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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 22, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.13
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
We round off the week with a review of
Lunatone. Often this card
gets paired with Solrock to
achieve some kind of effect, but not in this case. Can
Lunatone do enough without
its sunny counterpart to be worth playing? Let’s find
is a Fighting Type unevolving
Basic with 90 HP. He should be able to survive the first
turn, but after that, this Pokémon becomes a very easy
KO for just about every deck. The Grass Weakness isn’t
very important, but the high retreat cost of three is:
this card is a horrible starter that practically forces
you to waste a Switch. Meanwhile,
Lunatone has a single attack, Rock Throw, which
is both horrible and vanillish,
doing just 30 damage for a
Fighting and a Colourless Energy.
The only real thing that Lunatone
has to offer is his Premonition Ability. This allows you
to look at, and re-arrange, the top two cards of your
deck. Kind of like a really rubbish
version of Pokedex.
This doesn’t even work with most draw cards as you will
be taking more than two anyway, so what does it matter
what order they are in? I suppose you could use it to
fix your draw at the start of each turn, but from a
choice of two? Not really worth it.
The only place I have seen Lunatone
find a home is in some decks that try to use Ether to
accelerate Energy on to their Pokémon. If
Pokedex isn’t available,
Premonition allows you to check to see if Ether will
work if played, and maybe fix the top two cards so that
it does. It’s a handy card to have in those situations
for sure, but Ether decks haven’t really made much of an
impact since release and not all of them run
Lunatone anyway, mainly
because it’s a real liability if it is ever active.
If Premonition had the same effect as
Pokedex, this would have
been a great card for Ether decks. As it is, it barely
does enough for them, and is pretty much worthless
anywhere else.
Modified: 1.75 (They made the Ability far too weak)
Limited: 2 (eh . . . Ability is better than nothing, but
everything else is useless)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we end our CoTD week
with a Basic Pokemon that could see some play as a combo
piece. Today's Card of the Day is Lunatone.
Lunatone is a Basic Fighting Pokemon. Landorus-EX is by
far the most common Fighting Pokemon in Modified right
now, although Terrakion NVI still sees play from time to
time. 90 HP is pretty decent for a Basic Pokemon,
although Lunatone will still be an easy KO for most
fully-powered Pokemon in Modified. Grass Weakness isn't
that big of a problem right now, although you will see
the occasional Virizion NVI or Shaymin-EX; no Resistance
is what we've come to expect from most Pokemon in the
Pokemon TCG; and a Retreat Cost of 1 is pretty good, and
easily paid for.
The Meteorite Pokemon has an Ability and a single
attack. Premonition allows you to look at the top 2
cards of your deck and put them back in any order, which
is potentially quite powerful. Card draw is always
pretty important in the Pokemon TCG, and being able to
stack your draws can be incredibly helpful to get
yourself closer to that crucial Trainer or Energy card.
Speaking of Energy, Lunatone is a perfect partner for
Ether, as Lunatone's ability to put Energy on the top of
the deck will facilitate Ether's acceleration. Of
course, Lunatone works well with other cards that rely
on the top of the deck too, but Ether seems to be the
most obvious and common right now.
Lunatone's Rock Throw attack is nothing spectacular,
dealing 30 damage for a Fighting and a Colorless. You
will almost never use this attack in Modified (it's way
too weak for its Energy cost), but it can be useful in a
pinch in Limited. Overall, you should stick to using
Lunatone for its Premonition Ability.
Modified: 2.5/5 Lunatone has potential as a combo piece
along with Ether, although you may not want to use the
Bench space for it. 90 HP makes the lunar meteorite an
easy KO for your opponent most of the time, and this may
not be worth the trade-off for increased Energy
acceleration with Ether. That being said, Lunatone may
work in a deck requiring fast Energy acceleration (with
Lugia-EX, perhaps?) or any other deck that may need
Limited: 3/5 Lunatone is good in Limited too, but for a
different reason. Premonition is still great for
stacking draws here, as card draw is relatively uncommon
in Limited and it can be very important to get that
crucial Evolution or Trainer card here. Also, if
Lunatone actually has to attack, 30 damage for 2 Energy
isn't so terrible in Limited, either.
Combos with: Ether |
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Lunatone is a Basic Fighting Pokemon with 90 HP. It is
weak to Grass and has a retreat cost of 3. It is
searchable by both Level and Heavy Ball.
'Premonition' is an ability that lets you look at the
top two cards of your deck and put them in any order.
The best use for this is comboing with Ether. Use the
ability, put an energy on top, then play Ether. It's
pretty much a mini Pokedex in Pokemon form. There are
other Pokemon you can combo it with, Heatmor being one
off the top of my head. You can also just use it to see
what you get on your next draw.
'Rock Throw' costs 1 Fighting and 1 Colorless energy.
It does 30 damage. Not spectacular, but decent, seeing
as how it has a semi decent ability.
It's great that its easily searchable. That means you
can get the combo set up a little quicker. But it also
is a liability. If it gets Cathered up, you either have
to burn a Switch or let it get Knocked Out.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2/5
Combos With: Ether
Questions, comments, concerns: