémon. I mean, it’s impossible to think of
Weezing without being
reminded of the one owned by James from Team Rocket.
is a Stage 1 Pokémon with just 100 HP, making it a very
easy KO in the current format. However, that might just
play into Weezing’s hands,
thanks to its Aftermath Ability. This states that when
Weezing is KO’d by an
attack, the opponent discards the top three cards of
their deck.
So, one obvious idea is a mill deck focused around the
Ability. There are two problems with this though:
firstly, the Ability is not activated when
Weezing is knocked out by
Poison, which means a lot of decks will have the option
to finish it off using Hypnotoxic
Laser and not have to worry about triggering the
Aftermath. Secondly, even if you were able to pull off
some tricks with Rescue Scarf or Super Rod to force the
opponent to KO multiple Weezing,
you would only be able to mill a total of 15 cards (the
6th KO would win them the game right there). This isn’t
going to be enough, so you would need to partner
Weezing with another mill
card such as Durant NVI or Aggron
DRX, and the problem there is that you would be
providing your opponent with other targets to hit so
that they could just play around the
Weezing. Not to mention that
it would make the deck more clunky and less focused.
The other way of playing Weezing
would try to make use of its
Smogbank attack, and just treat the Ability as a
useful bonus. For one Psychic and one Colourless Energy,
this does 20 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokémon.
That’s fairly ineffective in itself, so once again you
would need some kind of partner for
Weezing: maybe Lugia-EX
to take extra Prizes after Smogbank
puts their Pokémon within range of its 120 damage Plasma
Gale, or Dusknoir BCR which
could use its Sinister Hand Ability to move the spread
damage around and take KOs. While I don’t see either of
those options as being especially competitive, they
could be fun to try out at league or in casual play.
And that’s basically where we are with
Weezing. It’s a card that
does a couple of interesting things (though sadly with
little or no synergy between them), but neither is
enough to make it tournament calibre. It practically
screams ‘combo me!’ to players, but is ultimately
awkward to use and not as effective as it seems.
Modified: 2 (fun to mess around with, but that’s all for
Limited: 4 (mill is fun with 40 card decks, and spread
works well when most Pokémon have low HP)
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Weezing is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon with 100 HP. It is
weak to Psychic, has a retreat cost of 2, and is a Team
Plasma Pokemon.
'Aftermath' is an ability that when Weezing is Knocked
Out, your opponent discards the top 3 cards of their
'Smogbank' costs 1 Psychic and 1 Colorless energy. It
does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon. This
is okay, I know Kyurem does 'Glaciate' for 3 energy with
30 to each Pokemon (so it seems fair that 2 energy does
20). With the way the game is now, 20 is bairly
anything. It would definitely be better if there were
more weaker Basics floating around (pretty much any
Stage 2 deck minus Squirtle).
So I saved the 'Aftermath' talk for here. Aftermath
seems like one of those abilities that you would center
a deck around. Just running Weezing as part of a deck
and milling 3 the entire game is not going to have a
great impact on your opponent. You want them to mill a
lot. With the way Weezing works, to maximize mill, your
opponent would have to Knock Out 5 Weezing, which is 15
cards. 5 prizes for 15 cards is not a good trade off at
all. When Durant was big, you had a Durant that would
mill ~8 cards before being Knocked Out. That's ~40
cards from the 5 that get Knocked out, plus ~8 from the
6th Durant. That has a lot more impact than 15 cards.
It would have been better if Weezing milled more cards,
then you could build a more solid deck around it.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
Greetings once again, Pojo readers! I hope that you all
are almost ready for the last weekend of State/Province
Championships this weekend! Today we're going to be
reviewing a card that probably won't be seeing much play
there, but is interesting nonetheless. Today's Card of
the Day is Weezing from Plasma Storm.
Weezing is a Stage 1 Psychic Team Plasma Pokemon. As a
Psychic-type, Weezing has stiff competition against
Mewtwo-EX in Modified, so it's going to have to be able
to fill a niche where the Genetic Pokemon can't, a tough
act to follow. As a Team Plasma Pokemon, Weezing can be
powered up by Colress Machine and will get other forms
of Team Plasma support in later sets. 100 HP is pretty
standard for a Stage 1 these days, and unfortunately,
Weezing won't be able to survive most of Modified's big
hits before going down. Of course, it still should be
able to stand up for a while in Limited. Psychic
Weakness is bad against the likes of the aforementioned
Mewtwo, which will easily KO if Weezing has any Energy
attached (or if Mewtwo has 3). Weezing also has no
Resistance and a Retreat Cost of 2, which is payable in
a pinch (but you shouldn't want to make a habit out of
The Poison Gas Pokemon has an Ability and a single
attack. Aftermath discards the top three cards of your
opponent's deck after Weezing is Knocked Out, which is
honestly not relevant most of the time. While "milling"
was good once upon a time with Durant NVI, the recursion
options in the current Modified metagame are too strong
for this Ability to make much of a difference. Of
course, free discard is never a bad thing either,
forcing the opponent to use resources where they
wouldn't have had to before. That being said, in order
for Weezing to see play, the attack had better be pretty
Smogbank is Weezing's attack, dealing 20 damage to each
of your opponent's Pokemon for a Psychic and a
Colorless. This attack is actually pretty good, only not
in Modified right now, where your opponent will likely
be running huge Pokemon-EX with even bigger attacks.
This attack is an absolute powerhouse in Limited since
it puts your opponent on a clock, and that is
unfortunately where Weezing has to stay for the time
Modified: 2/5 Weezing, like many other Pokemon, is a
victim of the Modified metagame. While Aftermath isn't
anything special, Smogbank could be incredible in the
right format, as it is an impressive spreading attack
for a low Energy cost. That being said, with Pokemon-EX
having HP values well above 150 and attacks easily
dealing 100+ damage a turn, true spread strategies are
dead at the moment, leaving Weezing to watch on the
Limited: 4.5/5 Weezing is a powerhouse in Limited.
Aftermath CAN actually make a difference here as the
opponent probably won't have many recursion options, and
Smogbank is fantastic for the cost, probably putting
your opponent on a four- to six-turn clock. The only
possible problem with Weezing is its somewhat low HP,
but even still, its spreading potential more than makes
up for it.